Letter to Lord Berrybucket omitted from newsletter

I submitted a letter to The Ashbury Times and it was not printed. I am not sure why this occurred, but I wanted to print--or rather, dream--it here:

Lord Wesley Berrybucket,

It was a pleasure to meet with you during the last Fairdale gathering. I wanted to thank you for taking the time to sit with me and listen to the details of what I know will be a very successful business venture. I look forward to meeting with you and/or other representatives of Home in the near future when we can iron out the details and start getting to work, should you agree to move forward. If you ever find yourself in Ashbury City please feel free to stop by my bakery for some delicious treats and a friendly conversation.

In the meantime, I will keep proving to all that I am truly a Hobling. I know I am in mind, heart, and spirit, but not yet in body. I will continue my work to find a way to change that.

Safe travels,

Perwin Poppinfresh
Black Forest
Sure it is! It delivers messages to people disguised as news. You can't fool me. I can see through your crafty lies. Newspaper, pffft.

- Evie, Not An Editor, But Still Pretty Good At Editing
It should have been put in the public notices.
Perhaps the editors need to go back and read older Ashbury Times. There have always been letters to other people printed. They are usually printed in a "Letters" section or public notices. In fact, I received this written response from Myrtle Marmadoc when I submitted the above letter:

Recieved and filed for printing.
- M.M. Marmadoc

Now do the right thing and apologize. It isn't wise to upset the newest star writer of the Ashbury Times.

Safe travels,

Perwin Poppinfresh
Black Forest