LCO Effects Idea?


Some other players and I were mulling over the extensive list of LCO effects Chicago has and trying to (between us) sort out the rules, to some complication.

Perhaps it might make the most sense, as we have a lot of problems before game -- during PC talk -- keeping everyone focused and listening to the staff to include with the prereg packets a write-up about each LCO effect and what it does. That way, players can keep them on them and reread them if they have any questions. It's also better for those who learn better by reading than by hearing, and would be a good thing to hand to visiting players or new players when they come. I submit that local players don't need a new copy every time they come to game, one should suffice unless they lose a copy or somesuch, and players should be encouraged to keep ahold of them for reference.

I also think it would be good for them to be written out because they could be mulled over a little and any possible inconsistencies or questions about them could be brought to plot on a one-on-one basis so as not to confuse everyone who's just trying to remember and keep track, as well as give plot some time to pow-wow about the question as a group and come up with a cohesive answer that they now all know the answer to if it comes up again later.

Especially since the Chaos Brambles are back, and those rules are kinda specific, so having a go-to guide would be nice, so you know how the effects work, how much body you have, etc, if you're infected. It could also be a way to remind PCs about rules that we sometimes forget, such as "Life brings you back at one body, not full." or "If you die and then are Lifed, your arcane armor is down and needs to be refitted for a minute to be in effect, even if it was up before you died." -- Things like that.

I'm not saying we shouldn't still go over these things at PC talk, but then we can keep them with us so at 4:30 AM when we're sleep deprived, hungry, thirsty, and generally in pain we don't have to depend on our poor brains remember them, we can merely re-read them and know for sure.

Just something we talked about last weekend, and thought it made sense to mention. :)
physical armor (if not already gone) is not gone when you die though.
I think having the LCO effects in written form is a good idea. I would love to have them available for reference. An alternative to printing copies for each player could be posting the LCO effects on the boards or website for everyone to read and players who want to print them out to carry for reference could do so.
Seattle used to post them on a cork board in the tavern area so players could read em whenever they had a chance as well. Was very helpful.