Lookin ta purchase

Heya guys,

I looking ta purchase any scrolls or components dat are fur sale. Please contact me or Bart ( Ractor) by pidgeon if ya need ta make any money.

I can alsho provide ritual casting services, wards, or jest need help with a problem... I kin help.


I am sorry to have missed you at the banquet. I had other obligations that prevented me from coming.

But I have a question for you. What would be the chances of you obtaining the necessary components and scroll for a permanent magic armor? I know those are fairly rare and I am thinking you might have more resources than this untraveled elf. Perhaps I can talk to you about this when we meet next?


well if ya mean an arcane armor it would depend on wether ya need it ta travel ta oder lands we kin talk next market day but arcane armors are expensive and permanent items next ta mpossible to git.

If ya ever find a permanence scroll ill pay ya very handsumly fur it or jest da chance ta copy it. If I ever git a spare arcane armor I kin make it fur you and drop a preserve duration on it... that would normally cost.... 150-200gold fur an arcane amor that would last dat long and travel. I wouldn't even consider using a permanence on jest an arcane armor.

I kin also do rituals if ya guys have da scrolls and reagents.... I'm happy ta make larger items and kin make just about anything ya guys might need. I would require a bit fur payment cuz makin items takes a lot of time and energy but we kin discuss it when it comes up. I know havok needs a monster slayer made and has da scrollz but not all the components... I kin sell him sum when I see him next.
