Let's IG Make a Difference OOG - Donations for Homeless


Some of you may have seen (and responded to) the in-game post A Plea for the Heartwood Exiles. If you haven't, it's not absolutely necessary to read it; the main butt of it is, Grin is asking for donations for the dryads that were exiled from the Heartwood Grove after the battle with the Malachari.

Our Traverse City chapter staff has given their blessing for this to translate into addressing a real-world problem - those still dealing with homelessness in northern Michigan. Goodwill is a registered, reputable 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, with a branch Goodwill Northern Michigan in Traverse City operating not only a used goods store but also a homeless shelter called Goodwill Inn.

The Traverse City Alliance will therefore be making a donation of goods to the Goodwill Inn during the upcoming weekend event, May 18-20. If you would like to add something to our contributions, here's a helpful (non-exclusive) list of items that the organisation accepts:
  • Clothing (including Footwear) and Linens
  • Accessories
  • Toys
  • Sporting Goods and Games
  • Current and Vintage Books, Records, Tapes, CDs, and Videos
  • Housewares
When I contacted Goodwill, they said that at this time of the year, average size pants (size 32s or thereabouts) are particularly hard to find and they would especially appreciate those.

Goodwill cannot accept:
  • Televisions
  • Mattresses or Waterbeds
  • Large Appliances
  • Carpeting and Building Materials
A full list of the can-donates and can't-donates can be found on Goodwill Northern Michigan's website. I will be making the delivery to Goodwill Inn on Saturday afternoon or evening, May 19th, before 7:30pm (when they close). Thank you to any and all that help us with this!
I just want to bump this one more time to remind Traverse LARPers - or anyone really - if you can bring your things to the event Friday (or even Saturday morning) I will be facilitating the drop-off to Goodwill, in costume :P
Hello Traverse LARPers (and others)!
At PC talk on May 18th, we decided that we would be making these donations all year long, so if you forgot to bring your donations to the May event or didn't know that this was happening, don't worry about it! The next event is June 29th - July 1st, so feel free to bring clothes, linens, accessories, toys, books, videos, or housewares that you would like to send off to Goodwill. As before I will facilitate the actual transport.
Hello Ardic! Our next event is 8 days away, so here's your bump/reminder. If you can bring your things to the event Friday June 29th (or even Saturday morning the 30th) I will be facilitating the drop-off to Goodwill, in costume, Saturday afternoon. Thank you again!
Our next event is only 5 nights away! So again here's your bump/reminder. @Saro and anyone else that wanted me to remind them. I can also send a text or Facebook message again on a few days if I have your number (PM me) or Facebook (Taed Price).

If you can bring your things to the event Friday July 27th (or even Saturday morning the 28th) I will be facilitating the drop-off to Goodwill, in costume, Saturday afternoon. Thank you!
This event snuck up on me! Here's your reminders (I'll send a few on Facebook as well). If you bring your things to the event Friday August 17th (or even Saturday morning the 18th) I will be dropping them off Saturday morning in costume, then coming back to the event. ^_^