Latex Bow Manufactures


First off, I apologize if I am asking a question that has already been asked. I was unable to find an answer on the boards.

I am looking for a latex bow phys-rep for my character. Does anyone know of any manufactures of them? All of the larp bows I have found have been real strung bows. I'm looking for a bow that will be legal for alliance.

I've been an archer at alliance for some time and know the rules on how bows work so I won't need any help in understanding the concept of packet bows. I am simply looking for a nice looking latex bow phys-rep.

Hrm. That may be a hard one to come up with. I'm honestly not aware of any other systems that allow latex weapons but use packet archery, so there isn't likely much demand for latex Alliance-legal bow reps out there.
I looked around for a latex bow rep and came up with the same problem you had...all of them were real, strung bows.

I did, however, come across ArtyFakes, a UK company which will happily make custom pieces for anyone who asks. Also, the people at LRP Store (more Brits) seem to be willing to work with custom requests, although it's not advertised on their website.

Another option would be to buy some latex (either for yourself or for me :p ), and make it here in the States. I need to learn to work with latex for a possible throwing dagger project I have in I'd be happy to help out for the cost of materials!
A Seattle player is making a prototype. If it passes and looks rad I am sure he or I would make them for people for low cost.
You might also want to give a call to Will Kinkaid (Koshinara). He made for me a wicked crossbow, and he is well known for his edged weapons construction. I am not sure if has made bows, but I am sure his capabilities puts him up to the task -- and my guess is that he would be up for it ... especially in the off season. He is very creative, can capture the motif your character would want.