Maelstrom Ep. 2 READ


San Francisco Staff
Hey Everyone! It’s that time again! A few pertinent things to share with all of our Maelstrom players so please read on. We are always trying new things, and changing things up to try and get the most immersive experience we can. So, with that here are some much needed announcements, pass them on.
* Long, read it anyways *

The Harkson Lodge will be taking on the role of the underground “clubhouse” that our characters, and their allies have made theirs. The Earth circle will be moved nearby to represent its previous, and continued closeness to said “clubhouse”. (Exact location to be determined during setup.)
Clubhouse Decorations will be made available and we can always use player help for setup/teardown, this is very much the player characters space, so please feel free. We would like to block off the kitchen to keep noise, and distraction down, and to continue to try and make it as immersive a space as possible, please remember if you can to bring eating feast gear, and bring a period-esque tankard/mug/cup. Cutter also does not provide utensils! Bring your own cooking/Feasting materials.
Roleplay Challenge!!!!

Players will have access to both major bunkrooms, and cabins 2-4. The cooks’ room will be logistics, and is a place to look for Storytellers when logistics is not happening. We will try to have a radio in there to contact a Storyteller. If cabins start to overflow please speak to our GM & AGM. They’ve got you. Directors Room is for staff, and a place to look for us during logistics time. Waking us up may incur suffering, bring coffee/bacon, you taste good with pepper plant sauce.

The Portal that takes characters to the surface will be the back doors of the Harkson Lodge, and one of the Perma tents/Gateway at the back end of Camp Minto which you can see from the Balcony of the Harkson Lodge. This will be marked, and lit.
We are still dividing up the camp area into surface/underground areas, and a pink ticker tape will note the demarcation.

We are also trying something new in the form of a rolling start. As soon as you get to site, put on your white headband, please setup, check in, and get in costume, because as soon as you are checked in, and in, there will be stuff to do in the form of RP, and we will be rolling content asap. During Check in please bring your weapons, items, just as you would/should, and get a quick safety briefing as well, then get in game.

If you need to interface with a Storyteller put on your white headband, and cruise to the BACK of the TSB, and knock on the single door closest to the lake, as we may be using the front as an Ingame location you never know, but it’s a good habit to get into, and we will really appreciate it. Please knock, and yell PC, do NOT just barge in.

List of current LCO effects will be made available as well.

NPC/Double hooking shifts are as follows. Friday 8-10pm 10pm-Midnight
Saturday 10am-Noon, 12pm-2pm, 2pm-4pm, 4pm-6pm, 8pm-10pm, 10pm-Midnight
And anytime after 10am on Sunday.

We are usually light on NPC’s so if you bring two groups with you to plot landia to do stuff we can run more content, and faster.

Some Nexus Forges will be represented ingame, and there may/may not be more found in game.
***Quick edit***
Please stay out of the Cooks room if you are not currently in the act of going through logistics. A radio to contact staff will be left in the kitchen.