March Event Highlights!


I guess I will get ball rolling with mine, I had a lot and this is the short list. :)

  1. Vishkin’s spirit farewell was bittersweet and fun, truly a celebration of his life and hopefully if any of my characters ever have one, it will be like that.
  2. Virid’s funeral was beautiful, everyone said great things, and I think Ghost’s song was just perfect.
  3. Virid’s spirit farewell was rough, but in the best way possible. Jimmy you are awesome, thanks for the great rp.
  4. Conversations with people Orin doesn’t always speak a lot with: Shelk (oath swearing), Luke and Arannin.
  5. Cael making his feelings about Ponya known so publically made for some great rp, and the consequences of those actions will continue to ripple. Rick, nice job for committing to a character trait.
  6. Had a great time in the fights and double hooking.
  7. All of the rp fallout from Maxvell’s death, drinking with Ponya, Erik, Amory, Mel and Alavatar.
  8. Being asked to be part of the land bonding ritual, was not expecting that.
  9. Pregnant Prashka, calling on the power of the Faeby, the birth and the naming of Josef Stonebolt.
  10. Finally, here's to Chas, the king of Skeaze!
I don't even know where to start. Really.
  1. My death in the tavern by shattering my own spirit. I hate and love you, Joe.
  2. Shelk's amazing story guiding me back after said shattering of said spirit.
  3. The chat with Shelk outside the Oakpalm cabin.
  4. The Oakpalm party we had with food and drinks in our cabin while guarding the piece of the throne.
  5. Everything surrounding Ponya. From me telling the entire world how I distrusted her to all of the fallout to all of the RP that followed. I doubt I'll remember everyone but: Lithae, Orin, Landon, Peer, Snows, Shelk, Ashok. Hell even Lord (King) Gyr told me I was an idiot.
  6. Max's death and everything surrounding it. I drug him off originally while double-hooking but now Cael has to deal with his decision not to bring him to the lowbie mod. It's going to weigh heavily.
  7. Being brought in on the ritual for Lord Gyr. I, too, was not expecting to be asked.
  8. Kneeling before King Gyr. Seriously I have no idea why but it was just so mega awesome to do that stereotypical fantasy action.
  9. Virid's funeral was very moving. Cael hardly knew Virid but was moved by all of the emotion in the room.
  10. Double-hooking and getting to be a Harkonian. So. Many. Eviscerates.
  11. Seeing Alcandar race changed to MWE. Cael is envious of him and happy for him at the same time.
  12. That Elemental mod with the 9 or 10 NPCs. I didn't think we could win but then Peer ended up being Dominated and then it was Go Time. I have no idea how we won that without more casualties.
And so many more.
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It was definitely one of the best events I've had as Little, so here's a couple of bits.

-Landon's surprise reactions to Little's double prison and neck snapping KB and a quick emotionless explanation as to why -- oh Landon, you so surprised.
-Which lead to Landon telling Little to "do his thing" when Little prison'd one Hark and evokesploded the other one.
-Yup, everything Ponya. Oh man. And Cael's moment before the double hook. Going around and pulling strings to fix it until Alcandar just went and fox-blocked (Pending trademark) Little by taking her with him. Oh man.
-Oh and smoothies all weekend long... oh man.
Geeze, where do I begin...

1. Helping Hava connect to other Biata with Max and Ponya's help,
2. Enjoying laughter and fun times with my family BEFORE Max permed. For once I felt kinda like a gypsy.
3. Viskin's Spirit Farewell. It was a lovely time, even if I got choked up once he left.
4. Trying really, really hard to not drink intoxicants.
5. The horrible mess of a fight that caused the death of my beloved, then flipping out, then nearly killing myself, THEN the bastards forcing me to come back with a sacrifice.
6. Max kissing me and hugging me before the battle started telling me, "JUST IN CASE." **** YOU MAX.
7. Finding out that Lithe and Max made this ******* plan behind my back by buying the damn sacrifice JUST IN CASE.
8. All the grief RP with everyone, especially Lithe, Hava, Shelk, My family, and Ponya.
9. Prashka's baby, which while I wasn't able to be at top form to enjoy, I did teach the little guy the joys of beer, like a good gypsy aunt.

Thanks for a great event guys. <3
For the things that I can mention...

-The module Friday night went far better than I hoped it would; my NPC's were absolutely amazing; the long bit of RP afterward.
-Saturday; oh wet and wild Saturday...
-Hearing about each token that The Chosen Seven™ as they presented them to be consumed in the bonding ritual. It was really cool to hear the amazingly personal things they were giving away.
-All the RP!
-Chiding Cael as Gyr for his thoughts on Ponya...and then telling Ponya she was just fine in his book...
-Getting to watch some pretty heroic actions on the part of the PC's during the throne room mod.
-Intercepting the last tablet on Saturday night with the Oak Palm group as Gyr...
-Ghost's song over Maxvell's body...haunting, beautiful, and poignant.
-Luke's hand print board
-Seeing the players take what the plot team has helped create, and taking it all and running with it...
-The Fae-by...what else needs to be said?
The Chosen Seven? is that like the magnificent seven? :)
It is. But far prettier.
: rolling in through 'light' Hark resistance.
: RP with some fae guy that just dropped how, 'Yeah, fae and magic get a little wonky around each other.'
: talking with a few of the new travelers.

: early morning of french toast, real maple syrup, sausages and no Shelk...okay Cael, start dragging her out of bed.
: rolling the 1st elemental mod with Oakpalm, Ravis, Clover. Only to have the 2nd elemental mod go sideways almost immediately.
: finally getting around to our tile assault only to have everything blow up with Binds, Prisons, and Body swings, Cael getting dragged off (and Snows having to watch it happen while Imprisoned), and then the post-fight wait for Cael.
: the post-everybody telling Cael, 'Just get it over with!'
: preggers Praska (gee, she seems more mellow while pregnant).
: Saturday night 'lowbie' mod - being the sole archer and just not having enough bolts, watching Little roll back clutching the plate/tile, and finally getting gunned down by Jimmy's Hark.
: Oakpalm's normal 'Go Big' guard duty - food, drinks, and good talk...I look so forward to those times.

: watching so many RP and fallout going into the Throne.
This event couldn't have been better for me but I'm biased. ;)

Highlight reel:
  • The mod on Friday night was one of the best things that has happened to me in Alliance. Grim and terrifying on so many levels.
  • Completing 3 major character goals in one event... Not my intention but oh man, the feelings from it resonate. Between fixing Kiah, seating Gyr on the throne, and being race changed in the middle of the tavern, I call that winning.
  • All the big and little moments with Shelk. Liz, you made my event even more special, so thank you.
  • Pregnant Prashka and the world's worst kept secret.
  • Ponya and Cael drama, followed by epic talks with Ponya. Love that character, Sori.
  • Deaths actually landing... Alcandar's death obsessed heart swelled with joy.
  • Continuing to follow the knight's code. It's funny Alcandar hasn't done anything evil in about a year and he is still a monster in the eyes of many. It's really fun to play out.
  • All the new players and NPCs were fabulous.
  • Getting dragged off and thrown into the woods to die in the Saturday throne fight was so much fun.
  • Ninja rolling Eric, saving the day only to see me dragged off again later.
  • Funeral after funeral followed by losing, Max... Damn.
  • Almost being brought to tears by the realization that Alcandar would have to abandon his king to stay with his wife.
  • Plot, thank you.
  • Hanging out with House of the Raven. Bonding with Ghost, D, Tanis, and Daylynn
  • Get better soon, Amanda!
  • Melvyn is my new favorite character, just sayin' "good job James".
  • I'm sure I missed things but that's what happens with weekends full of so much good.
What an incredible all around event. The RP, the storyline of the event, the culmination of so many long term plots. It was a great closing event, and I'm looking very forward to the second half of the Golden Horn finale.

In no particular order, and I always forget things:
-Prashka & Ashok rp, tons of fun as always, enjoying a period of (relative) stability in their relationship. Everything involving the faeby and Natha.
-Black's big reveal of Trillian's death on Sunday morning. The crashing down of realization that if only Ashok had been more convincing, or been willing to use subversive means to convince the others, he could have saved Trillian.
-Virid's Funeral and Spirit farewell, all the feelings. It was great having people talk that Ashok didn't expect to talk.
-Ghost's songs, at Virid's funeral and over Maxwell's body. Having to walk away to resurrect Demona and hearing the beginning of the song.
-Draining all of my emotional defense reserves just holding Ashok together, something I didn't realize until Monday. In some ways, this event was harder than the last.
-Being invested in a celestial circle, Identifying all the things.
-The Saturday hunting for pieces mods were all well put together, and the frequent return trips to the celestial circle allowed for a lot of focused RP time, which was great.
-Both sides of the double-hooking fights. Lasting for a couple full spawns as a 10/2 skeleton in a really fun and clean fight. Holding the line with Tantarus, Roan, Max, Ghost, and Brat. Only getting drawn out by Harkonians and almost rezzed once (Thanks Kerjal!).
-Watching Max get dragged into the woods, but being unable to penetrate the lines to get someone after him. Then when he gets rolled in by the Harkonians, knowing before the spells hit what happened, grabbing him, confirming the perm, and trying to get him to the back without letting Demona know he was permed. Demona flying into the Harkonian lines in rage, again being unable to push the lines to save her. Agony, that cuts like a knife! So great.

Alright, I'm starting to quote musicals, so it's probably a good time to wrap this up. Thank you to everyone plot, NPC, and PC for being generally awesome.
Prashka teaching Talo rituals in the middle of the tavern, then Ghost & Brat arguing that Mortikai was a bad parent for allowing his 10 year old learn ritual magics. It was all I could do to hold back the laughter since it was Paige's (brat) other character that helped inspire him to want to learn rituals.
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I'm still having a hard time getting everything that happened straight in my head! This was an amazing event, a busy event, and an incredibly emotional event.

Some favorite moments -

*Getting grumped at by Ian for not just poking our heads into the hole with the chaos elementals.
*Ian waylaying the irritating "King" - "He's just taking a nap!"
*All of the running around looking for tiles, identifying objects, and the rp that came with that.
*Talking with Alcander about Ponya, that one's been sitting for a while, and I was glad that went the way it did.
*Vishkin's spirit farewell and all the laughter/creepy jokes
*Ghost's song for Vishkin and Maxwell, so many tears, so beautiful.
*Talking with 1000 Bones. Every interaction with him made Amory laugh, he could be a bit off-putting, but otherwise so fun!
*Not being able to do anything for Maxwell in the throne room fight... Even though I had a good out of game excuse, in character that was so heart-wrenching, then having to stand back and watch Daemona run to her death.... yeah...
*Amory being suspicious of the townsfolk looking for "family artifacts" and Cael politely arguing with her ^.^
*Even though I wasn't in character for the crowning of Gyr, that was a beautiful ceremony to watch.

Thank you to Plot for so many wonderful stories, to the NPCs for putting up with the rain and for all the amazing characters, and to all the PCs for the wonderful rp.
It really was a fun event for me. In no particular order.
- The Friday night entrance into game, I really enjoy coming into game on a group mod, it really gets me into the swing of things. Also I got to politely direct Alcandar and Lord Gyr to fill up gaps in the line. It always feels good to have the future king just politely follow your directions on the battle field.
-Spending time with Kiarra is always fun, she gives Melvyn the support that he needs to be confident in dealing with the cruel childhood of a spore.
-Getting to insert myself into the ranks of the order of the raven for a while, It has definitely been a goal to keep up with them and they were an awesome group to hang around.
-All of the RP and time with people that I generally haven't gotten to spend much time around IG in general has been awesome.
-Taking care of the "just in case" scroll for Roan while guarding the throne room was pretty cool along with all of the trust and respect that Melvyn seems to be getting around town... Pretty awesome time.
Oh, man - all the feels!

-Vishkin's Spirit "Hello", including the gypsies trying to set Ponya up with him before time ran out
- All the personal RP with Little, he's got the inside scoop now. Especially when she was drunk after Max's death and trying to tell him something important put couldn't quite find the words.
- Being asked by Prashka to act as a midwife since she has experience with giving birth, then when the actual "birth" happened fetching the baby blanket and all the RP with Josef Stonebolt!
- Ghost's song in the Tavern for Virid AND in the throne room for Max
- Being allowed to thank Virid at his spirit farewell
- The conflict with Cael right before the big mod and how many people had her back, including Lord Gyr
- The throne room mod was terrifying for Ponya, she'd been ordered to stay out of harms way and watched them drag Maxvell's body in during the heat of battle.
- Grieving over Maxvell in a real and gutteral way. Insisting he be made Rai, and carrying him back to the gypsy cabin to be with his family instead of the tavern.
- When Orin grabbed Ponya by the shoulders and told her not to do anything stupid because she couldn't handle it right after Maxvell's death and Virid's farewell. I felt like that moment and the ones immediately surrounding it are a perfect representation of the kind of relationship/friendship they have.
- Being hung over during the coronation and "topless" the rest of the day
- Plot for the pervy mustached hark statue that's somewhere in the beyonds
-And the RP with Alcandar after Maxvell's death! (Love you, Ron!)
Great times!

--"Defend the Throne Room" rough, emotional, good fight. Jimmy.. stop it. Just stop.
--Getting another good monarch on a throne. Whoooo.. Roan's been around too long..
--RP with Arannin and Tantarus. And Lord Gyr. Hilarious.
--Arannin can scare the crap out of people in broad daylight. Noted.
--Friday night "mind mod".. freaky! Good job NPCs!
--Chas' super sketchy "king".. I just felt bad for that guy
--hanging with Lord Gyr for more than 2 minutes! Thanks for making/taking the time Adam!
--Learning that Matron Gyr *can* be useful
--Virid- everything, and the beautiful song from Zehnyu
-Melvin is kinda awesome. Always just there.. with what's needed.
--Ben pointing out after game that his character permed in a way that confirms one of Roan's deeply held beliefs. Thanks Ben! *tear*
I wanted to first off say thank you to all of you. I knew I would be having some hard things to deal with after game, so I had this weekend to pretty much put Ali in a box and it really helped. Every single one of you helped. Thank you.

So without further adieu:
1. Seeing Brat again. I think those two hadn't hung out in 6+ years, and it was seriously awesome. "BEER!", all of the talks regarding Phedre/Sunderdragon/Yuder. All of it. Super awersome Paige :)
2. Rogue tag with my boys. Daylynn, D, and Tanis. Much love to you three.
3. "I call upon the power of [] to destroy your ward!" "ActivatewitheldritchforceIbuildaward! WARD UP!" Jimmy - the look on your face was amazing. Especially while I was sitting in the not yet active circle of power blocking the doorway ready to go if necessary :).
4. 1000 Bones. I have met the dark Justin Coggin/Tetsu. And he is just as epic <3
5. All of the interactions I watched leading up to the late night fight. You guys were really pushing to get all of those pieces - and you should be really proud of yourselves. :)
6. Arannin. I <3 that character so much OOG.
7. That late night fight. Holy ($*&#($*^*@&^(*&!%!*#&*&. Especially this beautiful rockstar moment that is Melvyn. So I got cut off while the Harks were pushing the circle. As they were pushing, Brat rolled up to me, and we pushed quick, and took ALL of the Harkonian's pieces and their board. I grab it with the 'now I will run' and who's there? Melvyn. Like a freakin' ninja. He grabs all the pieces and disappears as Brat and I drop the second undead. I grab the second piece and I'm like "Okay, I'm gonna run with this on-" BAM. Melvyn's already there. And the other pieces are in a cop rep ready to go. James, that was so, so beautiful <3.
8. Ghost started singing General Taylor at permanent deaths and spirit farewells 4 years ago, and will continue to do so. I'm really happy it added to the appropriate atmosphere of the game.
9. Lord Gyr. Adam, you really bring a noble to life for me - and he's only the 3rd one who's ever hugged me, so you go in a special place with Queen Seroba and King Garan.
10. Betty, The Baddass Juggernaut Destroyer of Worlds. What Would BTBJDOW Do?

Thanks guys <3
I'm not one for lists so much, but I have to say, the reason I keep coming back to Oregon is the RP, with both PCs and NPCs and this event was the best yet. Being brought almost to tears several times, and also riding the high of big battles all in one event is awesome. Shout outs to 1000 bones and Zehn for way too much awesome sauce. Also thank you to everyone who was awesome with my other character. I have never felt so welcomed in a strange land before, though it may have been the beer :-)
Special thanks to
  • The Kernel Committee; Cael, Shelk, Snows, Peers, and Landon
  • Gabe
  • Alcandar
  • (The black panther wildkin, I'm sorry I keep forgetting your name!)
  • Ash and Maven
  • Orin and all the other healers that patiently helped me with incants and such
  • Robert
  • Cymryc
  • Eric
  • All of my customers!
  • All of Plot, Logistics, and NPC's!
  • And Ravis <3
for making this the best first-game experience anyone could possibly ask for in the history of ever! You guys, even people whom I've failed to mention, made my weekend.
Edit: Thousand Bones, King Gyr, and the wildkin bard! (Again with the names.) These are the other people of note that I missed. There will probably be more.
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