Maxwell on Route


I vas vondering. Is der to be any of my many cousins about dis coming marketday?
I find myself heading in a southernly direction and vould like to catch up vith family if dey are available.

Maxwell Maximus Maldavia Moore

I teach, entertain, and inspire.
I read de omens and see de future.
I rub de backs and heal the wounded.
I brew de good drink and bring song and wit to de masses.

MMMM, see de Maxwell if you are needing any of dese, or even if you just near ta bend an ear.
I welcome any good company.
Two words for ya...


I has a question fur you... Why would you wanna poke dagrons?

It is a form of a card game my lady :).

Guildmaster of House of Games
Oh, dhat makes sense I gess... Maybe you can teach meh how to play sumtime? I not very good at card games but I willing to learn. As long as dere aren't any dagrons playin dhat wanna eat me.

The dragon poker circle is sacred and safe. You are always safe inside of it. And I am always willing to teach anybody who wants to learn how to play. It is very simple.

Guildmaster of HoG
I come sit in dhe circle wit you dhen. I like safe places and I like people who teach meh tings. Next time I see dhe people gatherin round CasanMoreux's tavern I not stay away but I see if I find you and learn dagron poker.

You name is Tadron, dhat is easy to remember. How will I know it you?

Either just ask around or look for people with blue tabards with cards on their chest. It will either be me, or somebody that can point me out to you.

Guildmaster of HoG
Ahh, Okay, I look real hard and try to find you or one of yer friends! Maybe we meet soon and I learn dagron poker!

I want the title of Dragon Poker Lord!!!! Wait a sec, are you not a Duke Tadron? You shall make this happen!!! I shall be the Dragon Poker Lord!!!!

Alabaster The Terrible soon to be Lord of the Dragon Poker!!!!!