Low Level Event Favorites

Drew AGB Co-Owner

Gettysburg Staff
Ok, post up your Favorites from the low level event.

I will start it off.

1. Awsome Roleplaying between Spidereye and Ogra in the Common Room.
2. WarpFang: Ummmm you should watch out behind you.
3. Salting Slugs
4. Fish Mod.........Damn only thing I caught was an Undead......
5. Seeing Scotts new Character.
6. Seeing lots of old friends.
7. Seeing Ren single handly take down a Howl Bear.
8. Mushroom Farmer
9. Roleplay between Ren and Spidereye....love is so complicated.
10. Watching Ren lose it and have to hide her face behind a Mug.
11. Watching the Interaction between Winter and Larien.....and all her new jinglies.
Ren did not "lose it," Amelia lost it. Amelia is boring and imperfect. In my defense, Tab, Will and Spider eye (whose oog name escapes me) at stupid o'clock. I bow to comedic skill greater than my self-control.
In no particular order...

1. The SpiderEye/Ogra/Ren Love Triangle.
2. Fishing for Undead.... I mean "Catfish"
3. Warpfang's silhouette in the middle of the night *insert Mickey Mouse Theme here* and then someone mentioning that he should get a Club.
4. Getting jumped by Madcap for my shiny gypsy jingles.
5. Seeing Kyle's socks after he chased down the "Wakey Wakey" Kobald.
6. Gabriel beating up a bear in less than 60 seconds.
7. Getting to know Melody.
8. Spell practice between Wynter and I, and how it turned into at least a dozen people joining in, like some kind of strange aura food fight.
9. Getting a flower from a female Dwarf.
10. Target practice from the deck: One victim, Wynter Rose’s boob.

There were so many more… I'll update as I remember more.
A disease was passing around... it's name; "Love 9."

Kobolds and their little games. When will they learn that throwing a berserk gas poison at a high-orc or high-ogre is a "really bad" idea? "Close the door, he's berserked, close the door!"

Speak of high-ogres; walking into the wrong conversation. "Warpfang you cute, but not that cute."
Also, calling Tugrot "nice" not working out so well. *Whack!* "Ow! Why'd you do dat?" "Stop saying I'm nice!" "No pwobwem..."
"We call you Upside-Down Tusk Rat now."
"I'm gonna go to Buyahut."

Then there was the long episode between Spidereye and Oogra. Felt like a sort of... green soap opera. Warpfang was expecting more combat still from the orcs.

Then there were the kobolds. A waylay here, a waylay here, a crashed kobold party, and some arrows later, there was much rejoicing of the survival through WayDay. (Yay...)
Numerous favs. some off the top of my head

Buyahut. Its a great place to live...come join us! - Wild elves don't know crap about living in a swap apparntly.

Welcome to TUSK TALK! -5 Orcs, 2 Ogres. Too many Berserk/Paranoia poisons.

Never assult an Ogre and then tell him he won't do anything about it. Silly Gypsie

Attempted Riverside Camp - might have worked if it hadn't gotten down to 35 degrees on the first night. Frost on ground = bad news bears

Kobold: I am the Kobold Champion!
Me: Oh really? A Kobold Champion?
Kobold: PTD 30 Slay!
Me: huh?
(Me and Leara beat on him for 3 mins using slays parry's, dodges, and evades)
(Kobold falls as Leara falls)
Me: (feeds cure light to Leara) Guess he was a Kobold champion (thanks Mike!)

Love 9s -Having to disobey a direct order because I thought it was stupid

Drunken Revialry with Kirigani Elves. -Orcs didn't know that elves could party so hard.

Coversations with Ren. -Asking an Orc about origins. "Ahh...In the begin.....Am" An Orc making a Stone elf wonder if somethings are over thought...!!

Sitting out under the stars talking about "Sky Magics" asking Ren if she will be ok. The Kobolds then show up with a Howl Bear and let it loose on us. It begins to attacking...Ren hits it with a prison and then breaks its neck.....My Orc stares in awe and wonder....

Throwing the bones to tell peoples fortune. Boy I hope my "predictions turn out right...Could be very interesting...

More I'm sure. I'll post them later!
On the way down from Syracuse, my crew and I were trying to find some decent tunes on northern pennsylvanian radio. After sifting through ten channels of religious whatnot we finally stumbled on a severe patch of forboding irony so strong that if I could see the future it would have killed me dead. It was Van Halen's "Why Can't This Be Love?" Truer words have never before been expressed through 80s rock.

Anyway onto favorites, but first, witty rebuttal:

Ren Suzume said:
Ren did not "lose it," Amelia lost it. Amelia is boring and imperfect. In my defense, Tab, Will and Spider eye (whose oog name escapes me) at stupid o'clock. I bow to comedic skill greater than my self-control.

Come on now, even when trying to act boring I couldn't help but sit in rapt attention. No one who can stand up to that friday night onslaught and be 90 percent unruffled can possibly be considered boring or imperfect. If I were a stone elf in that situation I would have laughed myself into a race change.

Rebuttal complete. Funny rating: Not that funny, try harder next time. Bummer.

Moving on.

My one true favorite moment of the weekend was that same friday night barrage of roleplay that can be defined in game terms as Love Potion Number Nine + Intoxicate = It's not easy being green.

Ren mentions blood in some fashion: "I love it when you say blood like that."
High Orc confessions: "I got some I want to say to you. I ... like you. I like like you. No, five times that, with no commas or spaces. Likelikelikelikelike."
Stone Elf defense: "Fine. I'll be boring then. We start with: Logic. blah blah blah blah blah"
High Ogre observation : "He has no idea what she am saying, but he love the way she say it."
High Orc flexes his brain muscles: "I be smart too. ::Teaches a lesson on sword parts and types.:: Knives are single bladed, asymmetrical..."
Tusked surprise: "What the crap just fell out of his mouth!?"
Greenskin goodnight: "I wuuuuuv youuuuuu!"
Ursul speaks: "You am pansy."

That is the abridged version, the real was louder and full of more instances of weird than I thought possible.

Stuff You May Or May Not Have Seen Unless You Were Ren, Because Then You Had To.

Orc Gifts: Handful of Weedflowers, still dripping dirt. Purify potion. Kobold finger with a ring on it, wrapped in black satin, which attached Haiku. Thanks to Alymere for the dictation.

Orc Attentions: Chalkdust rubbed on cheks to look more Stone Elfy. Gypsy Cursed to speak with the diction of a Stone Elf to impress her.

Yeah, I'm corny. Also, awesome.

Orcs in Love

Oogra locks eyes with Spidereye for just a little too long on the battlefield, Spidereye takes three steps towards a kobold then IT dawns on him...Aw crap, her too.

Honor Duel...twice.

Charged and emotional shouting session. Phart tries to help, but Oogra wont listen.

Ursul speaks: "You am pansy."

Some Miscellaneous: The kobold that rang a bell three feet from my head while sleeping. Joke's on you, I never even knew you were there. Also, Alymere killed you, nyah.

Thanks again to staff, NPCs and everyone who played this weekend. I can't wait for October.

Collin / Spidereye
Some alchemized evening,
You will see a Stone Elf
Across a crowded room...

All things Spider Eye. Collin, you are great. I had to work harder than I ever have before to stay in character this weekend.

Ren: In Valorian logic, two simple premises, A and B, are used to draw a conclusion, C. In First Form A, a Middle term precedes the predicate. For example: All mammals are warm blooded; "mammals" being the middle term. Term B consists of a subject followed by the same middle term: All cats are mammals. Therefore, the subject of B and the predicate of A can be combined through the middle term to conclude that all cats are warm blooded.
Spider Eye: ...I love it when you talk about blood like that.

Spider Eye: Your eyebrows are sharp... like blades.

Greenskin goodnight: "I wuuuuuv youuuuuu!"
Ren pauses at the door, processes that, and marches straight to bed to wash her ears out with lye soap.

Stuff You May Or May Not Have Seen Unless You Were Ren, Because Then You Had To.

Orc Gifts: Handful of Weedflowers, still dripping dirt. Purify potion. Kobold finger with a ring on it, wrapped in black satin, which attached Haiku. Thanks to Alymere for the dictation.

Orc Attentions: Chalkdust rubbed on cheks to look more Stone Elfy. Gypsy Cursed to speak with the diction of a Stone Elf to impress her.

Yeah, I'm corny. Also, awesome.

I second all of the above as event favourites.

Zephrose's Menagerie of Mystical Creatures! I felt like I won NER... I mean, Alliance when that one was figured out. Arcanus was great. I felt like I was in a Garfield comic, trying to figure out what the more intelligent, better-informed cat was trying to tell me.

Love Potion #9! Whoever the Madam Ruby of the event was, thank you! I loved pulling out the pipe and plaid cap and working on a mystery. Ren was pulled into the middle of a very strange love triangle.

Kobolds in the bakery! Ren was trying her best to sort everything out, but of course, her attempts were foiled. Gingerbread Dave was beyond belief. Awesome!

The Howlbear gift.

Jumping the fence to serve "brekkie" Sunday morning. Orc, orc, orc!

Thank you, staff and NPCs!

*editted for spelling
Ren: In Valorian logic, two simple premises, A and B, are used to draw a conclusion, C. In First Form A, a Middle term precedes the predicate. For example: All mammals are warm blooded; "mammals" being the middle term. Term B consists of a subjected followed by the same middle term: All cats are mammals. Therefore, the subject of B and the predicate of A can be combined through the middle term to conclude that all cats are warm blooded.
Spider Eye: ...I love it when you talk about blood like that.

I thought I'd finally escaped all manners of academic logic after my five years of Computer Science. I nearly shot myself. ;)
Laguna Hallik said:
Ren: In Valorian logic, two simple premises, A and B, are used to draw a conclusion, C. In First Form A, a Middle term precedes the predicate. For example: All mammals are warm blooded; "mammals" being the middle term. Term B consists of a subjected followed by the same middle term: All cats are mammals. Therefore, the subject of B and the predicate of A can be combined through the middle term to conclude that all cats are warm blooded.
Spider Eye: ...I love it when you talk about blood like that.

I thought I'd finally escaped all manners of academic logic after my five years of Computer Science. I nearly shot myself. ;)

Sorry for bringing up bad memories.

I was going to start talking about Schrodinger's cat, but I thought the idea of dead animals in boxes would have been appealing to High Orcs. "What it matter if kitty am dead or not? Squash box AND cat inside. Your problem am solved!"
Ren Suzume said:
Laguna Hallik said:
Ren: In Valorian logic, two simple premises, A and B, are used to draw a conclusion, C. In First Form A, a Middle term precedes the predicate. For example: All mammals are warm blooded; "mammals" being the middle term. Term B consists of a subjected followed by the same middle term: All cats are mammals. Therefore, the subject of B and the predicate of A can be combined through the middle term to conclude that all cats are warm blooded.
Spider Eye: ...I love it when you talk about blood like that.

I thought I'd finally escaped all manners of academic logic after my five years of Computer Science. I nearly shot myself. ;)

Sorry for bringing up bad memories.

I was going to start talking about Schrodinger's cat, but I thought the idea of dead animals in boxes would have been appealing to High Orcs. "What it matter if kitty am dead or not? Squash box AND cat inside. Your problem am solved!"

Hahahaha I need a High Orc to do my physical chem work from now on! Stupid Schrodinger equations!
Well, I didn't do a whole lot of mods this weekend but I still had a great time.

My definite favorite was Cortni's deaf house slave elf. I've never seen someone play deaf so well. Loved the interaction there. "I like the white one already," was her written quote after she saw Ren speaking to one of the tusks of the weekend.

Having Ren teach Nonamey how to cast by entering her mind so she knew how spell incants would sound. I wasn't sure how she was going to learn magic, but that was a great solution.

The Kiergani plot. That was great. I don't think I've ever been so creeped out in the woods before.

Meeting two other wild elves and being the "great elder" for the weekend.

All things Tusks. Scott...I couldn't keep a straight face around you if I tried. Thankfully *I* don't play a stone elf. Old elf in the tavern!

Mike E. + wet towel in bathroom = !!

Lemon Cookies!!!
I had a blast NPCing. I will need to make sure I can do it more next season.

Toddo, Michelle, and Ali are awesome to work for /with.

Eric is hardcore.

Seeing Dave and Brian step up and take some RP roles and nail them so well was awesome. They showed me up big time.

Dave as a gingerbread man was scary as hell.

I missed swinging pipe, so it felt good to do it again (regardless of how sore my arm was monday).

Rich is amazing. what he has done as Head of HQ props is nothing short of miraculous.

Fav mods / fights:

Cow Mod!! scott was milking one of us, and the guys kept pushing me towards him. i mooed and grunted and scraped the ground with my feet, but they kept pushing. so, i freaked out and kicked scott with my hoof... and then he made me into hamburger.

Fishing Mod! Toddo is a genious. who knew we'd have so much fun in a basically non combat mod.

Cave fight on Sunday with Brian's necro orc. 3 npc skelletons swinging 6 ice with 80 body and damage reduction vs a bunch of tusks with no healer. that battle was intense! and they did fantastic!!! good job PCs!!

Undead Dominion rising from the pond! That was so awesome.

NPC camp is just so much better now a days than it was years ago when I used to do it more often. more organized, more positive, more fun!!
On the note of Amazing, I also nominate Eric Stehle. Several times I saw him walk up the hill toward the privies right after crunching and within seconds he had a beard on running tavern. The next moment he was gleefully announcing the iminent arivale of the Menagerie, and then back again to crunch, and then back to running the tavern. He put in quadrupile overtime this weekend. Three Cheers for Eric! Huzzah!
Kayden said:
On the note of Amazing, I also nominate Eric Stehle. Several times I saw him walk up the hill toward the privies right after crunching and within seconds he had a beard on running tavern. The next moment he was gleefully announcing the iminent arivale of the Menagerie, and then back again to crunch, and then back to running the tavern. He put in quadrupile overtime this weekend. Three Cheers for Eric! Huzzah!

i definatly agree on this one! huzzah!!!
i had so many favorates i dont know where to start, and i know im bound to miss some so i might have to post again....

walking into lagistics friday: mike- guess what... your the bigest player here. me- what??! (instently thinking the adventurers of fairdale are doomed lol)

hearing and watching eric get "misteriously" stuck to the wall and him having no clue what was going on lmao soooo funny!

bakery mod and all things dave (u have to really love the game to get into a getup like that and have a blast with it)-- totally awsome by the way, and kinda creepy too

some how (unintentionally) finding myself face to face with every big bad of every fight i was ever in... seriously were u guys looking for me or something?? lol... and then relizing after a while that i can hold my ground prity well with them

getting to roleplay with other kergani

watching scotts charicter disrespect christine's wild elf "great elder" (with scott baserked) making me ferious an clutching my sward about to go teach him a lesson in respect. then deciding to give him benift of doubt, him not being himself, but keeping an eye on him the rest of the weekend

ALL THINGS KERAGNI MODS!!!! if you wernt there you seriously have no idea the level of creepyness and awsome it really was!!! thank you plot for including us on that :D

I GOT MY SPERIT GUIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that was so unexpected and DEFINATLY one of, if not the happiest things thats happened to Leara sence before she left her tribe. thanks michelle for making that happen!!!! :D :D :D

the wave battle(s?) in the forest loop. i love having them there instead of always the fields, it makes things seem more realistic sience you can physacly see them coming out of no where instead of them saying that

troll hunting mod-- sneaking up behind one of the big bads and hitting him three times from behind while triping over a rock and falling to the ground lol, thats jus me for u tho :lol:

saturday night celibration. me getting the whole town drunk off intocicant wine and, at the first sign or trouble outside the tavern, watch all of them loudly stumble to their feet and drunkenly stager over to fight off the kolbolds lmao

actually, all things saturday night celebration... winter's music, rediclous drunk chatter, buyahut lmao, gypsey curse, fighting winter, it was all so entertaining :D

the whole love potion thing. in the 4.5 years ive played ive never seen or heard of a love potion being used and 1) im so glad i was there to see it, 2) i thought it was done really well to add the comidy of a love triangle that no one wanted to be a part of, and 3) that it didnt happen to me :P also grate roleplay by those affected, it jus made the game more fun.

morning wake up to the kolbold who stole the breakfast bell, that was the funniest wake up ever!! i was laughing so hard, grate idea by whoever thought that up.

im sure there are others but i cant think of them now. thank you NPCs for doing such an awsome job this event and BIG thank yous to Plot for being so creative at last minute!!!
Leara said:
Kayden said:
On the note of Amazing, I also nominate Eric Stehle. Several times I saw him walk up the hill toward the privies right after crunching and within seconds he had a beard on running tavern. The next moment he was gleefully announcing the iminent arivale of the Menagerie, and then back again to crunch, and then back to running the tavern. He put in quadrupile overtime this weekend. Three Cheers for Eric! Huzzah!

i definatly agree on this one! huzzah!!!

You guys are crazy....

but thanks.... I'll take any compliment I can get!

--- Eric
Seems I'm a bit late on this one... I'll give it a go and try not to repeat the obvious ones already said...

Trying to figure out why this cute lil gypsy has a crush on big, scary Brok.
Finding out why and being disappointed lol
Having Brok's Tarot read in a private session and some of it coming true.
Having Aakna roll the bones and having some of it come true lol
Orc Plot! Aiding in taking down a traitor/renegade/necro orc.
Seeing the looks on some faces when Brok came back with the lieutenant to arrest Zathros
Awesome RP all weekend long with EVERYONE!!!
Kick *** costumes!!!

Good, clean, fun fights!!
Okay... Where to begin...

- Going in Friday night with enough build for another weapon prof and additional spell started a good weekend.

- Ridiculous role play and harassment from Tugrot all weekend long.

- Getting drunk with Aakna and the other Orcs.


- Fortunes read by drunk Orcs. Oh boy. We'll see how this pans out. Haha.

- Gypsy curses from Wynter, and then the flury of "4 Silver" that came from Tugrot as he took her down. (I'm not happy that you were hurt Megan; but you have to admit it was kind of funny).

- Getting to help take Kobold Robb down.

- Kiergani mod! I am SO afraid of the dark, and so, boy howdy was I creeped out.

- Omfg... Love potions galore. Trying to convince Wynter all weekend that she was not really in love with Brok. "Four more days" and "What about Khorwyn?" Also, all things Ren and Spider-Eye. Wow.

- Gingerbread man Dave... Dude... I have pictures.

- Actually hitting targets. At night. With arrows. Minus glasses. That made me very happy. :D

- As disoriented as I was... Sunday morning's breakfast call was hilarious.

- Conversations about love potions, specifically Wynter and Brok:
Me : "Wynter... KHORWYN IS YOUR RHYE (excuse my inevitable misspelling of this).
MadCap : "Khorwyn might be her Rhye, but Brok is her Whole Wheat."
Tugrot : "(something something) ...pumpernickel."
Random Tusk : "I'd pump-er-nickel."

- Watching Robb re-enact everything he'd learned on the discovery channel about bears when all the Fey-enchanted animals came out, which included: Rubbing his back on things, "puffing" up to appear larger, sprawling out on the rock in the sun. Robb (afterwards) : "There was totally an unwarded cabin... Bears raid cabins and stuff. < mumbles something about being an accurate depiction of a bear >" So cute I just want to barf sometimes. ;)

- Walking onto the balcony to come face to face with a Kobold, both of us letting out a squeak of surprise and fear, and then running in opposite directions of one another. I am such a pansy sometimes. Kiergani don't get surprised like that! Haha.

I just enjoyed all the roleplaying that happened. Hanging out with Orcs and Ogres was mucho fun. The NPC's were awesome in general, but there was some very awesome role-playing happening this weekend from them. They had so much enthusiasm that it really made the event all the more enjoyable. Thanks so much NPC's!!

I'm sure there were other wonderful and funny things that happened, but that is all that my tired head can remember right now. I can't wait until next event!