Kevar's Search.


People of Wayside,

My name is Kevar Byrne, member to the Order of the Earthen Fist. As many of you already know me I will leave the formalities for another time. If you do not know me, well I apologize, someday I hope to be honored with an introduction from you in person.

However tonight I have more pressing matters than trivial formalities or making new acquaintances. I have recently been away from my duties at our Chapter House in Albor to visit the land of my childhood. There have been some issues with bandits and undead as of late, nothing that my brothers and I have not been able to set balance to with ease. This has kept me preoccupied enough to where I have not sent a pigeon to Master Lurin or Master Runir in quite some moons. So, as the problem waned I set back to the Chapter House, to find that neither was present, and hadn't been for quite some time. To finish this tale, I had to return to aid my brothers and Father in reconstruction and clean up of a few burned out buildings. This is where I get a little wary, and why I cannot really on my own personal means.

I sent pigeons to every contact that I had been privileged enough to be informed of, only to find that none knew of their whereabouts, or had head from them in quite some time. I also sent a message with a Currier and guardsmen to both Runir and Lurin, in hopes that these capable men could reach them. All of this to no avail. So one question stands, where are my comrades in arms, my brothers in cause, my teacher and master, my friends?

If anyone has heard from them, or of their whereabouts I would be grateful beyond measure for such knowledge. I ask that this letter of the Dream be announced to not only my fellow adventurers, but any citizen that may lend ear. I give you my word that the Order still stands, in defense of those that cannot defend themselves.

Attaining the whereabouts of GuildMaster Lurin and ArmsMaster Runir is a task that I have undertaken with utmost haste, and urgency. Such is the reason that I call upon my friends of Wayside, and all others that may read these words.

May you find warmth from Winter's sweet embrace,
Kevar Byrne, Member to the Order of the Earthen Fist.
Honorable Kevar,

Neither Lurin nor Runir have been seen in Wayside for many a moon. Lurin was last seen escaping custody on charges of murder, with Runir at his side. Since then, they fled Wayside, and never returned. I am sorry that you search has not proven fruitful yet.

Garmok Stoneskull
I don't know where you were friend, but I don't recall no fleeing last time Lurin was in town. I answered the call to arms from Sheriff Hennesey myself, manned a barracade for a good four to five hours before things were resolved in a more peacable fashion. Best I ken recall most of my neighbors were there with me, now I'm not much for fighting usually but it seems ta me that charging a man with murder fer offing one of them fanged undead fellows is a bit outside of what a reasonable man can go along with. Still, as the story was told to me afterword, even with all of us common folk, and the adventurers in town stood ready ta fight, Lurin turned himself in instead of being the cause of a fight. I think mistress Liddia ended up getting him off in the end.

Now I might be rememberin things wrong, but I don't think so. A man giving himself up so you don't have ta fight is the kind of thing that sticks out in yer head if you know what I mean. My cousin got some supplies awhile after that to help replant his fields after that volcano decided it was time to start spitting fire all over the place from the Order.

I wish I could point ya the right way Kevar but near as I ken tell nobody round these parts have seen either of em for quite awhile, though I don't think it has anything to do with em being on the lam.

Rundig Gilbertson
I'll bet he probably just got lost, Durls gone wandering a couple of times and it took him awhile to find his way back, does Lurin know the 'Walk away from the Sun' trick? Its the best way to get back to Wayside from just about anywhere.

I heard Lurin and Runir were seen headed into the woods up near Timpany. Word has it they were making sure people were healing up ok after the summer's attack by them brood things.

That's what I heard.

Jack Seesaw.
I do not remember your face Rundig Gilbertson, your words nest with my own understanding of Guildmaster Tuhan. The Brotherhood of the Light brought charges against the man for leading an illegal sortie against the late Prince Quassim - charges which he answered and were dismissed. As far as I know, he ran from nothing, but responded to the Magistrate's call with truth and candor - in fact, the entire Town of Briarpass, as well as Magistrate Michael and his retinue, comported themselves quite admirably in that time of great stress.

Though, as to his, or his Master at Arms, locations, I cannot say. Last I heard, they had returned to Albor to administer duties there. If they are missing or otherwise engaged, the burden's they carried in Albor must weigh heavily upon their compatriots.

Kevar Byrne, am I to understand you are taking the reigns of the Earthen Fist until the guildmaster returns?

Master Dramthin Hartsboon
Simple Keeper of the Tainted Grove
Mobius said:
I do not remember your face Rundig Gilbertson, your words nest with my own understanding of Guildmaster Tuhan. The Brotherhood of the Light brought charges against the man for leading an illegal sortie against the late Prince Quassim - charges which he answered and were dismissed. As far as I know, he ran from nothing, but responded to the Magistrate's call with truth and candor - in fact, the entire Town of Briarpass, as well as Magistrate Michael and his retinue, comported themselves quite admirably in that time of great stress.

Though, as to his, or his Master at Arms, locations, I cannot say. Last I heard, they had returned to Albor to administer duties there. If they are missing or otherwise engaged, the burden's they carried in Albor must weigh heavily upon their compatriots.

Kevar Byrne, am I to understand you are taking the reigns of the Earthen Fist until the guildmaster returns?

Master Dramthin Hartsboon
Simple Keeper of the Tainted Grove

Honorable Kevar and Honorable Master Hartsboon,

I did not mean to imply that Lurin and Runir were on the lam, just that after the legal affair, they left our community and hadn't been seen around again.

Garmok Stoneskull

It almost warms my heart to see you here, hale and hearty. I am glad you've returned in tact.

I've not seen nor heard from Runir in months, much to my eternal sadness. Lurin has also been silent for some time. I know not where they went, only that Lurin pidgeoned something to Hennessey not long after he departed. This would, at some other time, give you a place to begin your search, but alas Hennessey has also been given to wanderlust as well.

Disheartening as it is, it appears that your search may be somewhat futile.

I probably will not be able to rouse myself from my bed for this market day. I find myself so cold and tired and... lackluster about most everything anymore. Ennui fills my cup to the brim, it seems.

Let's hope it doesn't spill out onto the saucer, and that I can rouse myself for the October market day in time to see the leaves begin to change color.
It is indeed good to be back in the Dream my friend. I thank you for your information, I will send a slew of pigeons and couriers to locate Hennessey. I am saddened to hear of your current state, however perhaps you can join me in Wayside in a few moons. It seems that things may be settling down once again, I may be able to pull myself away long enough to travel the Mysts once more.

May you find warmth from Winter's sweet embrace,
Kevar Byrne

It is good to hear from you friend, have you been keeping yourself out of trouble? Of course not, who am I to assume that you would be. That is for another time however. The Order is functioning as it always has, protecting those who cannot protect themselves. Though our logistics has been hampered slightly, Lurin has trained us well, in case he ever took an extended leave without notice.
I have indeed been organizing the primary activities as of late, it seems that I was the one to turn to in case of this event. I guess as personal apprentice to Runir, and a trusted friend and guard of Lurin I was seen as more then a humble Member to the Order. However I do not enjoy such responsibilities, I feel as though they are unearned, until the day that I am honored with a formal promotion. Alas I must fill the role for the time being, duty is a burden that I bear with pride.
If you have anyone that you may contact to acquire any information for me I would be greatly appreciative. I know that you are an individual that likes to know what is going on, so perhaps you may be able to extend your ear on my behalf.

May you find warmth from Winter's sweet embrace,
Kevar Byrne

I have not seen the two of them as of late either, though i"m sure that i had heard that they had gone to help somewhere. I will though offer, since Lurin and Runir have gone away, you may stay with me whenever we are both in town at the same time. I will always have a place for you to sleep and be safe. I wish that I could be in town more this fall but I have duties else where for the time being... perhaps I will see you again soon and we can go and work with Thorn on our training.
I to have many duties that are keeping me away from Wayside, my spirit grows restless. A restless spirit can not agitate those that have duties to preform, soon I shall find time to travel the Myst once more. The nights in Wayside can grow quite cold, I welcome your invitation for dry warmth where I may rest. Though I can not say if there will be much time to rest, I have been away from my studies under Master Thorne for quite some time.

Be sure to send greetings to Cumulo and Baratheon. I must part from the Dream for now, there is much work to be done. My search continues.

May you find warmth from Winter's sweet embrace,
Kevar Byrne, Member to the Order of the Earthen Fist.