Magic involved in Race Changes

Dude, if it's just your first time ever rewrite, then just write a cool story and work with your plot team. Or don't. Doesn't matter. Just make it fun and make it fit your home campaign's story.
In the case of a free rewrite after 1 event, I guess you can demand a race change.

It would be cooler, I think, if plot lets you bend the rules so that there is a race change in the character history since there you have an IG explanation. This is especially true if only your race is changing while character demeanor and background remain the same (ff everything is changing then a new character history would be as good or better).
In the case of a free rewrite after 1 event, I guess you can demand a race change.

It would be cooler, I think, if plot lets you bend the rules so that there is a race change in the character history since there you have an IG explanation. This is especially true if only your race is changing while character demeanor and background remain the same (ff everything is changing then a new character history would be as good or better).
That's basically what's happening. I really wanted to be wylderkin, but I loved my character too much to essentially kill him and build a new character. I haven't gotten my response on my new backstory back yet, but I think it'll get approved. I wrote the transformation as a complicated four day ritual, in which specific items are added to the circle slowly. When everything is said and done, the transformation is complete, and my character becomes a dog-kin. I don't know if that's how the ritual would really happen, but that's how I wrote it, so hopefully that's okay with my local plot team.
I would say it's staff, as an owner has the say weather or not the scroll is going to go out or they are rerolling.
That's fair, more or less. I have opinions on owners who override the plot team on those sorts of things, but that's a discussion of an entirely different stripe. :)

the technical reason he can change his race is via rewrite
Gotcha! Totally a horse of a different color. Yeah, work with your plot team.
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