Laws of Dragonhold


Greeting to one and all —

His Majesty, King Malidor Ironbeard has ratified these Laws as written by the Dragonhold Council of Fort Alliance.

They will apply throughout the Kingdom of Dragonhold.

There is a grace period of forty five days from this posting on 9/29/420 to obtain from the Dragonhold Council the Writs mentioned in these Laws.

Those who gain Writs will be paid.

Those who wish for a Writs should contact


Various, simpler versions of the Law will be posted in the coming days.

All inquiries about meaning may be made to myself,

Acting Lord Xi'gaze T'Sere

Laws of Dragonhold
Aetheria Year: 420

Laws of State
The rights and obligations depicted within this document apply to all within the borders of Dragonhold, irrespective of national or racial origin. We stand or fall as a unified society.
  1. Citizenship Rights
    1. All Citizens of the Realm have the following rights:
      1. The Right of Assembly is given to all Citizens, that they may gather peaceably at any time and for any reason, including to petition their liege for a redress of grievances. All may bring requests, Testimony, Accusation or request for Writs before the Dragonhold Council, their Scribe, or Sheriff.
      2. The Right of Arms is given to all Citizens, that they may carry and learn the use of implements of war for protection and self-defence. This includes the learning of magic.
      3. The Right of Liberty is given to all Citizens that they may not be detained without criminal accusation and reasonable suspicion.
        1. The goal of all detention is the swift application of justice and without Written Authorization from the Reigning Monarch this will never extend overnight.
      4. The Right of Leniency is given to all Citizens who are unable to pay taxes. This right waives the requirement for the Citizen to pay taxes and vouchsafes that the Reigning Monarch will accept a diversity of currencies and goods in payment rather than requiring one or the other.
      5. The Right of Infirmity is given to all Citizens who are unable to answer the call for levy. This waives the requirement to serve militarily for those too feeble of body or mind in the levies of the Reigning Monarch against the Enemies of the Realm.
      6. The Rights of Hearth are given to all Citizens, that they may have access to or granted enough firewood to ensure personal warmth and clean water by which to ensure a minimal garden. Each year a Citizen is entitled to a single beast (such as a deer or boar) hunted within Dragonhold before requiring permission from a Warden or the Noble on whose land they hunt. Small creatures such as rabbits or fowl may be hunted at a rate of two per week. Citizens are free to fish as much as they will.
      7. The Rights of Common are given to Citizens, in that fallowed land, pastures, forests, and wasteland are held 'in common' and under the authority of the Reigning Monarch and may be used to any purpose that does not bring lasting change. Deadfall may be freely cleared from such lands, though the collection of Timber or other Natural Resources shall require a Writ from the Hammer & Scales, the Reigning Monarch, or the Noble whose land such resources may be found upon.
    2. Visiting members of other nations, including Vukan and nomadic societies, are treated as having the rights of a Citizen provided the other nation is not at war with the Realm. Failure to comply with the posted Laws of the Realm will strip the visiting offender of all such rights and privileges upon receiving a Guilty Verdict.
    3. All Citizens shall retain Peaceful Enjoyment of their Rights, so that they cannot be hindered.

Laws of Title
  1. Nobility
    1. The Noble peerage of Dragonhold is set forth in ascending rank Knight (may or may not be landed), Lord/Lady, Baron/Baroness, Duke/Duchess. The Reigning Monarch may adopt any title personally and bestow or remove all lesser ranks at will.
    2. A Noble of Dragonhold must swear fealty and allegiance to only their immediate liege and the Reigning Monarch of Dragonhold, and, as is proper for all true Nobility, study and uphold the Laws of Chivalry.
    3. A Noble must provide room, board, and a monthly stipend for all members of their immediate household and retainers. The noble must provide adequate means of furnishment for the household and is responsible for the well-being of the same.
    4. A Noble may serve as the law and final arbiter for Citizens residing on their claimed land or for any breach of Law committed on their land.
      1. Nobles visiting the land who have a Writ of Recognition by the Dragonhold Council or Reigning Monarch may claim this privilege so long as it does not directly countervail the Laws of the Realm.
    5. A Noble must create a sigil which is to be worn by their staff and militia. This sigil is to be entered into the Realm’s Roll of Arms.
      1. An assault on a Citizen rightfully and openly displaying the sigil of a noble is to be seen as an assault on the Noble.
    6. In matters of formality a Noble shall be addressed by their title and name, as basic Chivalry demands.
    7. Mockery in the form of vicious, insulting, degrading, or other malicious disrespect directed to a person’s nobly-granted title is forbidden, with the noble in question able to pursue legal or honourable recourse.
      1. The use of traditional titles of Selunari and wild races never, alone, constitutes mockery.
  2. Councilor - An individual who serves upon the Dragonhold Council or the Reigning Monarch’s High Council.
    1. Councilors must swear loyalty and allegiance to the Reigning Monarch and the Realm.
    2. In matters of formality shall be addressed by the title of Councilor and their name.
  3. Adventurer - An individual, regardless of Citizenship in the Realm or Shard of origin, who has trained in the arts of war, magic, or stealth, or in the production of Armaments, Potions, Scrolls, or Globes, and uses these skills in the service of the Realm.
    1. This service is to be considered employment for the purposes of obtaining Citizenship and a legal community service for the purpose of paying personal taxes, thus making the individual exempt from taxes to the Reigning Monarch.
    2. Shall be considered with the same legal standing as a Citizen if they meet the following requirements:
      1. Agree to follow the Laws of the Realm while within its borders.
      2. Promise to defend the lives of the recognized Citizens of the Realm against declared enemies.
  4. Citizen
    1. Citizens are protected by the laws of the Realm and all titled persons.
    2. Citizens must meet the following requirements
      1. Hold legal residence on the land of the Realm.
      2. Be employed or be dependent on the employment of a Citizen within the Realm.
      3. Pay annual taxes as owed.
      4. Affirm fealty to the landed Nobility of the Realm with demonstrations of obeisance when entering their presence and proper usage of title upon address.
    3. Citizens must be of a sapient species, or be themselves sapient.
      1. Biata, Dark Elf, Dryad, Dwarf, Elf, High Ogre, High Orc, Hobling, Human, Oathsworn, Selunari, Stone Elf, Sylvanborn, Wylderkin are all explicitly defined as sapient species.
      2. Monstrous enemies of civilization, and extraplanar beings not of Fortannis, are not and cannot become Refugees, Citizens, Adventurers, or hold higher titles. The following is a short list of these creatures as currently recognized:
        1. Goblins
        2. Undead
        3. Fae
        4. Creatures of the Void & Wretched Outsiders
      3. Exceptions may be granted in extraordinary circumstances through petition to the Council, who may issue the necessary Writ of Citizenship or grant the petitioner Refugee status.
        1. The petitioner may likewise request an identifying Mark to be placed upon their person to identify them as a Citizen.
    4. Further Titles: A Citizen may rise to higher Title within the Realm, by demonstrated merit and petition to the Reigning Monarch or the Dragonhold Council. While this allows them to become an Adventurer or even a Noble, two additional Titles exist solely for Citizens to ascend to: Honored Speaker and Warden.
      1. Honored Speakers must be addressed by those of higher Station by this honorific and are granted the highest priority when bringing Petition, Accusation, or Testimony before the Dragonhold Council or a servant of the Reigning Monarch.
      2. Wardens must be addressed by those of higher Station by this honorific and oversee the natural and agricultural balance, including wildlife, of an area specified by Writ. Nobles are obligated to consult all Wardens when making policy or decisions that impact Nature and Agriculture in their demesne and such consultation is to be Recorded.
  5. Refugee
    1. A refugee is a person who has fled from another land or nation in search of gaining Citizenship in a new land.
    2. Refugees are to be protected by the laws of the land and all titled persons in the same manner as Citizens.
    3. To become a Citizen refugees must
      1. Pledge to a landed Noble.
      2. Demonstrate skills which could be used to benefit the Realm.
      3. Dwell within the borders of the Realm for a year and a day.
  6. Exile
    1. A person who has been stripped of their Citizenhood via legal process and is unwelcome to inhabit the lands of the Realm, attend Gatherings within, or benefit from it.
    2. Those that are Exiled are no longer considered Citizens of the Realm and are not provided any of the protections or rights of a Citizen.
  7. Outlaw
    1. Any person determined guilty of a crime and has not submitted per the Laws of the Realm will be declared an Outlaw.
    2. Shall have their property confiscated until they have submitted to the Laws of the Realm. Upon carrying out the verdict their status will be reviewed and may be lifted.
  8. Known Necromancer
    1. A person who has been proven to demonstrate repeated use of Necromancy and as such has lost the protections and privileges of the Realm as a Citizen.
    2. Through legal process Known Necromancers are to be declared Enemies of the Realm.
    3. It is illegal to engage in matters of business with Outlaws, Exiles, and Known Necromancers. Doing so is considered to be aiding an Enemy of the Realm.
  9. The Roll of Arms and Lists of all Dragonhold Councilors, the Sheriff and Scribe, as well as all Exiles, Outlaws and Known Necromancers, will be posted in all public Taverns.

Laws of Property
  1. Ownership of Personal Property
    1. Any lawfully acquired item on a person or residing in the person’s holdings is considered to be that person’s property. This includes pets, livestock, and other domestic animals.
    2. An item is not considered abandoned and thus free for the taking until a day and a night has passed.
  2. Claims of Protected Holdings
    1. Any land, agricultural product, building, or means of transportation is to be considered a property-holder’s holdings.
  3. In addition to the above, proof of possession may be demonstrated through Writs of Title, Deeds, and Receipts.
  4. Illegal Goods
    1. The following goods and services are considered to be illegal. Possession of illegal goods is equivalent to Smuggling.
      1. Euphoria substances, Enslavement substances, Amnesia substances
      2. All production associated with the creation or utilization of Traps excepting Trap Globes and Noisemaker traps.
        1. Any Traps set within one’s own holdings, or with the express permission of the holding’s owner, are legal.
        2. A Writ issued by the Dragonhold Council may be obtained to legally own and operate Traps outside of their holdings for the purpose of commerce or service to the Realm.
      3. Necromantic potions of all kinds.
      4. Necromantic Ritual Scrolls of all kinds, including their Catalysts.
        1. Necromantic Magic Items of all kinds.
    2. A reasonable amount of time may be assumed for the conveyance of illegal goods to the proper authorities.
    3. In all above cases, a Writ may be obtained to grant legal ownership and or use of otherwise forbidden items, as issued by the Reigning Monarch or the Dragonhold Council.

Laws of Crime and Punishment
  1. In all cases Mystical Compulsion is a legitimate defense.
    1. The person claiming Mystical Compulsion must provide to their best ability evidence that such Mystical Compulsion existed as the reason for the action. The Presiding Judge is obligated to make allowances to provide Mystical verification where the claimant cannot.
    2. The person claiming Mystical Compulsion must provide recompense to the best of their ability for any and all damages caused while under said compulsion. As established in the Laws of Sentencing, the victims of the criminal who performed the Mystical Compulsion will be the first to receive restitution, which shall include the recompense they have made for crimes committed under compulsion.
  2. Crimes against the Land and its People
    1. Treason - Any willful and malicious action intended to weaken the Realm or strengthen the enemies of the Realm.
    2. Slavery and Kidnapping - The unwilling servitude of a sapient person to any other individual or organization.
      1. The sale of a sapient person.
      2. Using any means to gain unwilling servitude of a sapient person.
      3. The unwilling or secret bondage of a Citizen of Dragonhold.
      4. Any person considered property to another person shall be considered free from their servitude while within Dragonhold and shall be given sanctuary from any owners.
      5. Legal indentured servitude is not slavery.
    3. Theft - Removal of property without permission.
      1. Theft shall be punished by returning the stolen possessions and the additional punishment of death. To deprive a person of their livelihood is to attempt to deprive them of their life, and the Reigning Monarch, Malidor Ironbeard has decreed the punishment for this is death.
    4. Breaking and Entering - Unlawful intrusion within the legal property of a Citizen.
      1. All forms of unwanted entry into a person’s holdings as well as any removal or reduction of spells or traps protecting one.
      2. In the event that an intruder is killed, the victim has not performed any form of Assault or Murder.
    5. Vandalism - Destruction of public or private property without permission.
      1. Vandalism shall be punished by up to twice the value of the damage as determined appropriate by the Council.
      2. Without obtaining permission from the person owning the Deed to a holding or their designates the Casting of any Formal Spell with that holding as the target Location is Vandalism
      3. Without obtaining permission from the target Item’s asserted property owner, Render Indestructible Improve is Vandalism.
    6. Fraud - Impersonating a station to which one does not have legal claim.
      1. Shall be punished by up to exile and revocation of all titles as determined appropriate by the Reigning Monarch or Dragonhold Council.
    7. Flight from Justice - Refusing to submit to trial.
      1. Flight from Justice shall result in being declared an Outlaw.

  1. Crimes of Business
    1. Smuggling - The transport, storage, possession, or sale of illegal items.
    2. Breach of Contract - Not adhering to the terms of a reasonable and legal agreement bearing the date and signature or mark of all parties bound by the Contract.
      1. Contracts entered into with individuals who then become Exiles, Outlaws, or Known Necromancers are automatically declared null and void.
      2. Contracts are subordinate to Writs issued by the Dragonhold Council.
    3. Market Fixing - A deliberate attempt to interfere with the business of the Realm, by price or demand manipulation, of a good or service regulated by a Guild Charter or a Contract between an established business with the Dragonhold Council or Reigning Monarch.
    4. Tax Evasion - To avoid the paying of taxes either by wrongfully requesting the Right of Leniency, or refusal to pay.
    5. Forgery - The unlawful alteration or replication of an official document bearing the sign of the Reigning Monarch, Dragonhold Council, Guild, or, and also including Writs, Decrees, Contracts, Receipts and currency.
      1. The unlawful alteration, replication, or production of any document bearing the mark or likeness of any Citizen with intent to deceive.
        1. Including by tool-use or Formal Spells.
  2. Crimes of War and Aggression
    1. Assault - Inciting or participating in Violence, Riots, or other harm against a person or persons.
      1. This includes acts which remove the capacity for free will and specifically includes any use of Mental Abilities without unambiguous permission from the recipient.
        1. Mental Abilities used to heal a person unable to meaningfully give consent are not Assault.
      2. Otherwise harmless spells and substances used to harm uniquely-affected sapient creatures will have judgement magnified.
    2. Slaughter - The unintentional or accidental killing of another sapient creature. To kill in self-defense is not murder.
    3. Banditry - To unlawfully prevent passage through an area, to charge an illegal fee, or to otherwise make demands to access or travel through an area.
    4. Murder - The intentional and unlawful killing of a sapient creature. Conspiring to kill a sapient creature is also considered murder.
    5. Aiding an Enemy - Providing any material aid, including housing, to an Outlaw, Known Necromancer, or Enemy of the Realm, or impeding any search for the same.
    6. Endangerment - Putting the Realm, a Guild, a person, or people at significant risk through carelessness or action that was warned against.
    7. Scofflaw - Refusing to adhere to the punishment prescribed when otherwise capable of doing so.

  1. Crimes of Magic
    1. Void Magic - Magic antithetical to the laws of reality, or magic which originates from the Void.
      1. Utilization of Void battle magics, Formal Spells, or use of any other abilities sourced by the Void.
      2. Possession of magic items that may perform any of the above magics or rituals
      3. Not turning any item identified as Void-tainted over to Our Roots to the Sky for destruction.
        1. The use of Void magics and abilities shall be punishable by up to Obliteration.
    2. Necromancy - Magic antithetical to creation and the opposite of Earth Magics.
      1. Possession or Utilization of Necromantic potions, Spells, Ritual Scrolls, Catalysts or Magic Items with any Necromantic capacity.
      2. Not turning any item identified as Necromantic over to Our Roots to the Sky, the Order of the White Flame, or the Vex Mortis for destruction or conversion into a Curative.
    3. Regulated Effects - Use of a Charm effect (through Spells, Items, Alchemy, and so forth), activation of a Transformation Spell or ability, ownership of an Artifact or Workplace of Convenience, or use of a Ritual Scroll to perform Formal Magic without a Writ provided by Our Roots to the Sky, the Order of the White Flame, or the Dragonhold Council.
      1. The use of Charm effects without a such a Writ may find the user in violation of anti-Slavery and Kidnapping laws.
    4. Regulated Rituals - The following Rituals require written permission from a Guildmaster or delegated authority. These can affect the stability of the Realm at large but permission will not be refused without sound and articulated reason.
      1. Bountiful Harvest
      2. Conjure Artifact
      3. Create Limited Circle of Power
      4. Eternal Forest
      5. Obfuscate
      6. Planar Gate
      7. Reverse Life Force
      8. Stable Foundation
    5. The following Rituals require written permission from a Chaptermaster or delegated authority. Such permission may be permanent, once ever or otherwise specified.
        1. Any Necromantic Ritual for which you have the proper Writ
        2. Banish to Other Plane
        3. Cloak of Darkness
        4. Circle Lock when applied to a Greater Circle of Power
        5. Construct when used to Create a new Construct, but not to Repair
        6. Proscribe
        7. Regenerate
        8. Safe Passage
        9. Spirit Farewell
        10. Spirit Recall
        11. Spirit Walk
        12. Transfer Enchantment when involving one of the Formal Spells Above
        13. Warder Glyph
      1. If any of the listed Formal Spells are the Effect of or enchanted upon a Magic Item you possess it must be reported within a reasonable period to an Authority who can grant permission for its use. This Authority may offer to purchase it for the Realm but will never subject it to Seizure.
    6. Only Guilds, the Dragonhold Council and those with Writs issued from the Reigning Monarch may Create or possess Limited and Greater Circles of Power.

Laws of Trial
  1. Necromancy - As a particular and special case Necromancy is handled differently than other Crimes.
    1. The use of Necromancy shall be punishable by immediate execution as presided over by any and all Citizens present while within Dragonhold.
    2. Those who execute the offender must present themselves to a member of the Dragonhold Council for investigation. If the executed was found not to have used Necromancy, the execution will be treated as Slaughter at the least and judgement rendered as appropriate.
    3. The Council may, for repeat offenders, classify the offender as a Known Necromancer. Known Necromancers are subject to a Ritual Marking and then Obliteration, followed by Execution by any and all Citizens until Permanent Death occurs regardless of place or time found.
      1. A list of Known Necromancers shall be posted in all public taverns.
  2. Presiding Judge - The Dragonhold Council may act as the Presiding Judge in all cases where the accused is an Adventurer, Noble or at the discretion of the Reigning Monarch.
  3. Pleas of the Accused - The Accused may, at their choice, choose one of the following pleas:
    1. Guilty - Admitting they committed the crime.
      1. Pleading ‘Guilty’ will usually be met with a merciful sentencing depending on the severity of the crime.
    2. Not Guilty - Not admitting they committed the crime.
      1. Pleading ‘Not Guilty’, or refusing to give a plea, will require the Accused to prove their innocence to the Presiding Judge.
    3. If the Accused can not or will not give a plea within a reasonable time, a verdict will be issued irrespective of either plea
  4. Verdicts
    1. Guilty
      1. The Presiding Judge has determined the defendant to be guilty of one or more crimes per the Laws of the Realm.
      2. The Presiding Judge will then declare the Sentencing for the guilty.
    2. Not Guilty
      1. The Presiding Judge has determined the defendant to not be guilty of one or more crimes per the Laws of the Realm.
      2. The Presiding Judge may at their discretion require compensation to the Accused from the Accuser.
    3. A Record shall always be made for the Dragonhold Council of the Presiding Judges containing all relevant names, dates and a brief reasoning for the Verdict for reference, and must publicize the Sentence within a fortnight.
  5. Sentencing
    1. Hierarchy of Sentencing - In increasing order of severity, these are the standard sentences. The guilty may always request a higher punishment in lieu of a lower one.
      1. Penalties:
        1. Service - A specific task must be completed.
          1. This service, if ongoing, may not take longer than a year and a day.
          2. Resurrection through an Earth Circle while attempting to accomplish this service releases the remaining service.
        2. Fine - A payment of coin or equivalent goods as appraised by the Dragonhold Council to the aggrieved party.
        3. Seizure - Taking of coin, goods, or revoking of Writs, Deeds, and Receipts to be distributed to the Realm with intent to first repair losses to specifically affected persons.
        4. Indentured Servitude - Labour performed by the Guilty on the behalf of the aggrieved, not to exceed a year and a day. This is accorded as worth one silver piece per day towards the debt of the guilty. Labourers are to be afforded room and board if they have none, the cost of which is deducted from pay and is not to exceed five copper pieces per day.
Anything higher on this list requires the Presiding Judge to either be higher in station to the guilty, or at the discretion of the Reigning Monarch.
      1. Execution - Dissipation of the Body after the state of death.
        1. Death that does not result in damage to the Spirit does not qualify as a legitimate execution.
        2. Execution is to be carried out in a swift, civilized manner assigned by the Presiding Judge with preference given to Aspirants, Squires, Knights, or Councilors. The Sheriff shall never serve as executioner.
      2. Removal of Station - Removing the title of the guilty, stripping them to Citizen.
      3. Mystical Marking - The use of a Mark Formal Spell bv Our Roots to the Sky, the Order of the White Flame, or the Vex Mortis to designate the guilty as a Known Exile or Known Necromancer.
      4. Exile - The stripping of Citizenhood from the guilty and their forcible removal from the Realm.
      5. Obliteration - Use of the Obliterate ritual upon the guilty.
        1. In the event that an Obliterate ritual is not readily available, it may be substituted with three successive mundane Death sentences.
        2. Death that does not result in damage to the Spirit does not qualify as a legitimate execution.
    1. Permitted punishments per offence.
      1. Treason shall be punishable by up to Exile.
      2. Slavery shall be punishable by Seizure of those Enslaved to be released, as well as up to Seizure of all goods, coin, and/or writs of the Guilty.
      3. Assault shall be punishable by up to Seizure of all armor and armament, or their magical equivalent used in the crime.
      4. Vandalism shall be punishable by up to a Fine of no less than the determined value lost due to the vandalization.
      5. Thefts shall be punishable by Death following a Fine not greater than ten times the value of the stolen goods.
      6. Fraud shall be punishable by up to Removal of Station.
      7. Flight from Justice shall be punishable by up to Seizure of all goods and coin owned by the Guilty, as well as being declared an Outlaw.
      8. Smuggling shall be punishable by up to Seizure of all goods and coin owned by the Guilty.
      9. Breach of Contract shall be punishable by a Fine equal to one and one half times the determined value lost due to the Breach.
      10. Market Fixing shall be punishable by up to Seizure of all Writs, Deeds, and Receipts of the Guilty.
      11. Forgery shall be punishable by up to Seizure of all goods, coin, and/or writs of the Guilty.
      12. Slaughter shall be punishable by up to Execution.
      13. Banditry shall be punishable by up to Removal of Station.
      14. Murder shall be punishable by up to Obliteration.
      15. Aiding an Outlaw shall be punishable by up to Execution.
        1. Leniency for giving compassionate aid shall always be taken into account.
      16. Scofflaw shall be punishable by enacting the initial punishment, as well as the next level upon the Hierarchy of Sentencing.
      17. Void Magic and comparable effects shall be punishable by up to Obliteration.
    2. The Presiding Judge may combine levels of punishment up to the maximum level if the situation warrants it taking into account the station of all involved parties.
      1. Repeat Offenders - Any subsequent crime committed may be sentenced more harshly than the last time.
  1. Appeals
    1. All matters of appeal shall be addressed on a case-by-case basis as determined by appealing to the Dragonhold Council or the High Council.
    2. Appeals presented by Nobility or Councilors will always initiate the process of Appeal.
  2. Limitations of Punishment
    1. A Citizen may never be tried or punished twice for the same offense and once sentence has been served may still be eligible for all positions within the Realm.
      1. Appeals are not a second trial.
  3. In all cases, the Presiding Judge is granted the right to Sentence according to the Right and Good of all Dragonhold, within and exceeding the letter of the law.
Procedures and policies regarding Guild recognition, as well as the proper chain of authority when it comes to apprehending or detaining suspected criminals may be found in elder documents.