Killing Blow & "Smart" Defenses

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Alliance Rules
Gettysburg Staff
You are webbed by a claw-wielding monster with an X carrier.

Said monster then proceeds to killing blow you.

You have a Resist X.

Can you Resist the Killing Blow?

If you had a Cloak for the appropriate effect group could you use that?

If you had a Bane for the appropriate effect group could you use that?

If yes to the Bane question, does the monster (if effected by the carrier) take the killing blow?

You may Resist or Cloak such a Killing Blow (though as always keep in mind that a 'Magic' carrier may not be resisted via the Resist Magic skill). You may Bane such a Killing Blow, but the target will not be affected by it as they are not incapacitated themselves and are thus not subject to Killing Blow effects.
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