Magic Item Auction

Greetings everyone, I hope all those who aided in repairing the hourglass are recovering and I look forward to traveling and wayside again soon.

I am holding an open auction to be concluded at midnight on Saturday this coming market day for a 2/day Shun item that will not work in all lands, but will travel to some and certainly work in the lands of Wayside. (LCO Chicago) It will retain its magic for nearly 4 more years and seems like it will expire the 14th of June 4 years from the present one. (6/14/2014)

I also wanted to remind everyone that even if a Shun affect does not particularly interest you, keep in mind that this can function as a poor Awaken spell as well. As it is a Command affect it will override and remove the affects of another Command from a friend, such as Charm, Berserk, Fear, or Sleep.

Bidding starts at 10 gold. Please feel free to respond here with offers or send me a private message if you wish.

Furthermore if anyone would be interested in purchasing this item outright, I will sell it on the spot to the first individual who contacts me who would be willing to pay 30 gold at the upcoming gather for it.

- Mage Eldarion Avari
This is an interesting location to auction a command item good mage Eldarion, we have a very strong population of Mystic Wood elves here, still I am certain you will find a buyer, or I might place a bid myself Saturday night should there be little interest, I have a number of other deals to tend to first however, so I must wait until then to see what I may be able to afford.
Anonymous bidding is perfectly acceptable if you wish. And placing bids closer to the time of the final auction is also perfectly acceptable.

To the Mystic Wood Elves that may see this I intend no offence. As I said in my initial comment if nothing else this item CAN be used simply as a poor awaken spell, to remove the more sinister command affects that actually force one to DO something, rather than just not to do something.

- Mage Eldarion Avari
Opening bid of 10 gold has been placed.

- Mage Eldarion Avari
Folks may wanna know what de object is d'at is enchanted such, an' what school de ritual was cast in. Ah know several races d'at be picky 'bout such t'ings.

It is on a small blue jem necklace, enchanted by the power of the earth. There are no flaws and it would be fairly easily fit into a pouch or whatnot.

- Mage Eldarion