
My name is Nigel Allgood, and I represent my brother, Finley Allgood. Finley is an accomplished map-maker, much like yourself. He has begun mapping different parts of the eastern duchy. Many people have come to him, thus far, trying to buy his wares. I've realized that maps are in high demand, and without knowing a common price, map makers across the kingdom will begin to set the floor-level price. Also, a map maker can only cover so much ground. However, if map makers are working together, they can cover more distance, compare notes, and avoid undercutting each other for the same maps. Furthermore, if there is a map maker based out of Brunston, and he has clients who want a map of Keroshi, this union of map makers would allow the Keroshi based maker to send a map to that particular Brunston-based map maker, with both men earning a profit. In the end, this union will make all map makers more efficient and a better profit. If you are interested, please respond here, send me a falcon, or come speak to me at the coming marketday in Valbourgh.

Safe travels,

Nigel Allgood
Vitrium Ordinance