Letter from the Duchess of Ravencrest

**a crier runs into major towns, arriving from the East, and reads aloud the following message. She then posts copies of the message in the taverns. The message bears the hand-signed and stamped mark of Duchess Bellana Di'Orsini-Lissenstine**

Loyal Citizens of Andar-

It has come to my attention that some think me missing and perhaps dead. I would like to make it known that, although driven from my home by overwhelming assaults of Undead, and while those forces do conspire in great number and power against me, I have retained both my life and sanity and thus also retained those rights, powers, and responsibilities of Duchess.

Let it be known that I, Duchess Bellana Di'Orsini-Lissenstine, true and rightful Duchess of Ravencrest- named so by Her Royal Majesty, Queen Allesiya Filligrino, according to the laws and customs of our land, do declare my intention to continue serving Andar in the role granted me by her late majesty, may her spirit rest in peace.

Let it also be known that, according to the laws and customs of Andar, a Monarch must be chosen from among the lawfully appointed Dukes and Duchesses in the Duchies of Silverhold, Mountain Shade, and Ravencrest, and appointed by the Council of Counts. Only the ruling Monarch of Andar may appoint a Duke or Count and only upon that Monarch's word may a Count ascend to Dukedom.

I ask my faithful subjects, and those loyal to Andar herself, to not jump to hasty decisions or conclusions. We are far from freeing Andar of those who attack her, but I believe that those good and strong people of Andar, who always have prevailed, will again rise to the occasion and defeat our foes. Until that day, let us be careful to follow those laws we hold dear.

Signed and Sealed by her own hand,
Duchess Bellana Di'Orsini-Lissenstine