LCO cultural Packet for Cephalopod Kin the Scarax Hidoru

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NEPA Staff
Scarax Hirudo

The Astral Hunters

Cephalopod Kin

Lco: this is an LCO packet for Cephalopod Kin within the Alliance Nepa Game. The special roleplay effects are LCO as well

This packet represents a character who meets the race criteria for this culture and would have been raised by this culture. Plot approval must be given to play this packet.

Born on a world through the mists and between the planes the Scarax came from a series of island chains. They cultivated the coral there and worked the sand to make great living shining structures of coral and glass. A naturally curious group, the Scarax soon discovered magic and delved into the boundaries of the arcane with avarice.

This lead to many technological breakthroughs. They crafted living coral ships that dotted the seas and great floating cities that road the waves.In time they found ways to take these ships through the mysts and to other worlds.

One such excursion lead them to the world of the Harbinger elves and there, on the desolate world they first encountered the Vreech.

While many recoiled in fear, the Scarax instead leaned into the challenge and they began to hunt the Vreech. Great hordes of Scarax came through the mysts to pursue their prey. While their magical constructs were not ideal for combating the Vreech they crafted new mundane means and their archery skills and siege weapons were to rival the best of elves.

Their natural resistance to magic aided them in their assaults, while their exposure to different environments hardened them against poisons.

There was a shadow on the horizon. While the crusade to purge the Vreech began some of the Scarax chose to serve the Vreech and lead them back to their world. When the crusaders returned home they found no more verdant isles or cities but husks and corpses littering the waters.

With no home to return to the Scarax Hidoru now travel the Astral pathways hunting the Vreech with a vendetta that will pass through every generation.

Appearence: the Scarax Hidoru are Cepholopod kin. Their makeup should represent their tentacles in some form and in order to be part of this cultural packet they must have the following racial skills and abilities

Racial Powers:

Resist Spell
Resist Poison

Clothing and garb:

Due to their nomadic nature the Scarax dress in simple clothing. Unsure of the environments they may travel to it is often very weather wise, with hoods and some layers that can be easily removed. Often comfortable to move in and seldom in any heavily worked metals or materials as they tend not to set roots for very long

Naming: The Scarax possesses vocal cords but writhing tentacles around their maw many have a beak like structure. Due to this the names are often clipped and have a clicking sound with some consonants.

Also "ch" sounds often have "k" related sound.

Holidays and rites: Having no home, the Scarax have brought their culture with them.

Many are very secret and kept just to them.

Keeping their Primal Fae the "Slumbering King" Asleep is paramount.

To do this they often "feed" him secrets.

Their most cherished holiday is the date of their own birth. It's when they pay a tithe of sorts in secrets to the king. They often gather secrets that day and in return give a token or gift in exchange for these treats and treasures.


The feasting:

The Scarax can taste magic and in a way feed on magical creatures. In some places and worlds they gain insight in the foes they hunt and devour.

With the Vreech they "Feast" on the essence of the creature.

A d6 or dice roller is used to determine the essence and roleplay effect. This normally represents the most recent thing the vreech has fed on. If the Vreech has fed on a magic item and it’s known to plot, they may use that magic type instead of rolling.

These roleplay effects last roughly ten minutes. The player may cease them at any time.

  1. Eldritch Force- the most savored of them all. The Scirax is confident and bold. They are assured in their decisions and actions. Not to the point of being foolhardy but Moreno as if they know the outcome before it happens.
  2. Evocation- the one feasting becomes generous as if they have been gifted this amazing experience and they want to share. This is again not generous to a fault, however they may be more willing to give out protective or potions etc.
  3. Earth - when this is experienced the hunter is calmed. Things that troubled them seem less important and they are more peaceful and contemplative.
  4. Curse- this flavor is spicy and has a slow burn. Not unpleasant this is like eating Buffalo sauce. The roleplay effect is mood swings. Very quick to go from angry to calm of for small things that may not affect them to become much more important.
  5. Protection- The hunter becomes very protective of himself and allies. They are more cautious. This does not remove bravery or add paranoia but they would make sure protective were cast, be more careful of order of March etc.
  6. Command- The hunter speaks their mind more planely. They are decisive and may issue orders where normally they would go with a consensus. The taste of this is a kind of mint and the hunter would have a "colder" demeanor. A bit more analytical.

Know Thy Enemy:

The Scirax learn all they can.about their enemy. Images. Notes, souvenirs, they all contribute to bolster the memories of these hunters and assist them remembering their foes and educating others.

The Great Ships:

The massive Coral ships that now traverse the either. Three remain in contact with the others. A fourth ship made up of a blending of other casts and families has not been seen nor heard from in some time. Rumors are that this ship and it’s host were more akin to pirates than explorers.

The Rrizza’h- These scholars delve deep into esoteric and ancient knowledge. They work on tying the ancient magics of various realms together in a way that they hope makes sense. Not easily feared, they tend to find fascination in new beings and challenges. Inquisitive and opinionated, many worlds have been lucky to have a member of this ship as an advisor.

The Odebah- Bold and forthright the members of this ship are explorers through and through. Challenges and obstacles become a point of pride in how they are overcome. These members tend to brag and challenge others in good natured jests. Surprisingly outgoing for a member of the hunters this ship is normally the first to make new contact with various denizens.

The Methodmal- Slow and quiet. Often those who strike quietly and surely are the members of this crew. Dressed in darker colors these hunters stalk their prey and prefer to wait for more opportune times. They deal in medicine and excel at learning the weaknesses of enemies. Often so quiet they get talked over and spoken over many forget about these Scirax until its too late. They do all seek one thing. The famed liquid swords of their forefathers which are said to have been lost in the ether.
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