Market Day Roster

I would I saw some familiar faces when I travel to Horn's End! Has been fore'er it seems since last I saw the place, and truth be known, I miss the old place!

I am wondering who shall be keeping me company ere I go...shout out now if you shall be in Horn's End for the end month!
I will be there young lady.There are meny thingI must do that I have to be there for.I hope for all that to travel here,travel safe and be well.I will await for your arrival.Goodnight to you all
Ahll be supposed ta meet sum fea about a payment, and ah got sum bisess ta take care of wit da shadow guy, hes gunna take me ta see Yoko, ah also need ta talk ta Sir Orthus bout his needs ta protect his lands and maybe hit goblingy up fur a scroll if he shwos up.

I'll be there. Hopefully we'll be doing more bread throwing. That was fun.
I'll be stretching my legs in that general direction round then, mayhap I'll stop on by and see what trouble I can get in. Anything interesting going on thereabouts? Monsters to be saved, damsels to be slain - that kinda thing?

Dramthin Hartsboon
Simple Keeper of the Tainted Grove
After manny months of travel I shall finaly be setting foot in "civilized" lands. Horn's End looks like a promising place to start. Dear Marcena and New Friend Dramthin I look forward to meeting boath of you in person.
Mobius said:
Monsters to be saved, damsels to be slain - that kinda thing?

Dramthin Hartsboon
Simple Keeper of the Tainted Grove

You are more wise than most it appears, for who deems one a monster but those that cannot understand it? And whom is more dangerous than a damsel with time and resources to plot her revenge?

I enjoy your logic.

I will be around I think, though I will be there to see old friends and have a good time. Perhaps find an open rift or something to play with.

I'll be pokin my head out to the world, this time I'll get to see the lands instead of the inside of a banquet hall
