Looking for information on Cyril Thornbranch and/or Plague


New Hampshire Staff
Greetings to my new friends, and specifically to any of my brothers or sisters who have been awake longer than I,

For the most part, my time between gathers has been spent deep in meditation and study. Through my study, I have come across the story of a brother of mine, Cyril Thornbranch, and his encounter with an odd plague that gripped the forest a very long time ago. As far as my clouded memory reveals, I have not met Cyril Thornbranch, and the plague from this tale is completely unfamiliar to me. It causes me much sorrow to realize that my people have been through so much that I do not even remember yet. It also intrigues me that there is a history of plagues tainting these lands. Perhaps looking to the past can help us in the present?

I dream now to see if any of my fellow adventurers, or specifically my brethren, might have any information about my brother, Cyril, or this old plague that cursed the Children of Autumn. From what I have read, this plague is nothing like the Red Madness we face now... but if there is any possibility, however slight, that the knowledge gained from this plague of the past could be of any assistance in present times, I wish to explore that possibility and gain all knowledge possible. I must also confess my personal desire to learn and remember more of my brethren and our history.

I will indeed be incredibly happy if anyone can provide me with any wisdom about a cure for any sort of plague, or anything about the Children of Autumn's history.

Many thanks, dear friends, and stay well!