

you'd be advised to chance your listed interests before I change mine to 'Killing Kevars in front of Kobolds' :x
I for one hope he doesn't wuss out...
It'd be a fun show... I'll tape it for you.
Meh... did you miss the three page topic entitled "MARCENA!"?
In all fairness I've been keeping poor Kevar hopping with updating our fancy, well written website at :mrgreen:
nice website! i liked seeing the uhh....monkey people? what were those?????
Hmmm, maybe I will slaughter a small village of Kobolds...

Yesh Shir! The Webshite is going good!
Don't come crawling to me or Runir when you get waylayed
If he goes crawling to anyone when he gets waylaid (waylayed looks wrong... oh well) he's a big fat cheater ;-)
Nuh uh! Don't you worry, Kev. If Lurin waylays you, just come Marcey's way. She'll straighten him out but good! ;) Yessir! He will get a firm talking to, he will!
Haha, I will count on it.
Oh yeah! What she'll say to him will just tear him apart! What with the eyes all big and teary and that "how COULD you?" look she gets! Oh yeah! He's a goner! :D
All I ment was Kobolds are known to waylay, and why would you want to slay poor innocent kobolds, they haven't done anything to us.
I remember the first time Marcey saw a Kobald...."I shall laugh myself to death at this puppy headed monster! I afraid of him? Ah! Twere silliness!" She fed them, groomed them, and protected them from a bunch of mean townsfolk who were trying to rob them of "shineys".
Haha, sounds like a good time >.<