Latex weapon crafting


Just curious if anyone locally does any latex weapon crafting themselves. Emilynn and I have some devious planning that will require a number of custom latex weapons. Just curious if anyone has any experience with it. I've been eating up all the vids and walkthroughs online, but I would like to see some of the local chapters (or visiting) players homemade gear.

Thanks in advance!
I don't know of anybody who has gotten into it at SoMN, but there are folks who play at Chicago that do latex/plastidip weapon stuff. Look up Aaron Verzwyvelt or Weirdlet's Armory on Facebook. There's also a "Plastidip Artists" group on FB that has a lot of good advice and examples - some of the info may not apply if you're using latex, but most of the concepts are the same.
I'm in full support of Aaron's stuff. He's made some nice katanas, bows, and a lot of slick swords from dagger to short to long, and his prices are very fair.
I also really like Dara's stuff (Weirdlet's Armory mentioned above) - her Dao is particularly cool.