I actually loved the weather - thank you Dave/Ardos for trying to help me not always fall down the hills

But a Michigan forest in the snow is beautiful!!
I loved the site because if was well laid out and secluded - even with the large puppy visit (they did leave amazing paw prints for us to track the bear with

- getting yelled at by Mathis and then after- a One on one with him... it was ,while awkward , needed

thank you Matt!!!
- It was a super neat feeling to be "be on the edge " of where we usually are- not in our usual area. That was cool being part of the fort
- I love Sir Simon - "my lady I actually went back and looked it up- you are under no obligation to kneel to me- please stop"- Hey Cyn has a problem lol
- the banits were awesome but the Mushroom suit was amazing as well as the moss
Creature - you guys are amazing with phys repping out of monster camp- thank you!!
- Are we 100% sure a celestial caster cannot be a secret necromancer...?!?!

love ya Joe!
- excellent use of the camp!!
- the reaction of well everyone when Cyn causally said she was engaged "to who?!?" "Can I cook for your wedding ?" Sloane grabbing Cyn "can I bake your wedding cake!?" - Cyn was floored by the genuine interest in both her engagement and her future wedding

so much love
I need to take another moment to thank the Owners of South Michigan- they were too kind to me with all they have rewarded with me... however the framed writ for "Fort Ana"- was by far the kindest thing I could imagine. To be a part of Dragonreach history forever ... is an honor I feel inadequate to express gratitude for. It is already hung in Nerdvana and I am ... thank you SoMi Owners!
I am looking so forward to this season - already we are strong out of the gate!
Send new players mine and Evie's way!!!
See you in April--- remember April Game is April 8-Work Day is April 29!!!
(Sorry my in game signature follows this and I have no idea to make it stop...)
Lady IronRose of Storm's Rose
Special Envoy of King Grimlock to Dragonreach
Founder of Forgotten Hope
"My Life For Theirs"
"Defending the Dealings of Time and Space"