Magical Preperations against an army of Undead

Shen [he/him]

Chicago Staff
While there is likely to be a fair bit planning and supply gathering for the coming assault- some things I would like discuss/remind/plan/inquire. These are all things that scholarly may or may not be at our disposal, and some we can endeavor to try. As well as general best practice in using magic against undead. Naturally my knowledge of the earth aspect is weaker and will need to be filled in.

While there are massive rituals in plan, (most likely) the Earth Scholars will need delivered safely to Greater Circle of Powers, and need defended once there. While your run of the mill undead can pile against a circles barrier in infinite, variants of Greater and notably Powerful Undead have either been rumored, Gossip, or actually witnessed bypassing a Circle's protective power.

Here are some ideas I would like us to come together and either improve upon, alter, or add to.

Celestial Magic
  • Solar Koshinari, The Solar of War
    • There are many rituals which can be spellcrafted about a person's Spirit, Weapon, and Armor. Not only donI suspect that the Solar may be willing to assist in such a war effort on behalf of the county, there are many Masters & Journeymen of the Celestial Guild whom have chosen to Follow the Path of War, whom may be approached for this aid.
    • Payment for such services as they are specifically spellcrafting - could become as simple as a few coin donation to the guild, a trade of reagents to your Spellcrafter, or any other barter or trade which assists the great guild. I can't speak to exacts as this hasn't been yet organized - but what I would suspect considering such trades historically.
      • Magic Invocation, recommended to Target your Body. Allows an Invocator to call upon <Magic> instead of a specific foundation element. Resulting that no matter the undead you face, they will accept your invocation at some degree instead of simply ignoring it had you summoned the wrong element by mistake.
      • Magic Imbuement, recommended target: secondary weapon. Spectral undead have been known to at times ignore anything in their immaterial state that is not pure Magic. While Earth Blades can harm them greatly them when they materialize, there are stories that due to their immaterial form, some stronger spectres ignore such attacks until they rematerialize.
      • Vengence, only target's spirit. Undead range from mindless zombie to commanding an army general. If it is capable of making the decision to kill you and perform the task, instead if just using a corrupt - then it really shouldn't be "alive" and this spellcraft will deliver a massive explosion of magic in an effort to hopefully kill the creature, or a large dent to make those who avenge you, lives a little easier.
    • Celestial Spell Stores, recommended Spells: Solidify, shatter, Dispel, light.
      • In the past, Journeymen, Masters and Solars have been willing to fill Spell Stores and even at times loan their stores to those who don't have one. Such an arrangement is unique to the individual I just mention it because some have done it so it could be an option if you have collateral or barter they will accept.
    • Celestial spells
      • disarm: if an undead is carrying a weapon they are not mindless and it is most likely spirit locked to them. disarming is useful for a few seconds in this senerio and more resource effective than Shackle against this type of undead. Disarming your corrupted allies is always a great plan. Reclaim their weapon for them and stop getting hit by it. Greater Undead Channeling Chaos - if they're holding a source...disarm it.
      • Light - it will be dark and possibly dark related necromancy monsters of various kinds. Never forget your light spell. Always concentrate on a red or purple spectrum when possible. Greater undead typically have glowing eyes along the green & blue spectrum and you don't wish to get conused. Avoid orange lights particularly around your head, less you be confused for a weaponless target.
      • Fortress - you are surrounded by mindless undead. They don't hit hard, but they won't stop until you die. This Spell could save your life. Remember to breathe and don't loose focus. So long as you maintain concentration, these mindless weak undead can't hurt you, await rescue.
      • Solidify - spectral undead and Master Vampires when in an immaterial form. Your friends can't re-kill what they can't hit. This is useful against solid things too. It slows them and prevents them from using their weapon & weapon offensive skills. But use against solid targets sparingly.
      • Shackle - the Spell of choice for undead with body weaponry that can't be disarmed- you simply stop their arms from swinging.
      • Shatter - mindless undead "shatter your form" Greater Undead - "shatter your armor" Spectal - I personally have no idea, use solidify
      • Wall of Force - use to create choke points and kill boxes. Force the mindless to move as you need to be most effective.
      • Banish - spectral undead are raised from the physical plane and their spirits give quasi form. This is their home plane, do not banish them nothing happens. Use Enhanced Blade on a friend instead.
      • Awaken - notable undead can issue commands, berserk, and some can even enslave. Be prepared.
      • Enhanced Blade. Undead don't like flame and don't like Ice, generally speaking. However as a Spell from memory, you can't typically go wrong by swinging magic as it indiscriminately hurts most everyone equally.
      • Web - don't web things that can go immaterial as reflexive inherent ability. They will either escape web, or simply stand there and be immune to most things. Web big solid Greater undead instead. They won't stand for it and it's valuable time they attempt to rip free, or use one of their defensive skills.
      • Dispel - fixes nearly everything. It however also strips your friend of any involuntary defense as well as fixes them. If they need help, attempt to use the proper fix first. Don't use Dispel unless they ask, no alternative is available. Never throw against an ally - always touchcast. Dispel can prematurely end the duration of Corrupt, corrupt is afterall a 10minute effect spell. However, doing so begins your allies 5 minute timer before they disappate. Keep track of how long an ally has been corrupted and end the spell on your terms. They are not about their mind and will attempt to stop you from preventing their obeying orders of their creator. Always throw against a corrupted ally, never touch. Always throw a harmless spell (like light) first to remove any involuntary spell defense first. Disarm corrupted allies to reclaim their stuff and prevent it from being used against you. If you are alone, leave the weapon if you have to, it's less important than getting them a life spell in time. Additionally Choas storms, chaos Imbuments, and Chaos Blades are all spell effects which can be dispelled. If you witness it activated, you can get rid of it.
      • Prison, do not use against mindless undead - use shatter instead. Use against greater undead 8 of 10 times forces the undead to use a defense. Using a defense is good, but still try to use shatter if an option. If you somehow succeed in Prisoning a Vampire, do not meet their Gaze. Prison imobleizes them and any action that requires movement. Vampire enthralment can be given solely by meeting their gaze. Weaker vampires may not be able to do it through a prison, and I haven't heard if a master vampire ever successfully being prisoned - if you manage it, don't risk it. Experiment with magic when not on killing fields. Try not to Prison things unless you have an undead slayer or a Earth Blade. Your attempts to deliver a killing blow are hollow without them.
Earth Magic
  • Guardians of light - this is their chosen path. I don't know what they may bring to the adventurers efforts - but likely could be called upon either for escort, defense, or scouting. There are adventurers who are members of this branch and they are very adept at fighting undead. They are a valuable resource to learn tactics and history of how to successfully fight against the mindless horde.
    • Healer's Branch -
      • Guild Master Krugar and other powerful Scholars who's names I don't know but I'm sure exist.
      • Earthen Spellcrafting
        • Healing Imbuement, target Primary weapon. While we most likely are going to attempt to use Healing Blade Spell as often as possible, this can be a last ditch, alone senerio to activate this spellcraft and have 10 more minutes of A Healing Blade.
      • Earthen SpellStores
        • Most likely similar to those notable caster within the guild just like the Solar guild.
        • Recommended Spells: turn undead, sanctuary, Earth Blade, Cleanse, Restore, Purify, Life
      • Earth Spells (not repeating shared spells)
        • Sanctuary- it is like celestial Fortress but specifically protects you from undead stuff. It can and will potentially save your life
        • Turn undead - in an undead siege, this is the go to spell instead if Disarm. Filling a spell store with these can potentially prevent the need of multiple life spells. Minor undead outright fear you and can not approach you for any reason. Greater undead will most likely defend against this spell and do something heinous in retaliation.. be prepared for that.. what is important is that the Greater undead used a defense against a first circle spell. Should the spell land, the greater undead won't fear you - but will act as if you shunned them.
        • Earth Blade - the bread and butter of dispatching undead.
        • Cleanse - fixes some stuff
        • Restore - fixes different stuff
        • Purify - fixes most things.
        • Life - not only brings your friends back, it immediately fixes those who are corrupt, and is the counterspell for corrupt (if you can counterspell). Never touch cast life against ally who's been corrupted, they won't accept it and they will fight you. Always throw, but throw a benign spell first to remove any involuntary spell defenses.
General Spellcraft (able to be spellcrafted anyone capable)
  • Arcane Armor, targeting something you never put down, or your spirit if you have no other Spell craft on your spirit. Anyone who wears non-magical/non-stregthened physical armor should consider this. Casual wave of mindless undead typically confir terrible maladies should they strike your blood, and most often no not attack with Choas. Because of this, stronger/smarter undead have been known to shatter and destroy Armor. Should that happen, your blood is then defenseless. With 60seconds of *focus*, you can activate your spellcrafted Arcane Armor, and continue to reactivate it as the mystical barrier suffers assault. While spellcrafted Arcane Armor has a limit to absorb 20daggers, that number is more than zero, and may save your life.
  • Recharge Prowess - targeting something your not going to loose. Anyone can benifit from this but it will give you the ability to recall an expended ability or inherent resist. Following the normal limitations of the ritual when cast.
  • Spell Parry, target suggestion, off hand weapon or primary weapon. If you can parry, you likely can do it more often than you have charges of this ritual - why not add one more? personally, almost any Spell can be "fixed" or waited out - except corrupt. While Earth Scholars will most likely prepare their own defenses, but having friends to stretch them further is great. Earth Scholars are frequently a high priority target for Corrupt. If you can prevent that from happening, your not saving 1 life your saving several.
  • High Magic
    • always Cloak, never bane: necromancy. If an undead is using necromancy, should you bane/reflect it they will accept the effect and they are usually healed or fixed by said necromantic effect. Also, I don't wish to discuss the legality of the matter should a living target use necromancy and you reflect or bane it.
    • Cloak alteration, curses and greater command - your primary High Magic defenses against undead & necromancer. Assigning curses as a Bane, usually pays off...usually.
    • Cloak protection - this seems counter productive, however Magic, Armor, & Earth storms are all concentration spells. Enhanced & Earth Blade, and imbuements are standing spells/spell effects on your spirit. Involentary defenses you'd much rather keep.. Because each of these are ongoing spell effects, they can be Dispelled, and I'm willing to bet when it happens you will wish that it hadn't.
  • More added to earth when people tell me all the earth stuff I forgot...
Thank you, Shen this is very enlightening, and exactly what I was looking for. I will be attending and willing to help however needed. It appears you have casters for your main earthen rituals so I will likely arm myself with a healing aura and a rebirth or just a ton of magical conduit turn undead unless otherwise requested.
-Captain Roff