LCO Scroll List


Here are the scrolls that you can buy with Goblin Stamps in our chapter. All scrolls must be cast in game either via PC or NPC. Also if even one of these scrolls is used in a batch with other scrolls then the entire batch will become LCO. These scrolls DO NOT require reagents. A star next to the name of the scroll denotes that the scroll requires a Catalyst. The # next to a scroll means that you must also perform an in game mod to get that Catalyst.


Catalysts: Same as scroll.

1 Catalyst can be purchased per year per scroll.

Arcane Armor: 1000

Audible Projection: 100

Bane: 400

*Banish to <Other Plane>: 250

Boost Duration: 500

Channel Spell: 250

Circle Lock: 250

Cloak: 250

Cloak of Darkness: 250

*Conjure Artifact: 500

*Construct: 500

Contact Other Plane: 250

*Copy Formal Scroll: 500

Create Limited Circle of Power: 1000

Damage Aura: 750

*Destroy Magic: 750, (will not effect restricted items)

Earth/Chaos Aura: 750

Elemental Aura: 750

Elemental Burst: 500

Enchant: 250

Enhance Wand: 250

Expanded Enchantment: 250

Extend Battle Magic Duration: 500

*Gift of Life: 250

Greater Wand: 250

Haven of the Living/Domain of the Defiled: 750

Heal Golem: 250

Investiture/Divestiture: 250

Item Recall: 500

Lore: 100

Mark/Unmark: 100

* # Master Construct: 1000

Monster Slayer: 750

*Obfuscate: 1000

*Permanent Duration: 1000

Planar Asylum: 500

*Planar Gate: 500

Preserve Duration: 750

*Proscribe: 500

Race Reaver: 750

Render Indestructible Improved: 750

Resist Destroy Magic: 250

Sacrifice: 500

Spell Parry: 250

Spell Store: 500, (casting limit of 10 only)

Spirit Farewell: 100

Spirit Link: 500

Spirit Lock: 500

Spirit Recall: 500

Spirit Walk: 500

Store Ability: 250

*Summon Elemental <Foundation>: 500

*Summon Elemental <Magistarium>: 500

*Summon Extra Planar Creature: 500

*Summon Magical Creature: 500

Summon Undead <Corporeal>/<Skeletal>/<Spectral>: 500

*Transfer Enchantment: 500

Vengeance: 500

Vision: 100

Warder Glyph: 500

Whispering Wind: 100
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What doe the * and # mean?
* denotes rituals that have a catalyst, from what I can tell.
I wish Enan wasn't a werebear, it would be fun to buy some summon undead scrolls that are level of formal based. Just "Yeah premod, I'm going to send in 104 Jade Skeletons to soften things up."
Added a descriptor. Thank you Alexander :).
For the scrolls that can vary is level (arcane armor) are these costs for the ability to cast them at max level?
Yeah. We used to have separate reagents to make it harder to cast higher level scrolls but then there were too many other problems that came up. So we went to a one size fits all kind of system for certain scrolls such as arcane armor and DA. As with anything our chapter is always open to suggestions on how to make it more fair or more efficient, but as of right now yeah its a one price for max level kind of deal.
Master construct cat is the only one requiring a mod?
Not that I mind mods :) Just seems odd.
When does the 'per year' on catalysts reset? Calendar year? Larp Season? 1 year cool-down since last purchase?
Calendar year for ease of keeping track.
Are these Scrolls able to be spell crafted off of? Even though they don't require reagents?
Currently most are not. Thanks to the conversation we all had at afters I am considering changing some things. I will post up as soon as I have time to rework this feature. It is a top priority for me but I have to make plot is ready for first event first then I will get on it ;).
Sounds good. To go on record, I was fine with the way you were running it. Just wanted to confirm the situation for everyone, before people grab LCoP scrolls to spellcraft off of, via season pass picks. (as it's the highest GS cost, without a catalyst) Plot stuff sounds good.

I don't see any of the RP only scrolls.
You get your RP out of my combat game Joe!