May 13th Event Teaser!!


As the budding town of Asyl begins to find their place on the continent of Dragonreach, enemies knock at every door. It seems as though just as one calamity quiets down, another rears its ugly head to assault Voth's steadily growing kingdom. The news of undead pressing the northern border are a constant reminder of the King that was, and the new world to be. The assassination of a dwarven heir looms over those who reside below, with fingers pointing in every direction. The flux of planar magic can still be felt near Casan's Tavern, but there are no signs of the element's that once swarmed. The signs of a would be green drake harassing those who harassed him in turn, are all but invisible.

The adventurers now turn their focus towards new foe's that walk tirelessly and are in seemingly endless numbers. Lead by a general clad in bone, these orc-like creatures traverse the land in loud fashion, but not with words. Barbarian clans fall one by one as the totem-wielder assimilates the clans to strengthen his own, and bury the burden of his lost love. Whispers spoke of a pair of beholders escaping from the late king's prison, but not an eye has seem them since. The waymaker stones no longer hold the power they once had, limiting travel across the lands. All the while those who hold power scavenge to defend their newly formed lands from opposition.

What new or old enemies will step foot in Asyl during its next gathering? Join us and find out...

SoMi Plot


Black-Skinned Non-Dead Orcs?!?!?!!?



I'm so excited.
