Looking for Formal Scroll


If you have a Limited Circle of Power formal scroll from the lands that were once Syraandor, and are interested in making some sort of a trade for it, please contact me. Also include the date of the scroll's expiration. Thank you.

Vanguard of the Crimson Storm
Ator.....Formal Magic scrolls do not expire at least in the 6 lands I have travled to.
Gilwing said:
Formal Magic scrolls do not expire at least in the 6 lands I have travled to.

Someone else mentioned this to me last night as well. Apparently formal scrolls have not had an expiration time for the better part of a decade. I guess I am getting old.

Next someone's going to tell me that all rituals don't require a Primary and Secondary components!

Vanguard of the Crimson Storm

(P.S. - I am aware that Primaries and Secondaries have been replaced by catalysts and reagents. I was attempting to be ironic.)

Have you found a way to return? You speak like you have, although you might be planning ahead incase you can. If you have indeed found a way back, please let me know.

On a note that fits your call more, I do not have a scroll, but have the ability to cast or spellcraft if for you if you do come upon one and if you are in such need.

Court Ritualist of Nordenn
Jezebel said:
Have you found a way to return? You speak like you have, although you might be planning ahead incase you can. If you have indeed found a way back, please let me know.

I have not, but my company and I have doubled our efforts to do so after hearing your tale of the now-dead child that passed through the Mists. Though we have had no luck, we have agreed that returning to their homeland is of vital importance currently. We will not rest until our efforts are successful, even if this takes another three years.

Thank you for your offer, but there are two formal casters among my company and I would prefer that only members of the Vanguard are invested in the Circle. We are also seeking a Lesser Investiture formal scroll in order to make the spellcrafting of the Limited Circle of Power more versatile and accessible to our group.

Good luck in your own efforts to penetrate the Mists. If you succeed before us, I look forward to the news.

Vanguard of the Crimson Storm
I hope you do find your way Ator. It has been too many years since we've wielded our swords against a common foe.

Sparktet Bone Littlebeard