Kids Event 2013

For that matter, is there a place to easily reference the different policies and such for the kids event? I have a friend who is curious about Alliance and his daughter is as well. I'd like to have a place to point and say, "There, check that out."
Hey adults that are coming to entertain the kids that weekend! My bday falls on the 24th. So you're all invited to my party. It will be at Faireplay, and it's gonna be really fun.

I can't think of a better way to celebrate than helping the next generation enjoy larp.


:sorcerer: Justin

Let's have a big birthday bash!

Also, bring your kids to this amazing event. I promise they will have a great time!!!

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
I"m working on planning to add an IG B-day party for one of Justin's alter-ego's! Yay, cupcakes!!!! :-)

Also, for ages, the youngest age for the kids event is 5 and I think, considering the change in the paging policy, I would think it would go up to 16. (Mike, Erik, Brian, etc, can you confirm?)
BUT, if we do allow up to 16 to play the kids event, they would just need to understand that there's a lot of younger players that come and they would need to be understanding to that. (There's a big difference what will entertain kids at 5-8 vs. 15-16.) However, that being said, if we get some older players to come, we may be able to run a more nightime/scary mod. The last couple of times, the younger ones were a little too afraid to try something like that and there wasn't enough of the older ones that wanted to to be able to run something scarier, if I remember correctly.

kathyrosen said:
Also, for ages, the youngest age for the kids event is 5 and I think

Ah well, guess it will be a while before we can come! Thanks!
16-year olds are allowed to play the full game (with parental permission). It is just the 14 and 15 year olds that got cut off recently. Those are the two new ages you might want to add.

:( Yeah, she won't be 5 for 2 more years. She's just a very old 3 :) ... lol
mikestrauss said:
16-year olds are allowed to play the full game (with parental permission). It is just the 14 and 15 year olds that got cut off recently. Those are the two new ages you might want to add.


I think everyone knew what I meant. I'm not the official word, anyhow. :thumbsup:
Anyone know of any other kid LARP events in the NY/NJ area this summer through other LARP groups* or cons or other places?

My son is 11 so can't attend regular events but would like to check it out at an event for kids.


* Yes, I know, there AREN'T any other LARP groups but Alliance! ;)
mikestrauss said:
16-year olds are allowed to play the full game (with parental permission). It is just the 14 and 15 year olds that got cut off recently. Those are the two new ages you might want to add.


When did that change? I was under the impression that HQ went 18+?
RiddickDale said:
mikestrauss said:
16-year olds are allowed to play the full game (with parental permission). It is just the 14 and 15 year olds that got cut off recently. Those are the two new ages you might want to add.


When did that change? I was under the impression that HQ went 18+?

Nope, they got rid of pages under 16. Still a 16+ chapter.
Hey everyone,
I've set up a FB page/group for the Kids Event. If you didn't get an invite and want one, just send me a friend request and I'll get you added. I tried but can't seem to add people who aren't on mine.

Going to try and make it to Npc for at least a day.
Heya, lately I've been getting FB friend requests from um, attractive, young ladies that I don't recognize at all. So I've ignored them. If anyone here has sent me one that was ignored, hit me up here first, so I know who ya are. :) Thanks!