Lone Adventurer's

For those adventurer's who are alone and seeking friends they can trust to have their back. My Lieutenant and I have been separated from our former comrades and are seeking others who would join together to fight monsters, save citizens, and not die. We are still a small group and would like to add several more to round out our skill sets. If you are interested you can either send me a pigeon or just find me at the siege of the castle.

-Captain York
Captain of the Order of the Black Wolves
Deputy Sheriff
See, Cap'n? You can be civil and even welcoming if you try hard enough! But yes, you can count on us to guard your back if we can expect the same from you. Not saying that we don't expect this of everyone at the siege, but it's nice to be close with some of the people around you, especially when they have steel.
Hello York.
I would love to join your group.
When i first came to hopes reach i was alone and didn't know anyone.
And luckily the other adventurers helped me come out of my shell and also teach me how to fight in groups.
Sadly we have lost some and others have not been back to hopes reach in a very long time.
But the ones that are still here i am lucky enough to call friends.
I understand we have had many new adventurers to hopes reach lately, so i would like to do what others have done for me.
So if you will have me i would love to join you.
I would also be interested in joining this group, though for the castle siege I am commited to another group.

Deoman. (biata)
Crow, I believe you would make an excellent fit for our group.

Deoman, I remember you had shown interest when I first sent a message into the dreams and do not worry we will not be interfering with any plans made for the siege. I would gladly meet and speak with you of joining our group.

Captain of the Order of the Black Wolves
Deputy Sheriff