loot splitting

i'm just curious about this, do we want to come up with a loot sharing system for when we do town mods? i don't mind putting in some working coming up with an idea that is fair to all parties

i noticed the last time there were a couple people with money and they got their pick of everything, got most of the components, ritual scrolls and magic items for dirt cheap. i think the most fair way to do it was the way we did it the last weekend event with the town mod. everything was given a GP value and then that arbitrary value was split equally among everyone.

if there aren't enough for an MI or a component, then there would be a little luck of the draw. i know not everything is created equal, but i think the rare things could have been shared more fairly.

but if i am out of line, let me know. this way everyone has a fair shot.

the loot piles would have similar GP values to them, then people get to pick based on random chance, drawing a card from a deck, going from highest to lowest, spades, hearts, diamonds and then clubs in order of priority.

again, if it ain't broken we don't have to fix it. but it would be nice to have this worked out in advanced so anyone could divide up the loot without things being stressful
Bring it up in-game.
If you are, then we'll smack you down in-game. :D
I think every one for them selves and their close buddy's opens up for more interesting RP and more motivation for thieving. I was disappointed I didn't get pick pocketed (save for the emotional black mail after the town mod)

it would be easier with littler mods of course since you could talk it over as to who needs what.

Is your character greedy or generous or fair? RP it.

I felt like most of the hostilities are coming from out of game is that true? but if they are in game than I wouldn't mind so much but would probably not necessarily follow what the 'leaders' tell me to do.

Thats my two copper
okay. i wouldn't bring this up in game because it isn't in my character. it is a complete out of game thing to distribute the wealth evenly and fairly

it stems from my tabletop RP experience. we had 2 people who severely limited the capabilities of the whole rest of the 8 member party because while everyone else was fighting, they went and looted things, and wouldn't share. they rarely fought too or payed for anything. i only found out about it because i talked to the GM years after the game ended.

i understand the RP of thieving, and the RP of not sharing and pretending to be broke, but when you have the front line working hard to take all the damage and protect everyone without getting a fair share, there is no motivation to keep going. that is just personal experience for me.

its not like it will effect my enjoyment of larp at all, i would just like it to be cleared up
dragonfire8974 said:
i understand the RP of thieving, and the RP of not sharing and pretending to be broke, but when you have the front line working hard to take all the damage and protect everyone without getting a fair share, there is no motivation to keep going. that is just personal experience for me.
It's purely their in-game character stuff, and making sure who gets what is purely in-game. What I'm saying is this: You're trying to figure out a way that everyone was OOG treated fairly, but IG, that may not happen or necessarily even matter. Heck, I was a front-line fighter the whole event, and I gave close to a gold out-of-pocket to the Celestial guild to get everyone's magic stuff identified, but I never truly received exact compensation for any of that. And I'm fine with it, in and out of game.
DracoIam said:
I felt like most of the hostilities are coming from out of game is that true? but if they are in game than I wouldn't mind so much but would probably not necessarily follow what the 'leaders' tell me to do.
Most of the hostility IS out-of-game. Many people (not characters) feel that, since they were there at the time of it happening, they should get paid, regardless of what their character thinks/would think. Anyone who gets OOG pissed off that they didn't get what they wanted shouldn't complain about it OOG, they should roleplay their way to getting what they want IG.

I miss the days when adventurers could keep what they find, and the town could peacefully negotiate a fair organization when it was actually needed, but it's just not going to happen anymore.
that's cool. if that's how it is i am cool with it. i just wanted to see if we wanted to arrange a loot-sharing thing. :)
I'm afraid that the inequity in the loot split was my fault.

Tim and I decided to leave early, so a great deal of effort was put into trying to get the loot split for the main town mod done as quickly as possible, which lead to cutting some corners on figuring out how much potions, scrolls and components were worth. Usually, (and in my opinion most fairly)the person or persons doing the loot split figure out how much everything is worth before splitting it up evenly among the group.

When there is a magic item or ritual scroll involved, usually they figure out how much it is worth and then try to auction it off to the highest bidder, because it would be impossible to give that high value item to only one person. Then, the gold that was the highest bid is divided along with the rest of the loot split. Sometimes, a group will take the high value item as their loot split.

We did have a major problem in that we miscounted how many people went on the mod, so it turned out that the two people who worked the hardest to get the loot split done ended up with nothing.

Next time, might I suggest that we count off the group before we head off to do a mod? Just everyone take turns counting off so that we know exactly how many people to do a loot split for.
Actually we held a pot after you left. A few people pitched in, more than even their share and it all turned out alright. Alyce has a few idea's on how to move this along better next time if anyone would like to make an in game post for it (feelin' lazy right now ^^).
hahaha no, it wasn't your fault the looting got complicated. though i am a fan of the fair GP value then auction, or otherwise just randomize with the treasure

my issue was the severe depressing of the value of many of the auctioned things. 5s is not a fair price for components no matter how ya cut that.

but that is just my take on it. may not really be right cause i haven't been here too long. but that's why i offered to propose a fair system. i know people are going to steal loot, i'm fine with that. i saw it happen plenty of times. but for the fair looting system, that's something nice to have in advance if it is desired
The fact of the matter is that loot splitting is as much of an out of game thing as it is an in game thing. The trouble is, more than anything else, loot can greatly affect the enjoyment of the game for new players.

For example, during the undead tree mod, I kept gesturing new players to loot my kills. I can certainly tell you they both needed the coin more than me and enjoyed their loot more than me. At the same mod, I brought in help (who happened to be some the greediest players). The moment one player showed up, she immediately rushed in on a new player's kill and looted the corpse. I asked her to let the new players loot items, but she became highly aggressive towards me. Quite frankly, I would give up 5 magic items for 1 new player to join our larp.

So Gandian, if you want to roleplay stealing and hostile loot taking with other aggressive players, that's fine you guys can battle it out as far as I'm concerned... But when I see people literally snatching loot out of a brand new player's hands, quite frankly, it makes me upset.
David_Aselrik said:
The fact of the matter is that loot splitting is as much of an out of game thing as it is an in game thing. The trouble is, more than anything else, loot can greatly affect the enjoyment of the game for new players.

For example, during the undead tree mod, I kept gesturing new players to loot my kills. I can certainly tell you they both needed the coin more than me and enjoyed their loot more than me. At the same mod, I brought in help (who happened to be some the greediest players). The moment one player showed up, she immediately rushed in on a new player's kill and looted the corpse. I asked her to let the new players loot items, but she became highly aggressive towards me. Quite frankly, I would give up 5 magic items for 1 new player to join our larp.

So Gandian, if you want to roleplay stealing and hostile loot taking with Fern and Enya, that's fine you guys can battle it out as far as I'm concerned... But when I see you guys literally snatching loot out of a brand new player's hands, quite frankly, it makes me upset.

Let me make it clear, that the loot split should never be taken as an out of game affront, the staff does watch things careful to ensure there is movement around the loot and will often balance newer players out with loot given out during a lower level mod.

While it's great to have a heart for new players, I can attest from my time playing and running games that worrying about what other people do with loot out of game only ruins your time, their time, and the people caught in the crossfire and expect folks to keep things in game when it comes to such matters.
David_Aselrik said:
The fact of the matter is that loot splitting is as much of an out of game thing as it is an in game thing. The trouble is, more than anything else, loot can greatly affect the enjoyment of the game for new players.

For example, during the undead tree mod, I kept gesturing new players to loot my kills. I can certainly tell you they both needed the coin more than me and enjoyed their loot more than me. At the same mod, I brought in help (who happened to be some the greediest players). The moment one player showed up, she immediately rushed in on a new player's kill and looted the corpse. I asked her to let the new players loot items, but she became highly aggressive towards me. Quite frankly, I would give up 5 magic items for 1 new player to join our larp.

So Gandian, if you want to roleplay stealing and hostile loot taking with Fern and Enya, that's fine you guys can battle it out as far as I'm concerned... But when I see you guys literally snatching loot out of a brand new player's hands, quite frankly, it makes me upset.
Hey now. It's true, I play a greedy character, but I reverse-metagame to allow the new players to have a good time. I searched ONE undead during the tree mod (which yielded nothing, incidentally), gave away more this event than I ever have before, and didn't even get a share from the Corrupt mod. I know the importance of letting new players get their fill, and I made a point this event of letting it happen, never searching anything without personally being its sole defeater. I fail to see where I take the blame for this, especially when you reference a she in your "stealing from the new" anecdote.
hahaha, as much as my character would hate to admit it, i did get to see mcgregor (the character) be rather generous this event. Ryan has always been nice even though we have our in game disputes hahaha

i re-iterate that i just wanted to see if this is what people wanted. i think i might've given a bad impression when i relayed my story of the tabletop game.

anyways, i had tonnes of fun (and that is metric tons). i still need to get a better hold on the personality of my character, but he's becoming a real person as all the situations start piling up
Gandian Ravenscroft said:
Hey now. It's true, I play a greedy character, but I reverse-metagame to allow the new players to have a good time. I searched ONE undead during the tree mod (which yielded nothing, incidentally), gave away more this event than I ever have before, and didn't even get a share from the Corrupt mod. I know the importance of letting new players get their fill, and I made a point this event of letting it happen, never searching anything without personally being its sole defeater. I fail to see where I take the blame for this, especially when you reference a she in your "stealing from the new" anecdote.

Oops, this is the trouble with language, sometimes one word changes the entire meaning into something else. I edited it to mean what I meant it to say. You're quite right, I have only ever (experienced) you being generous to new players. You are a prime example of what I meant... you've got to metagame who you're greedy (and mean) towards. New players should be welcomed in with open arms until they're established... then they are fair game :twisted: :lol: :twisted:
David_Aselrik said:
Gandian Ravenscroft said:
Hey now. It's true, I play a greedy character, but I reverse-metagame to allow the new players to have a good time. I searched ONE undead during the tree mod (which yielded nothing, incidentally), gave away more this event than I ever have before, and didn't even get a share from the Corrupt mod. I know the importance of letting new players get their fill, and I made a point this event of letting it happen, never searching anything without personally being its sole defeater. I fail to see where I take the blame for this, especially when you reference a she in your "stealing from the new" anecdote.

Oops, this is the trouble with language, sometimes one word changes the entire meaning into something else. I edited it to mean what I meant it to say. You're quite right, I have only ever (experienced) you being generous to new players. You are a prime example of what I meant... you've got to metagame who you're greedy (and mean) towards. New players should be welcomed in with open arms until they're established... then they are fair game :twisted: :lol: :twisted:
I was going to say...Gandian has been nothing but welcoming and helpful from my experience :)
David_Aselrik said:
The fact of the matter is that loot splitting is as much of an out of game thing as it is an in game thing. The trouble is, more than anything else, loot can greatly affect the enjoyment of the game for new players.

For example, during the undead tree mod, I kept gesturing new players to loot my kills. I can certainly tell you they both needed the coin more than me and enjoyed their loot more than me. At the same mod, I brought in help (who happened to be some the greediest players). The moment one player showed up, she immediately rushed in on a new player's kill and looted the corpse. I asked her to let the new players loot items, but she became highly aggressive towards me. Quite frankly, I would give up 5 magic items for 1 new player to join our larp.

So Gandian, if you want to roleplay stealing and hostile loot taking with Fern and Enya, that's fine you guys can battle it out as far as I'm concerned... But when I see people literally snatching loot out of a brand new player's hands, quite frankly, it makes me upset.

I have no idea who your playing... im sorry, theres so many newer people I havent memorized names to faces, to characters, to board names. :P. Its a bit much to recall, can you help me out?


dragonfire8974 said:
hahaha, as much as my character would hate to admit it, i did get to see mcgregor (the character) be rather generous this event.

If anyone ever notices in game, McGregor almost never takes a split of loot, and when he buys stuff from party loot he more often than not overpays. But as to the reasons why, that is a FOIG (find out in game).

AllianceCHI said:
David_Aselrik said:
The fact of the matter is that loot splitting is as much of an out of game thing as it is an in game thing. The trouble is, more than anything else, loot can greatly affect the enjoyment of the game for new players.

For example, during the undead tree mod, I kept gesturing new players to loot my kills. I can certainly tell you they both needed the coin more than me and enjoyed their loot more than me. At the same mod, I brought in help (who happened to be some the greediest players). The moment one player showed up, she immediately rushed in on a new player's kill and looted the corpse. I asked her to let the new players loot items, but she became highly aggressive towards me. Quite frankly, I would give up 5 magic items for 1 new player to join our larp.

So Gandian, if you want to roleplay stealing and hostile loot taking with Fern and Enya, that's fine you guys can battle it out as far as I'm concerned... But when I see people literally snatching loot out of a brand new player's hands, quite frankly, it makes me upset.

I have no idea who your playing... im sorry, theres so many newer people I havent memorized names to faces, to characters, to board names. :P. Its a bit much to recall, can you help me out?


He's the elf who you thought stole your new sword.