Looking for Components

I know we burned an astounding number of components at the recent gathering, but I am looking for a few to sink into a ritual that may be helpful to us in the coming weeks.

These are the components I seek:
- Wand (x2)
- Fangtooth
- Jetsam

I would be willing to pay for any number of these components (dependent, of course, on a not endless supply of coin) on the eve of our next gathering.

I have fang tooth and jetsam. 5 gold sound like good trade?

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Can they be tied to the land? Or will this involve traveling beyond the mist?

They do not need to travel. For this particular ritual, I would actually prefer they did not.
We have two wands that are tied to this land. Two gold each if you would like.

I vill vuy the vands for Talitha. Give them to her at vour earliest convieniance and I vill pay vou.

Kitaruen Kopanari
Kitaruen - You are so generous tovard me; endlessly do you have my thanks and admiration.

Ragnarok - Are your jetsam and fangtooth able to travel, or are zhey tied to these lands? If zhey are the traveling kind, I vill gladly pay 5 gold. If zhey are for local use only, I vould like to offer you 2 gold for each component, same rate as Zen's vands. Does this sound agreeable?

Jetsam no travel but fangtooth do. How much that worth?


Two gold is acceptable for both of them, regardless of their connection to the land.

Hey Tal! I've got a Wand, a Fangtooth, and Jetsam! The Wand and Fangtooth are from Wayside and the Jetsam is from Valdanis, but they'll all work through the Mists, assuming I can find someone that can bring them to you, since I still can't seem to find a good way to get to Gaden. I was plannin' on using these for when I get my stick enchanted, but I'm still like a dozen components short at the least, so that probably isn't going to happen for a little bit, and since you're looking for them now, I guess they're better off with you than me.

~ Silp
I sorry if I ask for to much. I no know how much they worth and I have little coin right now. Take from Silp. His travel mists and better than mine.

She said before that she has no problem with them not travelling, and it sounds like she can use as many as she can get, so you can definitely still sell yours to her, Ragnorak.

~ Silp
I sell for as much as be bought for. Though know that Benjamin also want fangtooth and I sell to whoever give more coin for it.

Ragnarok - I have little patience in my bones for haggling. I vill pay the 5 gold you initially asked; zhat us fine.

Silp - I vould be grateful if you could send those to Gaden. Let me know vhat you vould like in return.

If you have any available, I vould like to collect at least one more component.

I find out how much they worth. I give to you for only 4 if that what you want.

I'll take whatever you want to give me for them, and I'll see what I can do to find you at least one more component!

~ Silp
Did you get all the components you needed in time for whatever you needed them for, Tal?

~ Silp
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