LCO Dark Elf Skin Colouring


Hey Peeps! (stolen from @Kasuni )

We have received an overwhelming amount of feedback with the preference that dark elf makeup requirements be changed. As such, with National support, we are launching the below LCO policy effective immediately as a pilot, while a more permanent change is being discussed/proposed/voted on at a National level.

Dark Elves will now be permitted to have skin that is any color in the blue,purple or Grey skin tone range. They will still be required to have white hair and elf ear tips. This will not change their race or racial rules - this is simply a change to the makeup requirement.

All NPC Dark Elves moving forward will have Grey skin tones.

Please note, this is 100% optional for Dark Elf PCs at this time. If you plan to change the colour, please be sure that it is dark enough not be confused with a Stone Elf (White).

This is a topic that's currently up for discussion/finalization among the National Owners - you can anticipate more news in the future on this topic.
Love this change.
I am assuming this is indefinite, even if official alliance rules change to be orange or red or some other colour? I just don't want to buy a makeup cake and find out it's essentially useless to me in the future. I know blue, purple and grey are already being discussed, I just want to make sure I'm not wasting money.
I am assuming this is indefinite, even if official alliance rules change to be orange or red or some other colour? I just don't want to buy a makeup cake and find out it's essentially useless to me in the future. I know blue, purple and grey are already being discussed, I just want to make sure I'm not wasting money.
This is indefinite for us. We will not be going back to Black makeup for DE, no matter what the outcome.