Long Overdue


Such a long time coming, but the hour soon draws near.
A friend, good friend, with a heart as wide and deep as the sea,
far too long before his time,
fell before the coming darkness.

I would say goodbye to him.
If you wish to join me I will be travelling to the town of Fairdale in three and a half month's time to cast the Spirit Farewell for Braveroar Stonehammer.
I am seeking a Limited Circle of Power scroll to spellcraft off of, and if any ritual casters wish to aid in the casting so that we may spend more time with him please contact me privately through the dream realm.

It has been a long time since his passing, and some of you adventurers now reading this may have never had the pleasure of meeting and befriending, for one could not help but befriend him upon first meeting, Braveroar. I am certain that he would be happy to sit and talk with any adventurer old or new and so I enclose a few words printed about him upon his parting.

"To all citizens, visitors and allies of Ashbury and Icenia,

Recently we have all endured a tragic loss in passing of Braveroar Stonehammer, dwarf of Dwarrenagor. The lands are a sadder place without him. May his spirit find peace in the Stone Halls and may the memory of his bravery and kindness inspire those he has left behind.

Duke Sir Frost Vardik

It is with deep sadness that I read of the death of young Braveroar. I only met Braveroar recently, but have come to respect him immensely. He wanted only what was best for the dwarven people, and unlike some, understood that what was best was cooperation with all the other peoples of the world. We had fine conversations and shared many an ale when I visited your lands, and I will miss those days. I am happy though that he died fighting like a hero, and that is how I hope all will remember him.

King Kelanor IV

My heart weighs more than a thousand stones today. I hear the words of Braveroar’s death with a great amount of grief and sadness. Braveroar Stonehammer taught me about our people and how we need to work together in just a few short years.He was a Whiterock, a clan I’d always been taught was greedy and cared nothing for anything but coins and profit. Then I met Braveroar and I learned that this wasn’t the case. He was the best man I ever knew of any race and any clan. I take some solace in the fact that he took some of his enemy with him, but the price was still too great.I will miss him more than I can find words for. If someone would tell me how to find the bastards that slew him I would be greatly appreciative. The least I can do for my friend is to avenge him.

Kyril Flamebeard
Flamefist Clan

On the eve of Friday Nov 5th in the year 604, a heart had taken its final beat. A heart of hearts... so big, that it was never not seen where ever it was. This heart was so kind, so giving, and never without love. Ashbury, nay Icenia, nay all of Fortannis will be slightly less bright without it. Let us not forget him.


I hope to see many faces there, old and new.


I have such a scroll you may spellcraft from. However, I will not be arriving in Fairedale until Saturday afternoon. If you intend on casting your ritual after this time, my arrival time should not pose an obstacle.

I met Braveroar almost a decade ago and he provided me no small amusement. I look forward to paying my respects if possible.

May the darkness hold only allies,

Xitzin Find'rth T'Varian
Lord of House Ryujima of Tarzaterranzan
Xitzin Findr'th T'Varian,

I am deeply honored by your offer. You have my thanks.

My intent was to cast the ritual Saturday eve, around dinner time so your timing is impeccable and your presence most welcome. If you would be so kind as to inform me of the reagents your particular scroll likes to eat I would be most appreciative.


I vould azk only vone zing. Could you do it after dinner zo zat my zizter could ztill zing for ze tavern. I do not mean to zound az iv I don't care. But ve had planned on zinging for ze tavern. I vould ztill like to do ziz. Iv it iz a problem ve can try for after the zpirit farvell.

Lanna Rose

Knowing Braveroar, I am sure that if you sing with any modicum of proficiency he will be more than happy to listen...

The difficulty may come from preventing him from joining in.


I am not sure if I will be able to be present for Braveroar's Farewell, if I am not I would appreciate you letting him know that I think of him often and that he is missed.

Goodwoman Michiko,

It seems those responding to your message may be thinking that your intent is to cast this ritual in just over a week's time when your original missive says it will be cast in over three months time. Is it your intent to cast this ritual next week? I need to know as a ritual of this kind would necessitate my posting of more guards about Fairdale so that your honoring of Goodman Braveroar could go off uninterrupted and so that I could broach the matter with Lord Berrybucket of Home, who is planning a major diplomatic and sales function in the tavern at that time.

First and Only,
-Davin Holst, Sheriff of Fairdale and Storm's End
Uh oh..

My intent was to cast it on the Saturday evening of the Tournament of 609 which I heard is being held in Fairdale at the end of this summer. Did I get confused again? Or maybe it came out wrong. I've been trying very hard to say things the right way. I guess I still have some work to do. I'm sorry.

Lanna Rose, you can sing! Braveroar would love it. I might sing some too. I think there should be a lot of ale too, and MWE twister! I don't want everyone being all sourpuss and sad-faced. Braveroar should have a big party so he can laugh louder than he ever did before and... go away with a smile on his face...

I am zorry I though you ment to hold ze zpirit fairvell ziz gazering. I vill be 'appy to zing ven you do it zo.

Lanna Rose
My memory can fade from me at times but I recalled when I first opened my eyes to the world of adventuring. There were a many adventurers I had met in my first coming to the town of Ashbury. If I recall correctly I got the pleasure of fighting along side Braveroar during the attack from a fierce dragonmage by the name of Chessmaster. Its a shame I never got an opportunity to learn from some of the greatest of them.

I 'ave not been blessed wis zee chance to meet such a great hero. Zo I vill be zinging vith my sister. And ze Great Braveroar may join in az 'ee zeez fit! As roma, goodbye's are never a sad sing. Ve celebrate zee life zat vas taken from us, and I intend to lift zee 'earts of everyone vith a few well-places songs.

Lanna! Why must you bring me into zees sings? *laughs* Not zat I wouldn't 'ave anyway!

To know anozer great spirit leaves us 'as my 'eart heavy, I vill be vith my fellow adventurers to 'elp in any way I can. No great Hero vill ever be forgoten.

Zee Songbird of Fairdale,
Wynter Rose Draken
I never got the chance to meet Braveroar either. I shall make it a point to travel to fairdale that gathering to meet and honor his death.
Jarrin V.

I do indeed hope you intend to cast the ritual during the tourney, as I am sure to be present and would like nothing more than to be able to say goodbye to my "lil buddy". The way he left us still bothers me to this day, even with the permanent distruction of his murderer. I have a few things I need to say, that I have said many times to the stars and the earth, but to know that he will hear me, well, I hope your will be casting it then... I can nae go on, tis too troubling....


Believe me, I understand. His passing came far too soon. I am glad that we will all get a chance to finally say things that we've been holding in our hearts for so long.


Alas, myself and the entire Black Forest will nae be able to attend the tourney as recent events have cause us to change our travelling plans. Would it be at all possible to hold off until halloween, which would be the anniversary of his passing, so that we may all pay our proper respects. If this is not possible, I understand, just give my "Lil Buddy" a hug for me and tell him his brothers miss him every day.

Thank you,
Wow. Really? Really Redcloud? Something just now came up that is more important than Braveroar's Spirit Farewell? No, I think you're playing a joke on me and I'm not falling for it. I'm much too clever for you silly Redcloud.

Besides, why would we want to celebrate on the anniversary of his death? It is not his death we are celebrating but his life and no force on the face of Fortannis could impel me to be in Icenia on that night anyway.

T'was only a question. I am sad that I shall miss my last chance to say goodbye. As for celebrating... death is not and end... it's just a shift in existance. I've been to the graveyards... and knowing my lil buddy he's either partying in the Listing Fields, or Partying harder in the Stone Halls, though I have hopes that his deed in life would trancend with his spirit and allow him entry in to the Hero's Graveyard....

I don't see why you are so loathe to be in Icenia when the veil thins. I personally find it to be a rather exciting and busy time of year. Sure there are a few minor (sometimes major) evils around, but we always manage to handle it... and juding by last years fun, we may even get to meet a new player in the game of life (and death). Though I have heard murmurs of a way to seal and solidify the veil once and for all as well.....

He was e good man and true an good friend to all. I try to voice my words carefully. So, I say with all seriousness, he held life and the true meaning of moral freedom/honorably to all to heart. His positive attitude was so assuring when troubled times became over whelming. There are few who can do so jist by walking into a room. He will always be dear to my heart.

Zat Healers guild Head