Maelstrom 2018 Opener Teaser


San Francisco Staff
The Cold Dawn of realization...

Strikes like a hammer blow echoing through the caverns, as well as the forgotten passages of the mind.

The past year saw great, though contested, progress in the lands known as Maelstrom. Realizations of the scope of the undertaking, as well as solid, irrefutable proof that hands, or tentacles as the case may be, came from beyond reality to alter the destiny of this once great realm.

Mystwalkers from across Fortannis joined Fae, Vaeltarii, Assacrantii, and their fellows from many realms to do the impossible. A great blow was struck, and those of Fortannis, despite their hurried retreat, still absconded with a great bounty of stolen(recovered) spirits, lore, and the knowledge that they have done something so very few have ever done before.

Actively strike against the outsiders that stalk this realm.

Yet, despite that titanic victory, in the face of a new star springing to life in the night sky the great enemy rallies. From the depths of their wretched influence the outsiders bring forth an ally in their time of need. This entity, understood as the dream eater seeks to render, and devour the spirit realm, the totem bear, and thus cut off all those who would stand for the lands of Maelstrom from their greatest gift. The gift of resurrection. So many spirits in these lands are stalwart, so many have fought, died, and yet come back again. Should the dreameater be allowed to succeed, then this great gift would surely be lost, and the fight for the Maelstrom along with it.

Fortannis rallies.

Resurrected, Lantern Bearers, and Myst Walkers gather to face this dire threat. Bear has awoken, wounded, weakened but awake. Other great spirits from the spirit realm gather, weakened, and wounded. Others remain yet to be contacted, awoken, empowered. The Resurrected

, Lantern Bearers, Myst Walkers of Fortannis gather together, with their hard sought allies to stand together once again.

A bitter, desperate fight looms ahead versus those who would see the Maelstrom endure, and those that would seek to crush this resistance once and for all.

Now is the time to bend bow, and sharpen blade, prepare yourself to fight not only for your life, but the lives of all those you hold dear. Stand with Fortannis now.