Kid's Event July 21-22, 2012

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Crossroads Staff
Alrighty! We're just over a week away from our Kid's event and we're hoping to have a whole lot of fun running around with all the kiddos that are coming to play.

Just wanted to throw out some details and reminders on the event and what to expect.

It is a 2-day event! We start running with the kids Saturday around 10-11 once we've got everyone logistified and ready to go with their slays, healing hands, and glue. We will pause the kid portion of the game at dusk and resume it again on Sunday and end around 1ish. Adults who are there to PC and have registered for the faire day, will then get to participate in the evening modules set up for the adults.

Rules and basic information for the kid's event can be found here:

We will NOT be provided breakfast or lunch on Saturday. Please come fed and bring a bagged lunch for your kidlets. NOTE ALLERGIES: No peanut products, shellfish, or poppy seeds. Pretty please, we don't want to kill off our staff for reals.

We will be providing dinner on Saturday evening and breakfast on Sunday. Details of that are still to be determined.

***If we can get fruit donations, we will happily provide cut up fruit in the tavern for everyone to rehydrate and re-nourish themselves with.

Please register your children and yourselves for the Faire Day as soon as able, we need to get a head count for food and accurate planning.
Registration and payment information can be found here:
Registration for kids:
Registration for adults:
Let's get those rolling in!

We need bodies for the kids to swing at and to chase around, we have a fun schedule set up for the weekend, but need the volunteers to make it happen. Please register to NPC at the adult link above so we can get a head count and know who can send many praises to for your help!
If you want to participate in the Faire Day adult portion, but don't have kiddos to chaperone, you're more than welcome to npc the day stuff with us and then switch over after dinner.

If you are staying overnight on Saturday and are in need of a roof to sleep under, please let me know ( and how many and I will reserve a lean-to or platform tent for you. Please note, they are empty cabins, so all bedding materials will need to be provided by yourselves. Everyone is also more than welcome to pitch a tent over in our tent city area by the bath house.

If you are bringing your child to game and are NOT planning on participating in the adult portion of the evening, you are welcome to come as any PC character you have, even if they are over our 185exp level cap. Please note, adults are 100% non combat active during the day; but feel free to role play your hearts out with the kiddos and other adults.

I think that's it for now, if more comes up or if you have any questions, post here or shoot me an email.

Can't wait! :D
Ok, so for the adult part. How is this working? Are we just signing up for mods...will we be able do to more than one mod? Will there be Rping done in the tavern while others are on mods....????? Just tryin to see how things are going to be run. I know you guys àn gals had said something about at least 4 people for a mod?

So on a side note...who's going to be pc'in the adult faire part???
The adult part should run just like the evening portion of an event, minus any wave battles and minimal crunchies. Due to kids trying to sleep, we'll be keeping IG stuff away from cabin areas (Sky and the back end of Earth Town), but things should have a pretty normal feel to them. We'll be running a few mods, depending on number of PCs and interest will determine who goes on what and where. I'm gonna go with who goes on what is up to all you PCs.

Hope that answers it...if not, I'll get back to you after checking in with the plotty plots.
Ok...just paid for the kids event....I did pre-reg'd them awhile ago...not sure if you got it or should I redo the reg for them....and I still need to do my own pre-reg for the adult stuff....
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