Looking to Learn Herbal Lore


Now that i am living in bregsmourn with most of you all, i believe i should become familiar with the flora and fauna of valbridge where it differs from the unhindered lands. The fauna i am already undertaking studies of, but if anyone would be able to teach me about the local herbal lore i would be extremely grateful. I will be accompanying you all to whitford and springdale in two days' time, if such a teacher is also taking the sojourn.

Ilarion deòrsa ramiel earthdream.
I would be happy to teach you of the flora and fauna when our paths cross.

It should be known, in general, that if you wish to learn something a trainer can be found with a reasonable amount of effort. Also, in the future, you may wish to post such requests in a more public place to ensure that all who travel the lands can see them.

Travel safely,
Sir Mathis
Thank you greatly sir mathis - i will happy to recompense you in gold or in service if need be.
I hesitated to post my request more publicly only due my limited familiarity with the people of the eastlands. Ardos has vouched for the adventuring community, so i am willing to put my faith in them - especially a knight of the king.
