Let us not change for the sake of change...

I don't know how others feel on this, but change for the sake of change is not good. Yes we all know Tournament is right around the corner. In recent years we've seen change, after change, after change.
I feel the old rules for spell casters are fine as is. How hard is it to keep an eye on one participant and what spell they had cast on them and who it was who did the casting? Come on guys and gals, we're not talking about brain surgery here.
Three-man combat works fine as is. The only thing I can say is, I'd like to see it go back to padded damage as-well-as only parries and ripostes can be used.
Hero's Combat works fine as is. Like with Three-man combat I'd like to see it go back to padded damage as-well-as only parries and ripostes can be used.
Yes people may complain on the length the Three-man & Hero's battle take, but guess what, this is the time for those participants to shine in the spotlight! People should gather to see the competition!
I was a little upset with how the Hero's combat was fought last year. I would never want to see that in the Ducal Tournament.
I've spoken my peace on this for now.
Dennis Berish
I assure you that my intent is not change for the sake of change. That said, sometimes change is good and sometimes it is necessary.

Combat rules made perfect sense when the game had a different rule set. Same is true for spellcaster rules. But, when the rules changed, the reasonable response is to change the tournament. Fighters became more skilled, it only makes sense that showing off those skills is part of combat. Similarly, spellcasters learned new tricks and again in makes sense that the tournament would reflect that.

Personally, the only time I changed combat was last year when it was individual tournament (and based on participation numbers, I am glad I did). I did not have a say in the change from 30 point simulation to real combat, nor in the change from padded to live steel. Serious rules issues were part of those decisions. The change I have recommended is based on discussions I have had with players who feel uncomfortable with the current "slaughter" rules. Since "Padded" isn't an Alliance legal call, I suggested this option as an in-game solution to a problem. I am requesting out of game input, because player enjoyment matters to me.

As for the spellcasting rules, I agree it is possible to watch and try to track when binding drops, but from experience, I can say it has been screwed up in the past, more than once (you were probably present for some of those screw ups). My suggestion for change is simply one to ease a difficulty that has cropped up in the past.

More generally, I personally believe that tournament was allowed to grow stagnant, especially after NERO/Alliance rules changes. Changes to the rules of the game should almost necessitate changes to the tournament and more than once we made no changes after a major rules change. This has put artifacts in the tournament rules that make absolutely no sense (archery, for example).

Look at real life sports competitions. Rules are constantly being re-evaluated or slightly changed in order to improve the game. This happens in the NFL, the Olympics, MLB, etc. Tournament has been ignored, in part because nobody was particularly interested in trying to make it better. I throw everything into the Hunt, but Mike V. will admit that he hasn't really put much effort in to improve tournament after initially designing it. I am not apportioning blame, just commenting.

Maybe I didn't do everything right last year, but tournament had some spectacular participation numbers. I want it to stay interesting, fun, and hopefully, not overly long. I should probably simply make a single post with my ideas and get input, but I certainly hope that players don't balk at changes, simply because something is different.

I also think some change is in order. I like the incapacitate and out for spell casters. If you and I get webbed and my webber gets taken out but your webber does not I may win because of luck - not skill. I don't see how that makes things any cooler.

I'm not crazy about the first blood stuff (though I want to think some more before voting since encouraging armor is good too) but why only prof, parry, and riposte? Why not evade? Why not prepare to die skills?

They got rid of padded damage because there were problems there so that change certainly had its reasons.
I think that the more really IG skills and abilities you allow in tournaments the more fun. Scouts should be able to use their evades. Scholars should be able to use their high magic. And fighters should be able to wear armor but fight down to the bitter end of their body in addition.

One of the fun things about tournaments that I enjoy is that it is a really nice chance to allow players to fight other player characters in a competitive setting with "real" IG rewards on the table so people care, without going all the way to PvP and the possibility of characters killing off other players characters.