Low Level Event Favorites

Leona said:
- Conversations about love potions, specifically Wynter and Brok:
Me : "Wynter... KHORWYN IS YOUR RHYE (excuse my inevitable misspelling of this).
MadCap : "Khorwyn might be her Rhye, but Brok is her Whole Wheat."
Tugrot : "(something something) ...pumpernickel."
MadCap : "I'd pump-er-nickel."

MaDCap said the "whole wheat" line but the pump-er-nickel line was someone else, one of the Tusks IIRC.
Telokh_Amdo said:
Leona said:
- Conversations about love potions, specifically Wynter and Brok:
Me : "Wynter... KHORWYN IS YOUR RHYE (excuse my inevitable misspelling of this).
MadCap : "Khorwyn might be her Rhye, but Brok is her Whole Wheat."
Tugrot : "(something something) ...pumpernickel."
MadCap : "I'd pump-er-nickel."

MaDCap said the "whole wheat" line but the pump-er-nickel line was someone else, one of the Tusks IIRC.

Hmm... I totally thought that was you. Apparently there was a mockingbird who sounded just like you. ;)
Ok some of my favorites from the darkside...

1. Playing with Rob and Dave again. That's always a riot.

2. Laughing hysterically at Dave Gingerman. Mammal toe is not very cool!

3. Starting and enjoying All things Farmington. I don't even think the PCs noticed that all of the generic farmers had the same last names and similar first names. Go Hoss, Boss, Joss, and Ross!

4. Walking into NPC camp and Allie saying, "Hey do you want to be the BBG for Sunday" and thinking, Holy Crap! Am I ready for this?

5. Taking on the Nok role and feeling pretty good about casting for the first time.

6. Being a caster for the 1st time ever on a mod, practicing my incants for 20 minutes before the mod and then casting "i call upon the earth to cure critical wounds!", hitting an orc, who starts to go down and then says "oh wait, THANKS!" Darn it!

7. Scarring the crap out of Amanda W. on the steps of the tavern after staring at the oblivious PCs for about 15 minutes.

8. Dave and I tag team assassinating during the river bed wave battle. We took down like 5 PCs

9. Mad waylays the first night!

10. Good/Bad/Fun - Orcs slaying everything in sight. Oh how many things you missed becuase you just killed everything.

11. Being the most annoying cow of all time. Sorry guys, but that was our job.

12. Berserk gas poison to Will and another Orc played by the gentleman who usually plays Kayden (your name escapes me now). Will gets berserked and would then just chase me down and kick my butt. Kayden Orc gets berserked while disarmed runs up and grabs me, we mock fight for awhile, and then "oh yeah, do you accept physical roleplay?" Hell yeah I do!

Special Thanks goes out to Allie, Michelle, and Toddo! I think as PCs we forget how much work goes into the darkside and helping them out was a pleasure. I'll NPC for you guys anytime!
Garathon said:
10. Good/Bad/Fun - Orcs slaying everything in sight. Oh how many things you missed becuase you just killed everything.

11. Being the most annoying cow of all time. Sorry guys, but that was our job.

To 10. - As long as we were killing things we weren't missing a thing. Who needs stuff or plot when you have a sharp sword in your hand and blood-filled foes before you.

To 11. That's what the rampant Waylaying was for, heh. You guys did a great job. When I saw claws on your persons I thought, "We stand a good chance of getting stomped here...by cows...great..."
Its Tim, Brian. And I knew that Will was fine with the Physical Roleplay, and I had been trying to Choke him for a while. And when you gave me a new target, I just went with it, and then realized, you might not want to get choked...so I had to ask...!
NPCing was great so many great times.
To start was on the ride down air banding with my mates to cool music.
Seeing Dave be a ginger bread man.
playing the best npc role ever: Cows!

Madcap is so flighty (no pun intended ;) ) that my mind doesn't tend to keep everything in my head after an event is over. So many things that others have brought up I can say, "That was great". But my own recollections are basically nil. At best I can say I had a great time RPing with everyone and letting a few see Madcap who were waiting to meet him. However, he would have had much more fun had his sidekick been in tow. Waitaminnit...maybe he's Mishchief's sidekick. No, I know: They trade off which one is the sidekick. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Okay, time to wean myself of being a crazy raven and get more down to earth to play Gyps in October.
oh there were so many awesome things

the love 9 fest all weekend
the cows (i hate you cows)
amelias darn kobold (I WAS TRYING TO SLEEP)
first time PCing
being semi useful woot
salting slugs
all time favorite mod of all time FISHING MOD

i just have to say this the other day when i went to get my hair cut the hair cutting people were talking and mentioned Love Potion number 9 and i couldn't help but laughing really hard
Telokh_Amdo said:
Castlebur said:
amelias darn kobold

I found her "Swedish Chef" tavernworker quite amusing, too.

ya same here i was laughing so hard at that one. i wonder how many ppl actually caught that it was the chef from the muppets lol
oh and another thing thank you to all who caught on to the

Castlebur: Hey let me axe you a question
(persons name here): Castlebur you're not using an axe
Castlebur: Hey let me mace you a question
A little late, but here goes:

My ogre saying "I'm going to buy a hut" and the wiley elf maident thinking I was going to a place called "Buyahut".

Harassing everyone with ogre wisdom.

Fighting with Tab's ogre, only to have him get berserked and attack me. So I ran Tab past the kobold and had him fight the kobold. I then moved into the darkness and Tab lost me. He then ran into the tavern to attack the unsuspecting.

Michelle, Ali and Toddo coming through semi last minute with a good weekend.

PCing with Jesse Grabowski. It was like 1996 all over again...but with tusks.

The group of orcs and ogres was SO much stupid fun. It's fun to be simple.

Running off to fight the undead wave battle by myself. Terrain is your friend.

Eric Stehle working hard behind the scenes so I could PC with no worries. A big thank you my friend.

Teasing Brok about his new girlfriend. "She don't really love you, she drank something funny."
