Looking for location info for new character


Hi, I play mostly in PA and Ohio; have never gotten the chance to come-up sadly enough. I've been building a character for over a year and finally decided what race I wanted to be. But I want the character to have a specific background, so I ask the followoing question: Is there any information the geography of the land? I am looking for my character, an Elf, to have come from a desert environment; sort of an Egyptian theme (possibly part of an adopted family of Jackel Scavies :D ). Also, are there different types of Elves in this chapter so I can apply for a race packet? Thank you for any help you can give, me. Or, if anyone has other suggestions for a character, i'll take those too. I mostly play Scavies, so this will be new.

Lyndsay McClain
(Kalsi Salemont, RAST, and Veil KeeKoree)
Hi my name is Amanda, an my alt is a jackal scavy. I would be willing to let you know about my background if you want to tie it together. Just send me a pm. :D