May 1st event

Had a good a event as well!

-The Singing Traveling Performance Group that only had one song. Then wondering if Duchess Savil informing them that they booked another gig was code for get off the stage.
-Syver's "Cups, Fork, and Muffin Wrap" explanation, retold several times. The Governor, the Gardener, the Secretive Neighbor, the Noisy Neighbor, and the adventurers are the streets.
-The kin rescue mod. Super awesome (and thank you for fence jumping) roleplaying scared out of their minds kin by Joe and GJ. Also great job plot for using OOG objects nearby to represent IG elements (propane tanks as the boats).
-Baron Garoth and Raynn go looking for a flower long overdue, finding information about it, and then she had found it before I could relay that information. Damm, still feel like I owe Gwenlynn.
-The claw. The reactions, how it came about, and the future it means. And the fun handicap it brings.
-Members of the Vanguard very worried I was going spend all our gold on another Spirit Forge. Their panic while I was bidding.
-The weather.
-Meeting a merchant. Him selling things to us. Then him telling us how upset he was with us (adventurers). Feeling bad. Doing things to make his (and his organizations) group easier. I hope.
-Bleak. Really feeling the despair personally after having previously (season: somi) been to a future where Bleak won.
-Ritual planning with lots of good input by Foss and Fredrick.
-Getting to use a newly purchased skill for the first time first thing Friday night (Break Command).

As always huge thanks to Chris and NPC team for running yourself ragged to please us geeks. AS well as Dave and Amy for doing bunch of behind the scenes stuff.

Also to all the people that come play. I look forward to alliance events to see everyone.
Top notch event, for sure.

My favorite part, aside from watching Joe's multiple Wylderkin scream about his concubine Amy, was that everyone who travel's from other chapters has really become members of the town. I cant really put my finger on why, but this event really made me feel that Durk was a full member of Arden. There was a lot of equal communication between all the groups and a lot of intermixing of the groups. There was no animosity, as far as I could tell, and everyone was sharing information equally. Really really great.

Additionally, the "Find the Tabard" puzzle and fighting mod was amazing. I cannot believe how incredibly lucky we were on that mod. It had the right about of puzzle plus an intense level of combat.

Thanks to all the NPCs and Staff who made this event great! See you guys in June!

Great Event all! Thanks to everyone. I agree with GJ the town had a really good feel this market with strong rp bridging level and group.

Loved the tough as nails hold out or your friends are screwed mod. It nice to really push to the edge upon occasion.

Lastly loved playing the Djinn to wrap up a plot that unexpected traveled to Arden from Wayside. The rp of "wait we have to become undead for the greater good" was pretty sweet.
Yeesh. So much going on. So good. So sore.

To all the new/newer NPCs. You guys rocked it out. Plot is telling a great story, but you guys volunteering to play monsters and supporting cast really make the game enjoyable for us PCs. Thank you so very much. NPCing is a tough, often thankless job. Thanks for doing a great job at it, and please come back. Either as a PC or NPC whatever you feel like. New blood is always welcome, and you guys had a great spirit. Special shoutout to the 'handmaiden' Gen's sister, I think? The level of zeal, and energy you put into playing monsters really kept me on my toes the whole event. "4 normal" isn't super scary until it's coming at you at warp speed, from something 4 feet tall, and gunning you down. Then they gave you a bigger card, and I was worried for my life. :) Cheers. Really, a highlight of my weekend.

Really fun to see Rob again. I know school's been rough, and when I found out he was handling the Paladins, I was excited.

Chris you continue to be a great runner. I know it's tough when all roads run through you, but you handle it well. Especially when I am talking to various incarnations of you and they each have a different perspective/opinions/ information. Also, when you were harassing Fos about being lost so much, you became lost. I really enjoyed that.

Long why must you cause me so much pain? You play your cards so well. I can never relax when you're on the field. :)

Gen, Thanks for the late night roleplay. Puzzle-off and chatting with the Duchess was fun. Props for staying up late to entertain.

Tory, thanks for jumping the fence and helping out. I know you have a lot going on as a PC so to choose to delay your own story to run for others is really admirable. thanks.

Specific cool moments.

-Spending the first 12 hours or so just talking to people to figure stuff out. I really liked being able to just investigate things with Brigit. We don't get to do things just the two of us in game often and it was really nice to feel like that was possible.

-Crying/sobbing into everyone's ear as a 'kin and hearing their reactions. Everything from "someone waylay this guy", to "It's gonna be ok, you're safe now"

-New NPCs making the PC/NPC ratio more even and thus every fight much scarier.

-LA riot style book theft.

-Catching the eye of Link and Zane, while I talked to the Djinn. Good stuff.

-Once again using powers I don't fully understand leads to my death. (It's a common theme with my characters)

-Being legitmately conflicted with choices, and being forced with the question of "How much do you trust those around you?"

-Camp updates: I love the solar lights. It's just enough light to walk around without ruining night vision or taking away the feeling of being alone in the dark.

I would say rest up for the next Traverse Event, but I hope to see some of you down in Somi.

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Joe covered NPCs and plot pretty well, but here it is again: You guys and gals were awesome on more levels than you know! Thank you so much. And a special thank you to all the PCs that jumped fence for us (you know who you are)!

In no particular order:

A BIG thank you to Rob for playing the djinn and giving Ser Robert the exact situation he needed ( a real kick in the ***). Big changes came from it that everyone will notice.

The reappearance of the "Petes", and legally marrying Kai to a goat.

Getting rolled by kobolds for my lunch money (yes, this happened. No, I'm not proud of it).

Being handed a sh*t sandwich by Foss and Lidia, and chastizing them like children, and having them rescind said sh*t sandwich.

Too many more to list. MY FAVORITE EVENT TO DATE. THANK YOU ALL!!!
Best event for me yet! I wanna thank everyone for being so nice to my dad and helping him have a good (though j wouldn't say relaxing ) time.

Plot and NPCs, you rock! A special thanks to Chris I., Tory, and Mark for working with me on and running my plot: it's more fun (and terrifyingly dangerous) than I could've EVER imagined! That being said, here are some of MY favorites:

- Having to stick my hand in a void portal for 5 minutes without interruption while being assailed by nonstop marble golems, and experiencing, for the first time, the fun and usefulness of a 'prison hug', later used as a 'Sharr shield'.

- Wendigo: "Give me the Void mage, and I'll give you the goblin."
I just remember thinking, "oh, $#&%."

- Decoding a note where all the letters were jumbled randomly (except for R and X, apparently just to mess with me), and getting slowly more and more exasperated as we translate it. One look at "dust of a death knight", and I was already willing to rip up that paper .

- The spirit chalice. The huge controversy over it, and my decision not to fill it and leave it in the capable hands of Shiny.... Only to find out that it blinked (BLINKED, not rifted) onto my bed Saturday night, with a note inside: "It's not nice to give away a gift." ****....

- Getting rolled by fortune telling.... AGAIN....

Can't WAIT for June, see you all then!!
Nothing quite like getting a restraining order against your angrily teleporting dead people sports drinks huh Wycliff?

Be brave man, don't give it excuses. I don't want to hear "it only torturers the souls of all man kind when it's drunk."

That's sexual harassment and you don't have to take it.
I think I'm gonna piss in it and see what happens
There were lots of good moments and I enjoy the push to have more cross chapter plot with bith So Mi and Chicago. There was lots of good role play but some favorites include:

The s*** sandwich of drama served to Ser Robert.

The amazing RP cleansing the chakras of the Spell Stitched.

Arguing the finer points of Awaken being a command spell.

Being able to use my props for meditation and astrology to assist everyone.

Talking to Panic and the King. Consistent NPCs you guys did great.

The most akward hug from Link ever.

Making up with Foss.

Hey Amanda don't think I forgot about that scry/astrology.

Since we didn't get to do it at the event if you submit it as an event IBGA we will throw a little bit extra on there than you might have gotten. That is if you are coming to the event....dun dunduuuuuuhhhhhh!!!
Great event. Can't wait for the next one!

Being upset by not knowing about the party Friday night, and promptly crashing it. And then the Kin "trainer" immediately falling madly in love with Eldandiril, while Ahlana swore there was no illegal alchemy in the drinks.

Gilnar! Tory did a great job being a scraggly-haired Dwarven merchant. I look forward to seeing him in future events.

Syver and his metaphorical conversation with King Claus. Leaving and coming back a good while later to find them still having the exact same conversation. I still want to know what the heck was up with those neighbors. Seems kinda fishy.

Eldandiril's new fuzzy legs and tail, and getting people to touch them.

Elle and Cena occasionally acting as Kitaruen's arm candy, and Kit offering to hire someone to give us horn rubs.

The not-so-sneaky Kobolds.

The Kin mod. I used up most of my spells before re-mem in that one mod, it was great to feel like I was making a big difference. Also, helping Raz fix the boats by hitting them. Nothing like good old percussive maintenance.

The big town mod Saturday night going hilariously awry, thanks to the PC's. In-game, not so funny, but oog very much so.

Cena finally doing what the Squishables call "eating cake", and being completely oblivious it was happening. It was nice to have a quiet mod right before a big one, and Cena was seriously behind on her adventurer's stupidity quota.

The only parts of the event I didn't like so much were Saturday's dinner and that the plot team seemed to be stretched so thin. The dinner was way too heavy for me, and I had to spend some time in the restroom soon after eating it. As for the plot team, it isn't their fault, they just seem to need significantly more help. I might consider taking some time off PCing next year to help out.
Hello everyone!
I know it is a late post but I'm new to the forums so I just wanted to speak on behalf of all of my NPCs I brought and the others that were with us, thank you all for the wonderful event! I'm happy to be bringing new blood in, and I'm happy for how they are being received. I am also always happy for your patience with me and letting me learn the game as a new player as well.

Thank you!
I know she kicked MINE. Void portal/Marble Golem mod, she was like a hornet. And that's when she was playing an empty golem. [whap whap whap whap] "Just stop moving man!" "I'm trying!!!"
Please bring them back. Especially that little blonde spitfire that murdered us a whole bunch. Everyone agrees she kicked ***.
Ah yes, that was my little sister, she has learned from the best! She will be attending with me these next events, and then coming in with her own player character by the end of season I believe.
With that said, I encourage everyone to make a dedicated effort to thank and welcome new players/npcs in less of a mob fashion. I always think it is more sincere to go up and thank them for mod, weekend, etc rather then a mass "Thank you npcs" at the end of a mod.

Sometimes wish some of these new guys could make it to after party to get to know them.

P.S. Gen, when are you other other other siblings going to start playing?