Lunchtime happenings

*Right around noon, when the lunchtime crowd is at it's most busy, Solomon walks in and steps up onto one of the tables in the middle of the room*

Sorry to disturb your lunches, I'll make this short. It's been apparent that something has been getting to people in this town, and getting people all uppity when they got no call for it. I don't know what it is, and I intend to find out, and put it to an end. Until then, next time you feel your blood pressure start to spike and steam start billowing about your collar, you come to me. If it's legit, I'll tell you. If it's not, I'll tell you. If you really feel the need to tussle with someone, I'll take my hat off and you can pick on the aging, overweight hobling instead. I've taken enough beatings in this lifetime I can shrug em off, much better than your WIVES or your CHILDREN or the LOCAL GROCER! *gets down off the table*
So that's the option, as of now. Come fight me, or go stick your head in a rain barrel. Anyone so much as blackens an eye in unreasoning rage, I'm gonna see to it they get the maximum punishment allowable by the soon as the healer's guild has set the bones and splinted them. Spread the word, I'm not making another speach on this topic.
*walks to the door and opens it, then pauses*

This is a community, people. Start acting like it."