May 13th event Thanks


I would like to thank everyone who came out to our event this past weekend. I had a great time running plot for all of the PC's who attended and I am glad the weather didn't stop us from having a great time. As usual I welcome any criticisms towards all aspects of the event and I ask that they be forwarded directly to my e-mail ( ). Thanks again for coming out, and I hope to see you all at our next event.

Jason Castleman
SoMi Plot Head
I just want to echo what Tank said. I had a great time helping run for all you guys. It's always great when PC's surprise you, it makes the whole game better. The weather was kinda dreary but I didn't feel it kept us inside, or prevented us from all having a good time.

I really appreciate the direct, through Tank, feedback after that last town battle. Having open dialog like that keeps people improving and making the game better. :thumbsup:

Huge thanks to all our full time NPCs: Mara, Rob, Brooks, Brad. We were running you guys ragged trying to keep up with our PCs. (ok, for this mod, we start on this side of the field and you try to get to that side. Each pop, run back and try again. /facepalm)

Also big thanks to the PC's who saw our NPC's on death's door IRL and jumped the fence to keep the game fresh and fun. Chad, Doug, other Rob, TC, Travis, I feel I am missing some people but that is just post event fatigue.

To the chapter as a whole: Thanks for being welcoming to the new faces in town. It's great to see people, (PC, NPC, Staff whoever) welcome them,give advice and help them out. It really makes the game better when we have such a welcoming atmosphere.

See you all in June!!


P.S. Dont' forget to tell our GM, John Leino, that you want to have that long september event.
Another solid event. This event was more dependent upon the PC's taking charge than Plot directing us, and it was nice to not feel pressured or feel like our imminent doom was in sight if X, Y, and Z did not all get done before the end of the event.

Thank you to the FT NPCs. It's good to see people willing to put their PC's goals on hold, help out plot, and take some of the weight off their shoulders.

Besides Chad and Doug, I didn't personally notice the people Joe had mentioned who volunteered to take a break from PC'ing to NPC (and thereby enhance other PC's fun while giving our plot team/FT NPCs a break), but I thank you all for doing such. Making sure we have a good time, a solid event, and a successful chapter should be a team effort from every player. It's good to see more people helping out and doing their part, and I encourage more of you to do the same.

As always, thank you to the Canadians and TC crew for making the long trip over/down here.

/agree with Steve. Solid event, for sure.

Im not going to lie; I really like it when the PC's actually lose. And this weekend, we FOR SURE lost. The Saturday Night Linebacker Larry fight was intense, to say the least. The best part about losing is that we, as the PC's, are going to thoroughly enjoy when we win against Larry. It definitely provides some honest hatred towards Larry and his Master.

Huge thanks to Tank, Asa, and Joe for running. Huge thanks to all the Full Time NPC's and the Part Time NPC's.

See you all in June!

I had a great time this event, and was very glad for everyone's patience while I tried to remember rules, names, damage calls, etc- it's been a hella long time since I've larped. Thank you plot team for all the craziness. It's also been a long time since I've been in the woods in the rain and genuinely terrified that something was going to come up behind me at any moment!

To all the NPC's thank you for your tireless efforts to kill, maim, and dismember- without you, we would not really appreciate having our heads firmly attached to our shoulders. And to all the PC's, thank you for making me feel welcome.

~Kristy (Kilani the Gypsy)
I'd also like to Thank the plot team for hosting the event, you guys worked very hard all weekend long! Thank you to everyone who NPC'd and allowed me to hit you a lot (and vice versa).
Sorry about my super late post, what can I say; I'm lazy.