Actually, that image is not the SCA logo. The logo is just the shield with the foliage on it with the letters SCA either below the shield or on the shield. Very simple. The image above is a logo that has been altered and prettied up for a website banner.
The logo itself should be simple. The most recognizable logos in the world are simple. Coca Cola is number one in almost every ranking and it's words only. Nike, Apple, Volkswagen, Mercedes, IBM, AT&T, Marvel, DC, etc. etc. are all simple. Colors can be important too, but isn't always. Red and white is coke, blue and red is pepsi, Budweiser is red, etc. The nike swish comes in many colors. Having a consistent color might not be a bad idea.
These crests and more complicated pictures are really good, but not necessarily right for a logo, IMO. Having it be doodle-able is not bad either. Just about any rock fan my age can still draw the Van Halen logo or the Kiss logo.