March 21st Favorites and reviews


Obviously my favorite thing about this event was the fantastic attendance and players that came out to play!

What did you like/not like so much about our first event? Let us know!
Well I have to plug the chili, cornbread, rice crispies, and brownies!!! mmmmmm....chili....!!!!

Thank you to Jen/Tim for the crispies and to Joy (Joy's Mom) for the brownies!!!
I really liked meeting Bart's kids, playing fetch, napping, and accidentally coming upon caves while looking for shiny rocks. The Undead MWE's cave was really fun. It's so nice playing in a chapter where I can actually be helpful...
I really enjoyed myself last weekend. I got to meet a bunch of awsome people I have never met before both ig and oog. The monsters were nice and squishy :p and I finally felt like I made some sort of contribution :) I'm looking forward to alot more SoMn events.
Well I loved playing a new character :) It was awesome to get into some good ol' RP with Mara over the mist wall...especially when she referenced Kever :D haha. I had a blast fighting the kobalds and chickens, and RP'n with Teq and Grippo (the crafty reporter :D) By far my favorite little thing was getting up in the front lines as a staff fighter, and seeing the looks from some of the NPC's. Let me tell you...sword/board to staff is a rough transition!
So not everything was perfect, but its the first game, and there were several points I had fun. And the people are fun and I prefer to focus on the positives rather than not. So first I'll put down the few things I was disappointed with, but then spend longer on the things I enjoyed. :)

I guess the largest thing that bothered me was I felt a little lack of plot. While there was some closure to be able to go and destroy the entire cobalt camp finally at the end I would have liked to perhaps meet a noble, or maybe just found some NPC's who had a little bit more authority and could have told us a little bit more about the land. That said there were some, and I appreciated Chris's fellow who came out later in the day and Invested people in the two circles so we could ID stuff and could have res'ed people if that had had to have happened.

Probably the most fun for me was getting a taste of what "being the celestial" guy and what it would be like to run a Celestial CoP would be like towards the end of the day. That's something that I've always been interested in, and it finally made sense for my character to do that.

Reading and giving folks advice on ritual scrolls was a big one as well. i really enjoyed doing "favors" like reading a scroll and writing a sign for the bar keeper for the food that I ate that day. Thanks Ryan! :)

I also like all the different new characters that I saw several people play, and how well people got into them. While there were some times when PC's sitting around lapsed into OOG chat the majority of the time I felt like people were really RP'ing very well. John although our characters seem to have a little bit of a dis-connect going OOG I was laughing so hard at your "baby" mystic wood elf! I really hope I didn't give him an everlasting fear of Dark Elves... :?

I also enjoyed the final battle with the cobalds, I'll admit I'm a combat guy and I enjoyed watching everyone go at it. Plus it was fun to step forwards and "take down" two lines of cobalds. The second time it was really cool when I stepped in front of the fighter line and a javlin comes flying at me to have two Two Handed swords swing from behind me and take it out of the air. Then proceed to leave everything with smoking boots, and after taking down all the cobalds turn around and watch people picking up the pieces. :)

Also, although I sort of lost a fair amount of value in Potions and other items, I kind of enjoyed setting off the explosive treasure trap and just "going boom"!

Lastly I was amazed at the fair look distribution between the entire town at the end. In all the Alliance events I have played at I have never seen such a fair split of everything, and that includes the mini auction which was pretty fun. Thanks Paul for heading that up with your Hobling! It was pretty cool that at the end practically every adventure in town received a cut of like 2 gold as well as a potion for their part in the town battle. For those newer or lower level folks out there I've been in your place not having the money to bid yet, but believe me you'll get there and having lots of coin from being bought out by the "richer" older adventures can feel fun as well.

Overall a fun time and I really enjoyed hanging out with the folks I hung out with. Paige and Sam, great to see you! And Dave I look forward to working up my alt and hopefully making more games.
Hello All.
I had a great time.
I can't wait till the next one.
I would like to thank everyone for taking pity on this Newbie.
I liked being an npc, so i think i will do it in april also.
I hope to have my character in may.
Have fun.
Thanks need to go out to Chris for handling an otherwise sticky situation with aplomb.
Thanks for all the NPCs for going out there with a lot of energy to make this a good start to a hopefully long reign of evil on Mr. Gleaser's part.
Thanks to all the PCs for showing up, some of you guys came from a ways to support a chapter opener. I wont be able to hit the next event but I hope you can all be there in May.
Overall a pretty good time I cant wait to get out there again.
Well, there was that time I was a kobold and got splattered, and that other time I was a kobold and got splattered. Ooh, and in the afternoon, I was a kobold, and I got splattered!

I actually had a dream that night which involved an endless wall of angry people in armor waving boffers at me menacingly.

But it was a lot of fun. I felt a bit of a lack of a plot myself. I didn't have much of a feel for what the Kobolds were up to, except to give the players something to squish. The modules were fun, though. I'm not sure I was a very dangerous stone golem, but trying to keep up with the 'Don't attack anything that isn't moving' rule was fun.
I think my favorite thing from the event was looking over to see David picking up the chest on the kobold mod. I no sooner got out "Dont pick it" and was interupted buy a HOLD call :p Good times