March Afters Location


Hullo, Hullo! This go around there was a request from a Birthday celebrating Plot member that Afters be at the El Tapatio Mexican Restaurant in Astoria. Because I rather like this Plot member, and would rather not incur his wrath, I felt it wouldn't be terrible to have an exception in the usual workings of Afters for this game.

Here's the restaurant info:

The link includes a map, but it's pretty easy to find.

Some clarification after the first Afters poll post:

1. "Afters" is NOT an official Alliance Oregon "event" or Alliance-sanctioned happening.
It is merely friends getting together after an event to eat, chat, have a good time, and unwind after the Oregon Alliance Games.

2. Everyone is welcome to the Afters gathering. PC's, NPC's, Plot, etc. Come hang out, eat some foodstuffs, and chat ^.^

As always, looking forward to hanging out with all you lovely people while we unwind a bit After game!
Who is our birthday celebrant?