Ok some of my favorites from the darkside...
1. Playing with Rob and Dave again. That's always a riot.
2. Laughing hysterically at Dave Gingerman. Mammal toe is not very cool!
3. Starting and enjoying All things Farmington. I don't even think the PCs noticed that all of the generic farmers had the same last names and similar first names. Go Hoss, Boss, Joss, and Ross!
4. Walking into NPC camp and Allie saying, "Hey do you want to be the BBG for Sunday" and thinking, Holy Crap! Am I ready for this?
5. Taking on the Nok role and feeling pretty good about casting for the first time.
6. Being a caster for the 1st time ever on a mod, practicing my incants for 20 minutes before the mod and then casting "i call upon the earth to cure critical wounds!", hitting an orc, who starts to go down and then says "oh wait, THANKS!" Darn it!
7. Scarring the crap out of Amanda W. on the steps of the tavern after staring at the oblivious PCs for about 15 minutes.
8. Dave and I tag team assassinating during the river bed wave battle. We took down like 5 PCs
9. Mad waylays the first night!
10. Good/Bad/Fun - Orcs slaying everything in sight. Oh how many things you missed becuase you just killed everything.
11. Being the most annoying cow of all time. Sorry guys, but that was our job.
12. Berserk gas poison to Will and another Orc played by the gentleman who usually plays Kayden (your name escapes me now). Will gets berserked and would then just chase me down and kick my butt. Kayden Orc gets berserked while disarmed runs up and grabs me, we mock fight for awhile, and then "oh yeah, do you accept physical roleplay?" Hell yeah I do!
Special Thanks goes out to Allie, Michelle, and Toddo! I think as PCs we forget how much work goes into the darkside and helping them out was a pleasure. I'll NPC for you guys anytime!