Labor Day event favorites: Back to the Blight

Alliance Chicago

Chicago Staff
Another great event in the books. Thank you to everyone for coming out!

A few of my favourites

My recurring NPC’s name was captain Mark. I made sure people remembered it. Making a dramatic doomed lover mod then during the event deciding to turn it into a “the room” reference. When Ian turned to me and dropped the “oh hi mark” and for Alexander to start losing it was the best payoff.

I’m pleased with how the league of legends mod turned out.

Claire being the MVP at the final vampire fight, pelting me with magics, getting me as lord Fritz to my knees then me slowly crawling toward her to drain her blood after my minion downed her, only for star to swoop in at literally the last second to stop me.

Also the eyes wide shut mod. It was peak rathfall.

There are probably more, but I am busy
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So many moments scattered throughout the 3day:

The beginning of the legend of Barnaby. He took down ALL 3 lower towers on the LoL mod, found Bastard Blight and saved his people AND didn't get sun burnt! What can't he do?

Making my entire Day 3 card Anti Undead and using everything I had against Ethan and Alex. I went down more times that fight than I have in years and it was fantastic.

Alex about to drain my blood as we're both lying on our stomachs as fighting is all around us. "Maybe we just sit up and do this. Resume the position"

Ping Pong Briar the Wraith

Seeing 233 Sea Shells painted and over 1200 levels of spells imbued. We went over and beyond, and we MADE a constellation!

The food was so good!

The unified look of all the soldiers as they were marched in by the Arch Duke. That was so friggin cool.

The Maps were a great touch for scouting.

Hanging out with Nate and Carrie again as Nyio and Pebbles. Adjacent, fanged creature charging me, "Shiny help me!" in the most damsel in distress voice I could muster. Nay would of been proud.

The Mother of Waves can smile?

Trying to keep it together as David the Coongul picked up Emma the baby turtle as she panicked and screamed her heart out. We saved all 10 baby turtles and only 2 were forever traumatized!
I had a lot of fun this weekend! Everything with Moon Father. But very specifically all of the Selunari stuff. From star communing and magic vs science debates with Baroness Fallingstar and the witnessing the birth of a new constellation and starting a Csillagos. You are all automatically part of the family now (especially if you took up the mark) and we are going have to come up with a cool name.
Witness me! The Hobbling Blight mod on the first night. Was very strange as it felts like a PC mod but built for the NPCs. Loved it!
"Shen, what are you doing?
-Im painting Sea Shells....
Okay, well come on were gonna go adventure now.
- no can do, the reported wife of moon father via their Herald desires painted shells. A cosmic entity has asked for humility & sacrafice to improve relations and also affect the current state of affairs of the Moon and his chosen & children. I'm a Celestialist, and been planning this all week - I'm painting f* sea shells because that's what the cosmic entity asked for.

Besides, I just got the mucus color I need for a pearl in this one...

And waiting for the layers to dry in this one.

-2 hrs later

"Hey what does this look like?"
- a falling star, put Lydia's shell back.
"Nope, sigh... need to paint it different..."
Repeat like 10 times
"What's this"
-oh its not a falling star it's an AnglerFish!

"Yes. Now I can go and adventure...."

* final mod, doing the sister act two Whoopie Spin as I hear Lydia say wtf she just said... <hit by alex> what was that - ouch, got it. Alex notices what distracted me and hears lydia, hit Alex to reverse the exchange.

* guarding a big ritual with Nyio and Pebbles... wondering off because vampires are sneaking up on friends, naturally I should sneak up on vampires. Rule 7, double tap. All vampires get KBA twice... all of them.

* "here's where we're going, here's what we are fighting - here is how you instantly kill them... "
- wait, the plants die instant to 'x'
"Yes, your forcing them to hibernate"
- shen you try out the strangest ideas just to see what happens...
"It's how I know 'x' kills them instantly, I try out things that people don't expect."

* I'm gonna catch the lightning and throw it back at them.
- 5 other people dive to take the Kill Shot Elemental strike of lightning
Finally catch the lightning ball, "Bane!" And throw it back at the NPC (ethan) who just accepts it as (altered) increases the bounced arc count and throws it right back at me but double dmg (dodge)....
- it tried to kill me, that's not how it's supposed to happen
... Sarvy & Asher in unison "lightning is literally bouncing off of them, what did you think was gonna happen?"
- but I caught it, and threw it back - best Bane ever!
.... whatever makes you happy shen.

* a conversation that #TotesDidntHappen with Master Weaver Jonas

* the continued ethical drama "why are vampires and werewolves "evil" ?" And nearly every single person agreeing that they aren't evil as a group, but as individuals. The favorite being "but they eat people".... <looks down at your plate of chicken, back at you... back to the chicken...> so eating animals is wrong then?
So good to be back in the saddle again! It's been far to long on the other side of the fence line!!!!!!

Getting to meet so many new people.

Hearing all of the Pebbles stories as people introduce me to there friends because saying "This is Pebbles", just isn't enough ...LOL

The undead shamble and trying so hard not to laugh us Shiny steps on and destroys a frog that the undead pointed out.

Getting called "Hammer and Oathsworn" when the Knight appeared on the field and others wanted assistance.

Hearing Asher's damsel in distress voice of "Help me Shiny".

The old people mod!!!!!!!!! We need to organize one of those every market day. Next time we need some caramels.

Having the idea late Sunday afternoon to paint strips of bright color on all of the seashells, laughing uncontrollably about it. The people around me know Pebbles, I hear "Please don't" as I'm dying from laughter cause they know I would 100% do it.

Giving Asher a silver for her "troubles". BAHAHAHA

Seeing all of the interactive props used during mods! and the tavern Decor! love the dark, winding trail mods. And the go find it...Willowwhisp. Wish it wouldn't have been so hot, we would have done so much more. Great job guys!


Can't wait to come back guys!!! You are pulling us back into the PC mood.
Oh boy, so many good moments.

Aiden mistwalking in to Rathfall after receiving three separate letters from Wardens asking for aid...only to end up smack dab in the middle of the Blight. Thanks for the warning, gang.

Taking down Lady Felicia in an honor duel after she killed Eli and made Barnaby her own personal blood bag...and then sitting there, stake in her heart, paralyzed while Sarvey and Euthymia double disintegrated her.

Watching Shen's horrified reaction to me popping my finger back into place.

Jared as the Blight Knight: 30 chaos! 30 chaos!
No effect! No effect!
30 normal! 30 normal!
Oh **** oh **** oh ****.

Meeting Barnaby as Aiden was a treat.

Hearing someone say that they feel really safe when I'm on the front lines warmed my soul, thanks gang (didn't help with the sweating though).

Me: Where are the vampires?
Alex as Lord Fritz: I think they're over there50 MASSIVE!
Well played, sir....ow.

Me attempting to blow the rest of my card on crunchies on Saturday before remem:
500 body!
Emma as a construct: (slow grin) Parry!

Being included in the Ritual of Woe. Very honored that you thought of me.

These are just a few...I'm sure there are more. Thank you all for a great event!
Oh boy, so many good moments.

Aiden mistwalking in to Rathfall after receiving three separate letters from Wardens asking for aid...only to end up smack dab in the middle of the Blight. Thanks for the warning, gang.

Taking down Lady Felicia in an honor duel after she killed Eli and made Barnaby her own personal blood bag...and then sitting there, stake in her heart, paralyzed while Sarvey and Euthymia double disintegrated her.

Watching Shen's horrified reaction to me popping my finger back into place.

Jared as the Blight Knight: 30 chaos! 30 chaos!
No effect! No effect!
30 normal! 30 normal!
Oh **** oh **** oh ****.

Meeting Barnaby as Aiden was a treat.

Hearing someone say that they feel really safe when I'm on the front lines warmed my soul, thanks gang (didn't help with the sweating though).

Me: Where are the vampires?
Alex as Lord Fritz: I think they're over there50 MASSIVE!
Well played, sir....ow.

Me attempting to blow the rest of my card on crunchies on Saturday before remem:
500 body!
Emma as a construct: (slow grin) Parry!

Being included in the Ritual of Woe. Very honored that you thought of me.

These are just a few...I'm sure there are more. Thank you all for a great event!
i wish i was there with you guys
Oh man, this event…

Watching Elmira convince the hippohawks to fly away after feeding them.

Convincing Aiden to come to Rathfall *chefs kiss*.

The TERRIFYING moments of preventing Aura from sinking into the ground.

The story of my death:
A vampire script to the tune of “Pumped Up Kicks” that was interrupted perfectly simultaneously as the final word was said. The most INTENSE round of roshambo over my life then happened. Felicia won and I disintegrated. Then, not 3 seconds into rezzing, Sarvy visibly bouncing off the earth circle and sacrificing for me.

Getting Nyo’s help with my first set of magic armor.
This event was fantastic! Thank you!

I got to see a lot of the planning people put into it before hand- hundreds of hours of preparation went into this weekend. An extra full day and night adds a lot!

Derek. You play a king in rathfall but you are a king for real. You work so damn hard to make as many people as you can feel like a badass. “When I talk to managers I get the feeling they are important. When I talk to leaders, I feel important.” This quote makes me think of you. You meet this game with a saints patience and a creative genius. Thank you! Thank you for coaching me on writing Claire’s IBGA!

Ian,Ethan, Alex, Jared, Ana, Stephanie, JT - thank you for your work! The plot meetings I’ve been to I see how much you care and how deeeeeeeep the lore runs. Damn. All we need is our own language and we rival Tolkien! (Jk Ana already wrote a new language!)Logistics- printing- cutting - planning- im very proud to call you all my friends.

Running a mod for the first time with no other plot was very nerve wracking but I LOVED it!! Baby turtles!!! Adlao singing while hallucinating- Emma’s baby turtle face- David and Myk being a good challenge! Popsicles! Thank you.

HOLY HELL SEASHELLS. Claire brought at least 100 so I didn’t think we needed mine at first…. Dead wrong! I’m so impressed!!!!!!! I got teary eyed when the list of 230 spells was handed to me!

Gale fan girl attitude when she saw me as mother of waves - I felt like a celebrity for 5 seconds!

Stephanie’s costume in TRIAL

Getting to make a constellation with players. I can’t wait to hear the name!!!

Help writing letters … then hearing how they were savagely redacted!

Ana and I going insane in the car.

So glad Ana came up to me and got me to join the vampire mod- Jeremy coming in afterwards and yelling at us hard -me in stitches - Briar - I almost cried in RP!

Jordan was best cook and roommate!
“Im sorry”
“No you’re not”
“You’re right, I’m not.”
Giggles until we passed out

I had some quiet moments this weekend too- that I treasured - it was hard to work Saturday and miss all that content but glad I came back asap! Alone quiet moments are rare for me at home - so a few times just sitting on my bunk… just nice.
so many things! First Thanks Plot and NPC's for the amazing weekend. Jordan, Cal, and I really need to ask your name other kitchen person, thanks for all of the amazing things that the kitchen turned out this weekend, the food was so good!

In no particular order

  • All of the people that travelled from so many places to join us! Wow!!! it was nice to meet so many of you.
  • Maestro - Probably one of my favorite mods of the season, a tale of the blight in two parts.
  • Fae Deals
    • "Wow Klack, so smart only you and I didn't make a deal.." "Yeah, I'm currently finishing up my last one, don't need another."
  • The Night Market, such an elaborate set up. Very distinct!
  • Klack finding untainted blight seeds, and the beginning of the new high orc glade in Rathfall. (Not made up entirely of high orcs)
  • High Guru RP
  • RP session with Tarikk (Cole) late Sunday night.
  • Orlock's.
  • I was a rear guard, on the League of Legends mod, so I didn't do much beyond watching, but team middle was well orginzed thanks to Tarqaq and Adlo.
  • all of the small interactions while sitting outside getting some fresh air.
  • Frog Shamans
I'm sure there is more that I will think of as soon as I hit post.
It was great to have a Chicago game again after two months away.

-Kudos to all of the plot team and NPCs. So many of you stepped up your game from previous events. Sarah writing and running her own mods, Ana being able to read and support any player (NPC or PC) on a dime, or Ian taking on bigger plot roles and the biggest cards he's ever played with. So many of the NPCs blew me away with their willingness to improv, adapt, and just be so damn creative. The plot runners may have shot the ball, but this team pushed it into the net with ease.

-Getting to finally make time to expand Selunari and High Orc storylines with Anna and Bryan was a treat. My favorite part is seeing them turn around and pulling other players to join them is emblematic of what this hobby is all about.
-Ethan writing me mods with very little to almost no description outside of the bare skeleton because he trusts me to take it and run wild. The Kobold and Hag mods were especially fun for this.
-Holy crap the Maestro mods. Each time I've run it, more players knock me over with how talented they are at working off the cuff. Everyone shined at some point during them, but particular praise goes to Cadenza and Lohn for absolutely chewing up the scenery in their roles.
-Every dangerous moment ever has started with an NPC coming up to you and saying "So DeSylvia wants to try something..."
-Meat sweats Hippohawk ftw
-Even though I sadly didn't have time to run it myself, I am super pleased with how the archery setup turned out.
-Sometimes, you gotta put on overalls, take a short sword, and casually walk around an open field with your 20 body rogue card smacking the crap outta three quarters the town.
-Fangs Wide Shut was a mod I had in my mind for half the year. It'll be hard one to top. Again, it would have been a fraction as impactful without 3/4 of the NPC camp just giving absolutely 110% on it.
-It felt great to see the PCs push forward so many long-term plots (the blight, Moon Father, hoblings, Mother of Waves, etc).
-Continuing to see so many new and visiting players come warms my heart. I want to see you all more and more so we can pull you deeper into all of our shenanigans.
-The morning military parade was fun to see come together so well so quickly.

As always, there's so much more to gush about, but I must head to bed. Thank you all for coming out. We'll see you soon!
I am so glad that I was not nailed down with more overtime and was able to be at game Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday. I am continously touched by this wonderful community and the out pouring of genuine comradery.

My tired mind can only recall so much, but, here are some highlights.

Painting over 75 shells. Plus rocks, don't forget the rocks. Liddia can be a bit obsessive about certain topics and the ability to channel that into a relaxing craft was right on point.

The witch module. Dang creepy floating eye ball, well guess I have to plant it and get an eye plant now. Derek did a great job. Some of those deals were not ones I was expecting.

Tea Time, it's always a treat.

Derek for genuinely taking time to flush out the Selunari and home star stuff with me and Anna. The combination of mysticism and scientific study while giving each side of the coin something to further question was great. I have many, many, many additional questions. See above about obsession.


The LoL module. Anna fighting in a hoop skirt and John as Dram not wearing bells, while being sneaky. Very, very, sneaky.

Rathfall is an Antediluvian plot. Secret society you say? Yes please.

Making progress to wake up Moon Father and all the effort that has gone into that.

Exploring more of the Avatars. I'm very interested.

Every interaction with Rumil. I see what you are doing. I see it. It couldn't be more obvious but, not everyone sees the flashing signs!

Mother of Waves, not a total jerk. I want a tea party with her and Asher and whoever wants to come.

How did I totally avoid Jonas? How?

Shen, Bound Shards and moon rock. It's now expected that in game Liddia will have moon rock on her. And hey, it's not wrong.

There are more but, I can't think of them now.

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Here are some of mine while my memory is still fresh!

  • Partnering with Roan and Lohn to provide battlefield support and mind the Triage Healing Circle along with our Chapter’s usual Triage Team- such talented and helpful team Healers! I realized that Lohn, Roan, and Adlao are the mirror analogs of one another in our respective mistspheres insofar as being dedicated to supporting newer PCs and being in Healing roles, and it was really fun and affirming to see our parallels while also learning from each other.
  • I was really proud to be able to help the Town out with the Ritual of Woe, and seeing other PCs get a lot of mileage out of the resources it provided. It was super fun getting people’s feedback on our list of people to get imbued with its power and then going back and forth with Liddia, Pebbles, Shen, and Isabo trying to figure out goofy ways to get around the Ritual Time Constraints, like teleporting to the other side of the Planet, traveling to The Moon, etc. Also, the Roff/Marshal-Claire combo for the Ritual Casting was super immersive and fun.
  • Enslaved Roff being smooth/slick in his attempted murder of a naively thirsty Adlao. Very Clever. Thank goodness for all Roff’s sermons about the virtues of once-ever dodge items and High Magic cloaks!
  • Midwestmom Adlao getting into the heat of the moment during the last battle, shouting “F*K OFF” at a Vampire she just Purified, and then immediately apologizing to them IG and OOG for using a swear word.
  • Thank you to everyone who helped save Sir Roff, the OPH’s new guard Boof. We would have given all of our lives for her! Luckily we didn’t have to! Such a Good Girl, using her Resolute properly!
  • The Baby Turtle Mod was hilarious and fun on so many levels. Adlao now hates Gulcoons. Adlao must never be on drugs.
  • Aura and Adlao tag teaming making nearly 40g in Spring Rolls during lunch to scramble our way out of Debt :3
  • Hearing Cadenza and Gregor playing music on their instruments from time to time in the tavern made it feel more in game.
  • Seeing Colefax, Kalinor and Fennindra getting involved and doing the thing! Also, their PC outfits were lovely!
  • The power of Teamwork is a thing. Between Penn, Aura, Euthymia, Triska, and I, we got so much done, including even just organizing and replenishing all our guild stuff. Unpacking it was so nice because everything was paperclipped and alphabetized and grouped together by the project they belonged to, etc.
  • Getting prepped with Aura and Penn before a big battle is very reassuring because we always have a plan, and between all of our kits, we have a solution for most things.
  • Seeing M-Row come to life with all the different wares and vendors! Britemoor’s collection was stunning. Also, I geeked out at Saryel’s wares, especially all the mundane item tags from Barran. All the Fruit. All the Spices.
  • Adlao walking in on the Eyes-Wide-Shut-InRathfall Mod was about as unsettling and hilarious as Nay accidentally walking in on the IML convention going on at the Congress Hotel the first year I lived in Chicago.
  • Adlao wasn’t a super-duper contributor to the Mother of Waves line, but I loved watching the story unfold. It felt very epic witnessing grand magic at work! Also the Seashells were all so beautifully painted! Such detail!
  • Seeing PCs sprint to save Aura, and watching Beans ham it up and tug on all the heart strings!
  • The undead shamble was a lot more nerve wracking than I expected it to be, and that was fun! Also 99% of all those wails were real because #old.
  • Lastly, thank you to Libby and Beans for lending Tent, and to everyone who helped transform the building we normally use into feeling actually like another location/space! It was really cool seeing the Pavillion House Rumil Crown Banners swaying in the breeze while walking towards the Tavern, esp. at night.
  • Early morning hangout, clean up, and tea time with Caitlyn, Troy and Colefax. Thanks for making 5:30a on Monday morning not feel lonely!
I had such a blast NPCing once again! Here's just a few moments that stuck with me:

1. Traumatized baby turtles. Sarah is best turtle mom.
2. The Room mod. Lenore and Jean and their disagreement about how many children they would have and the subsequent brutal murder of Jean's one true love by the adventurers. RP moments like that are my absolute favorite. Combat is fine, but RP takes the cake for me. Probably my actor side coming out.
3. The League of Legends mod was great, being a tower was actually a lot of fun.
4. The initial town mod with the hoblings putting the blight into the land. WITNESS ME!
5. Being a hobling at any time was great. Lima Bean was a favorite of mine. And the twist on the fishing mod where the Unbounded managed to resolve it without violence was *chefs kiss*
6. Getting to play overworked and underpaid Onyx vampires during the stealth mod. No one needs to know. That stone heart is definitely the actual stone heart and Lord Fritz will never find out (it helps now that he's dead).
7. Floor time during monster camp clean-up
8. Though its never a great situation when you deal with medical emergencies, I'm so glad I was able to be present and available when we had a player develop heat exhaustion. Thanks to quick intervention and lots of medical know-how, we were able to stop it from developing into something far worse.
9. I've never hooked a mod before, so that was kind of fun. I do wish that I'd had more courage to actually perform for y'all in the tavern, but with timing not quite working out and an anxiety attack, it just wasn't gonna happen. BUT I SWEAR THIS NOVEMBER IT WILL BECAUSE I'M VERY PROUD OF WHAT I'VE BEEN PRACTICING! And I haven't had a chance to really perform music since college (Thank you so much to Alex for letting me bring Cordelia to life in June!). I promise, it's gonna happen y'all. Just probably during the day, and not in the evening.

And, as always, getting to be with my LARP family. I love you guys, and I'm so excited for what Gavaria has in store for us!