looking for a Silvered Sword


Im interested in getting my self a Silvered Sword if you might have one to sale send me word of your price and were i can meet you to make the buy....

Greetings, Goodman Xavic.

You may want to be a bit more precise in your query. Specifically, are you looking for a Silvered Longsword, a Silvered Shortsword, a Silvered Two-Handed Sword, or perhaps a Silvered Dagger?

Most people will probably assume you mean a Silvered Longsword, but it is good to be specific.

-Baron Polare Lissenstine of Keystone Village
Ah got a Silvered longsword dats strenghtened and all dat.

Ya want ta buy it? I'll shell it fur cheap fur any newer adventurer.

hehe my mistake i just recently learned what part of them whent were there far too differnt from my claws thank you for the corection but yes sliver longsword or short sword would be what im seeking....

and Jehan if the price is ok with my pack leader Tanis i would be more than happy to take it off your hands.. send send me word of the price you ask and ill see if it can be done.
