Greeting to one and all —
His Majesty, King Malidor Ironbeard has ratified these Laws as written by the Dragonhold Council of Fort Alliance.
They will apply throughout the Kingdom of Dragonhold.
There is a grace period of forty five days from this posting on 9/29/420 to obtain from the Dragonhold Council the Writs mentioned in these Laws.
Those who gain Writs will be paid.
Those who wish for a Writs should contact
Various, simpler versions of the Law will be posted in the coming days.
All inquiries about meaning may be made to myself,
Acting Lord Xi'gaze T'Sere
His Majesty, King Malidor Ironbeard has ratified these Laws as written by the Dragonhold Council of Fort Alliance.
They will apply throughout the Kingdom of Dragonhold.
There is a grace period of forty five days from this posting on 9/29/420 to obtain from the Dragonhold Council the Writs mentioned in these Laws.
Those who gain Writs will be paid.
Those who wish for a Writs should contact
Various, simpler versions of the Law will be posted in the coming days.
All inquiries about meaning may be made to myself,
Acting Lord Xi'gaze T'Sere
[Refuge SLC] Laws of Dragonhold 420
Laws of Dragonhold Aetheria Year: 420 Laws of State The rights and obligations depicted within this document apply to all within the borders of Dragonhold, irrespective of national or racial origin. We stand or fall as a unified society. Citizenship Rights All Citizens of the Realm have the fol...