Had lots of fun this weekend, even despite car troubles and such. Thank you NPCs!

So, let's see...

Getting to see my "Sister-mama" and of course reminding certain people that they are semi-related when they would rather forget.

Hanging out in the healer's guild. It's always so much fun talking with Zat and eating goodies. Chatting with the baron about a certain book and then getting to see the book.

Drunken Sir Daniel. Kerrigwen will be much quicker on the uptake next time.

Threatening to sit on the baron so he doesn't wander off while vertigo’d.

Spending another weekend with my favorite snarkey elf. I swear he is such a bad influence! In a year or so when Kerrigwen is all aloof and sarcastic everyone can thank Alrion.(sp?)

Telling "war" stories both in and out of game. Telling about Wick's adventure with the death elementals, Naked breakfast and why we love baron dies-a-lot, and the best quote ever "Put your treasure on your dead friends chest and go!"

Disarm the biata! Disarm the fudge! And then sneaking the fudge back to Shya when Glory wasn't looking. Heh.

Actually being kind of effective in the last wave battle! Yeay for racials and for memorizing spells that a mwe probably shouldn't be memorizing. Standing next to black forest watching them dominate everyone running by to return them to normal, turning and awakening the next two people that try to run past me. Thinking that I should be very offended by what they're doing, but we need those people back to the front line not running away.

All things Sun. Yeay for my fellow under aged overpowered elves. "Wait, you're how old?!" And watching her skip with glee towards one of the things swinging death.

Balls' antics with the blanket after resurrecting.

Kerrigwen getting defensive when she learned that there was another baker and she had competition. Next time she is bringing SO many goodies!

The Saturday night battle in the caves where we proved that nobles are bad on the battle field and only complicate things because we didn't have any there and things went so smoothly.

Oh, I'm sure there's more, but I'm still tired and broken. Thanks to everyone!
All things Nordenn, you guys are awesome, Ithica feels so welcomed and loved. Glorianna is great to me, knows exactly were Ithica is comming from and her aid in helping me. Thanks for the beds also!

All things Blythendale, I mean really, Ivan, Aven, Garathon, Daniel, The Big orc guy. I love you guys.

Hanging with/fighting with my Right hand man, Sgt. Squire Iggy. Not much to say other then thats my boy.

The physical Rp while being feared and stopping people from being feared. "I throw you to the ground"

Black Forest/ Perwin.. Its like a 6 on 1 poker game. "I Vill Slvash thee pot Ven Eva Thee F*%#@ I vant"

Vampire hunter mod. With the Ranger Sgt. She was awesome. The fights were awesome, holy packets of fear and elemental damage. Great job Pc's on that one, we stuck together fought smart/together and really did ok. I think the stake of Woe was a big plus and a nice curve ball for that mod.

My Bro Korwyn, With our TRUE combat praticing.

Stormblades rock.

So many people looking to me for decisions and leadership on either combat or problems/concerns. Specially when Lochobar showed up on Sunday. Like 4/5 people asked what should we do. Ithica's quick meeting with Sgt Iggy and us making a "Beneficial for all /long run" Decision.

NPC's, NPC's, NPC's ... The Rp and combat was great. So many cool people.

Tough situation, But having to Disobey a direct order. and facing possible death. But not running from 2 cauldron born. (Damn tab for crossing that river and comming after me)

The sunday morning hike/exploration. Jumping the river, then going up a hill only to realize we have to go back. Splashing poor Ren ( i felt so bad at one point). Then comming back having her put some faith in Ithica/Toddy in not dropping her in the river when we had to go back across over some not so secure rocky areas. But good talks and what not with Baron, Daniel, Tien Tien, Ren.

Hanging with Parduc and his crew.

Trying to explain why i carry 2 shields.

Making a awesome brand new sword, breaking same sword friday night, first combat.

Telling multiple people " It's 8 bells, I am taking a nap in my armor. Wake me up if a person comes in selling apples, Any bugbears show up, Vampires show up, or any trolls show up" ... Not getting woke up by anyone, and missing 3 out of 4 said things.

Riding down with Jesse Hennesy and company.

<<< Telling multiple people " It's 8 bells, I am taking a nap in my armor. Wake me up if a person comes in selling apples, Any bugbears show up, Vampires show up, or any trolls show up" ... Not getting woke up by anyone, and missing 3 out of 4 said things. >>>

I almost did wake you up, but someone (I forget who) told me specifically not to! Next time, maybe put a note on your door..... LOL!

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
Ithica said:
Telling multiple people " It's 8 bells, I am taking a nap in my armor. Wake me up if a person comes in selling apples, Any bugbears show up, Vampires show up, or any trolls show up" ... Not getting woke up by anyone, and missing 3 out of 4 said things.

:( I know! I'm sorry. I don't think you told me, and we really did want to come find you Sat. night but weren't able to.

But to add another favorite: it may have been OOG but finding out about your immortals and how you got them. That's so cool Todd!
Jevedor said:
Gwendara said:
- Start with the best: Late night Saturday mod. Wow. That's about all I can say, that was amazing. The NPC's were top notch, the fighting was clean and brutal. My adrenaline was pumping so hard I couldn't sleep for the next hour even though I was utterly and completely exhausted.

That fight was awesome. Ive been trying to npc one of those mods since last september. Im glad that our group of baddies could bring the pain for you. Thanks Tab & Mike for letting us npc's really shine.

other awsome moments:

- dreadlord all the way.
- 30-40 lives a solo land shark and entertaining at least a dozen people made me feel great. I hope it was as much fun for them.
- on that note seeing the reaction to the silver bow (not silver arrows) and being told to eat trolls as they are far more filling.
- vampire mod mid saturday was great even if it was a doorway battle. Ithica finally nailing me with a 110 slay.
- Having a number of people come up to me and complement me as an npc. Ive only been npcing for a year and hearing that from veteran players is amazing. It means alot to me and i want to thank you guys for your words.

Yay for the land shark! I almost forgot that one. I couldn't do a ton and still had a blast with it. Those things had eaten silver everything from bows to spears to daggers. We will find where these things keep popping out from yet!
Kotual said:
Yay for the land shark! I almost forgot that one. I couldn't do a ton and still had a blast with it. Those things had eaten silver everything from bows to spears to daggers. We will find where these things keep popping out from yet!

duh.. from the land-ocean ;)
Wow...amazing event. Hmmm..a top 10.

-Nordenn! I loves my team!
-The Elemental plotline. Yay having plot specifically for celestial mages. That and hitting the poor stone elemental with a lightning storm and watching it crumble. I felt bad for the NPC, but good at the same time.
-The first troll wave battle. Lot of trolls without resists going down to dragon's breaths, enflames, and in one case, a flame blast. Sure, i used all my Flame spells that night, but damn did it feel good!
-Rituals! A Vision and a Lore (Which required me to touch something i was told not to), with the possibility of more Visions to come. Yay having IG useful craftsman skills!
-The Landshark! Yelling at it to go eat trolls...and then wondering who in their right mind Silvers a BOW?!. I will be physrepping this improbable weapon. Of course, i was convinced if we kept killing it, It would eventually spit out magic weapons...but I had used enough spells as is.
-Final battle of the weekend. AMAZING fight...I literally blew through everything I had, and since i had to leave site due to allergies on Saturday, that was quite a bit. Between dropping Wretched, and wondering when Lochaber was just going to get tired of us and do something heinous, it was an awesome fight.
-The Ward that wasn't. PC ingenuity at its finest, foiled by artifact level magic.

Can't wait for the next event!
Great event, loads of fun, as usual. Unfortunately, I have no pictures to post. We were out of NJ before I remembered that I forgot the camera. Oh well. Anyway:

- Seeing my first mod come together. The NPCs really made it. (Not my gumdrop buttons!) Thanks, guys.
- "Alright, Ren, we're going to swing you across!" Trekking through the woods with Tien Tien, Baron Ivan, Sir Daniel and Ithica on Sunday morning. What started as a patrol turned into a mountaineering expedition that found us rearranging fallen trees, leaping from rock to rock trying to get across the strea, and grapling up extremely steep hills. OOG, I was having loads of fun. Ren, on the other hand, was not appreciating the adventure. At one point, we found ourselves on the wrong side of the river with no way across except jumping. Ithica leapt across in epic, Spartan style. Baron Ivan jumped it as well. I took one look at it and shook my head. So, Ithica dropped some rocks into the middle of the stream (which was still quite a ways from the bank) and stood on them. After weighing her chances of navigating back through the brush alone vs. trusting the emotional zealot in the ab-armor (no offense, Toddy), Ren was swung across the river.
- Dominating Scott's troll in the Friday night wave battle. The power of the unibrow was mine to command! He was a very good defender - my toes are still healing from being stepped on. I was trying to figure out the best way to get him off of my tail before the spell expired without getting killed. That didn't work out so well.
- Serving breakfast Saturday morning as Esme, the obnoxious, tone-deaf bard - and getting hired by Gloriana! Korwyn ('ail) tried to teach her how to pronounce H's. I think I earned the emnity of half the people in the tavern that morning.
- The lowbie wave battle Saturday night in the tunnel. We were all on our last legs by the end of that one. We were ready to get back to town by the Earth Circle Express. Another wave and we probably would have.
- The troll mod at the wine maker's house. It was made much scarier by Tab's awesome contact lenses and the troll hiding behind the wall. I turned a corner only to be hit with a Stone Storm. I fell backwards, role playing a bit too vigorously, and slammed my head on the concrete. I was protected by my hair gel helmet of doom.
- Gloriana: This scarf is so bright, it could make funeral clothes festive. Come here, Ren. *drapes it around her* See?
- Mages guild plot! The mages got rifted away to be tested by Elemental Knight Zephryl. Zephryn. Zephree. Something like that. It was so much fun. I need to work on my Importance of Balance and Wise Use of Resources monologues.
- Quigley jumping on the air matress on which Alrion was sleeping. Alrion flew a foot of the matress. So glad I was out of game so that I could crack up hysterically.
Phew, what an incredible weekend! So many things to comment on, so many things I'll forget. But let's see what I can unearth, in no particular order!

#1. All of my interactions with Scott, from finally speaking at a Squire's/Noble's Meeting and trading words with the Duke, to being embarrassingly spoon-fed my spell-protective rules. All. Weekend. Long. :)
#2. Role-play, role-play, role-play, especially with Amelia's characters (teaching Esme to pronounce H's was hysterical), Glori (finally submitting to her threats of making me clothes, and her insistence on trying to hook me up with every attractive gypsy girl in sight), and with the NPC (whose real name I unfortunately forget) who played Brizna the Ducal Ranger, and Green Bow the Bugbear Scout. Trying to explain written language to a bugbear is one of the most challenging battles Khorwyn has ever fought, and introducing her to dessert was nothing short of hilarious.
#3. Yet again successfully dodging Baron Ivan's questions about my past, and providing a drum beat for his "beautiful" dancing.
#4. Giving my very first archery lesson to Andros, and promptly realizing he's approximately 17 times more proficient with a bow than me.
#5. Going on a pitch dark recon mission into the woods with Black Forest on Friday night, and somehow avoiding actual death by bog drowning or impalement on farm machinery shrapnel.
#6. Engaging in the ever-entertaining banter that can only come from my brother Ithica, and dealing with not only his frequent and "accidental" 1 Normal walk-by sword attacks, but also his new favorite question, "Do you have an active spell shield?" as he fidgets with his aura.
#7. Cabin Seal! 'Nuff said. ;)
#8. Seeing Gee for the first time in too many long years, and gorging myself on his numerous and devilish desserts. Here's to hoping you're coming back for many more, man.
#9. Getting my hands on the EXACT Ritual Scroll that Khorwyn needs to further his plot, thanks to the attentive ears of Ithica, and the good graces of Gilwing. Best 10 gold I'll ever spend.
#10. Being cheered on by Baron Ivan to battle a Land Shark by myself, and promptly having my sword disarmed into a mudpit.
#11. Surviving the "late" Saturday mod, which was the most dangerous adventure on which I've ever gone, and during which I should have died thrice over. Thanks to Gwen, Iggy, Parduke, and Andros for not only keeping me alive, but for making me feel like I truly earned those scars.

I look forward to seeing everyone in a few short weeks! :D
ok some favorates from the event....

- being back up there and seeing everyone again, its been way too long.

- being stated for a vampire mod about 1 minute before the fight and none of us realizing untill after it was over that we all had resist magic and parrys

-all things cauldren born (its nice to be able to affect the PCs every once in a while)

- crazy food mod-- "not my gumdrop buttons!"-- we musta had all the remaining npcs in monster camp watching that :lol:

- All things Jasmine. getting to roleplay Jasmine the meewee in the tavern (my first time ever playing a meewee) lots of fun and laughs talking to Natalia (sp?) about "snow angels" and such. aslo,
*Ithica walks into the tavern and lyes on the couch
*Taden: "get him jasmine, get him!"
* she gets up an runs over to him lol
deffinatly going to try to make her a reacurring charicter.

- taking a nap on the chair in NPC camp and having about half the ppl there worring over me cuz of it lol

-actually waking up the same time as everyone else sunday morning (instead of at 6am) for the first time in my nero playing history

-all things npcs, espically the last two waves on sunday. it was not easy to go out for one wave battle tired and beat up then quickly change faces and costuming and go out for another one. i thought the role playing was grate and even in all the exhostion and being sore everyone still put on one hell of a show

i kno theres more but im tired and cant think of them now
How could I forget THE favorite moment.

I unpack... *&^%$$##@@ I forgot my knights belt AGAIN.... Then scott as his dwarf NOTICING I forgot my belt. Fortunately I made a panicked call to Perry earlier and lo and behold when I get to his house fri night to sleep... his mom had knit me a knights belt.

It is now wrapped around my stake of woe and my Garuda doll. I will never ever loose it, and Ill death any kobald that tries to steal it.
Insanely fun goodness all weekend long. The plot was a great amount of fun to be involved in.

-Amelia and her mod. "I scrape the chocolate off the floor 1, I scrape the chocolate off the floor 2" lmao. BLOOP!
-Using a bracer as a breastplate nearly all weekend long
-Using bracers as upper arm armor.
-Using bracers as greaves. Oh yes.
-Being Sgt. Brizna! My first real RPing. Great fun, great group hooked for the mod. And then realizing that I should have knelt to Glorianna :?
-For the bugbear hook: I was told 'get into armor, all armor'. So I got into really noisy scalemail, only then to find out it was a complete stealthy mod. :o All I could think was 'if I make a noise, the PCs will eat me'
-Trying to listen to a book.
-Trolling it UP!
-Eating slays like they were nothing but stale popcorn. Cauldron born wuHOO!
-Two lives. Two eviscerates. Same poor guy
-Doing the avoid-earth-storm dance in the last wave battle. Ha HA Tim! And then falling on my butt several times in the midst of it.
-Actually remembering all the spells I could throw. And throwing them. Arcane Feeeear!
-Watching, Christine I think it was?, in the last wave battle snarl and foam in the face of the PC who had purified her.
-Having an air mattress this go around. Oh. my. yes.
-My fellow NPCs. Had a lot of fun with every single one of you guys.
-The PCs. Without you blokes, there'd be no one to entertain :D

That's...all I can remember right now. Wicked amount of FUN!

-Oh YEAH! And positively running over Ivan, Aven, and ...Brian. Then chasing Gwendara. That was wickedly, horridly, dark side wonderful :)
-And Aven and Brian Rping the explosion to begin the last wave battle. Kudos guys.

<<< Oh YEAH! And positively running over Ivan, Aven, and ...Brian. Then chasing Gwendara. That was wickedly, horridly, dark side wonderful >>>

I really, really thought I was gonna rez right then. But the best part was lying on the ground watching Brian fight with his back against my cabin trying to stave off like three of you guys. He was doing so well and I was cheering in my mind, but then you guys just overwhelemed him and my heart sank. "Okay," I thought, "time to rez."


--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
Alright, here's my list:

-Seeing so many familiar faces after such a long amount of time, both on the PC & NPC sides. I also met a lot of great new faces, again both on PC & NPC sides, that were great to spend the weekend with. You guys & gals are awesome!
-Getting my costume from Erica shortly after I showed up. I wanted my return to be perfect. Was that too much to ask? :P I was more prepared for this event than any event I ever played in.
-Finally getting to play Perwin again with his Black Forest boys, even if they sleep a lot more than him.
-Jimmy/Rasq: Always fun hanging out with him OOG & IG. Thanks for offering to drive!
-So much rogue friendly stuff to do this weekend. I was not disappointed. Thank you so much for this, plot!
-Spending the last couple weeks practicing how I wanted to describe Candyland and what I've been doing there the past 5 years. Then Perwin meets Ren in-game, and she starts asking him question after question about it. I was ok at first, but every time I glanced at her I'd lock up. Best. Stone Elf. Ever. Seriously, your stone elf blank stare has some type of power that sucks thoughts out of one's head. Congrats! :lol:
-Being in a hold and looking to my left to see Henry about 2 inches away from me (he was dead--big surprise!). We both give a big handshake and a hug.
-Watching Shya & Glorianna have the fudge fight. Perwin stands up and yells, "I wash my hands of this!" Always fun to see Tonya and Erica again.
-Serving dessert was fun. I was prepping one last thing kinda/sorta OOG and Scott says, "You must really like baking, Gee." I explained that I never even so much as thought about it until I started to play Perwin. I made the mistake of telling Jimmy during my 2nd or 3rd event that I made baklava once, with help from my mom. After he kept insisting I bring baklava up to the game, I eventually turned my character into a baker. If it wasn't for this game, I doubt I'd ever of started baking for fun at home (which I do a lot now).
-Hearing the moans and groans from the other 5 PCs when we were doing the APL for the low level bakery mod. I only got dragged due to the circumstances. I stood back and let everyone do the majority of the work. Without any earth caster we managed to woop up on those jelly things! It was a great mod.
-Rifting in and immediately being thrown into a mod.
-Playing cards with Ithica & Black Forest. Good times! Was great meeting you, bro.
-Chatting with Brian Bender IG & OOG. Always fun to hang out with you.
-Giving my share of weekend treasure--3 strengthened weapons--to Gilwing. He looks over at Auric and says, "Geez, you're worthless! He just gave me more treasure than you've gotten in your entire time playing!"
-Being handed about 15 dominate gasses from Gilwing at the start of the event, and using practically every single one of them on BF from the arcane fears. During the last wave vampire battle I managed to use 5 on Drak in less than a minute. "ARCANE FEAR!" "Dominate gas poison--return to normal!" Rich man's awaken. :P
-During same battle after said 5 dominate gasses on Drak to get rid of fears, I realized I was standing next to Aven the entire time. She looks at me and says, "Well that's the best use for those gasses that I've ever seen." Hah!
-Eating spinach pie in the tavern during breakfast (I was hungry). There was one piece left, and Scott comes over as the innkeeper and asks for it. I think for a moment and reply with, "Ok, but don't tell Rasq!" A split second later I look over to see Jimmy (Rasq) standing next to me OOG. I almost jumped out of my boots. He came up to ask me to get his plate of breakfast while he put his face on. Scott was kind enough to give him the last bite of the spinach pie.
-All things Scott, as usual. He's awesome to play with & against.
-Tien Tien: Justin, your costume is awesome, as is your character! Also, hanging out with Sym IG, and of course shooting the s**t OOG.
-Evading and dodging everything. Seriously, I love playing a rogue.
-Meeting Eric for the first time. You're a awesome guy OOG, and your RP skills are amazing. Was a lot of fun.
-Parduc, Khaddi (sp?), and Ragnar. Always fun hanging out with the guys I played my first event with, and was also fun meeting more gorbe!
-Seeing my boy Dave Erhart after so many years, even if he does look like a hot chick now. ;) Great costume and RP'ing, bro!
-Human Panterghast. I heard "SHUN ALL NON-HUMANS," and kept walking up the hill. I got about 10 feet when I realized it was a human panterghast. I turned around and started running back down to fight it, but Drak already wooped it up. That was the first time in all my time playing that a human one came out. Woo hoo!

I probably left a bunch out. It's hard to remember everything when I spent the entire weekend hanging out with so many cool people. It was great meeting many of you. It was great seeing familiar faces again. I had a couple people ask about coming back again, and Alliance will definitely be a part of my life again. I don't have the time like I used to, but I still want to play 2-3 times a year. The issue was never with my wife--who never had a problem with it when we were dating, engaged, or married--but more so with the kids & work. I work Friday & Saturday every week, so I used two vacation days to play this past event. We do a lot of family stuff with that vacation time, so I'm limited in days for coming up to play. Luckily I work with someone who can swap days with me so I don't have to burn vacation time. So I'm hoping to hit maybe a summer or early fall event, and then the Halloween event. At the very least, I will send food up with Quigley.

Thanks for the great time, everyone!
It was great to have you back Gee. Glad you had a good time.

I had a great weekend. Thank You NPC's!

-Seeing Perwin the Baker after a long hiatus. Gee was one of my heros the first year of HQ. He made me wanna play a rogue and do the "Fat Man Dance". Seeing all the food he prepared and getting to hear about Candyland, just like old times.

-Getting to make a Weapon! Go Axe of the Ducal Army! Thank You Erica/Glori!Killing frickin Cauldron-borne and sacking Tab's CRAZY Troll Cauldron-Bottle with it!

-Squire's breakfast, seeing all the work Jess/Aven put into the topic of virtues. Some deep talk about "Enemies of Icenia" and furthest chances of Redemption.

-Lt. Ithica and Iggy doing something they boasted they wouldn't. Vampire-Apocalypse + Lochaber equals eating a whole bunch of crow next event. The final wave battle rocked.

-Late Night Business.

-All things Man at Arms Sun Li Kai! Death! Death! Death! Bare-handed healer THIS! Iggy be killin crazy cauldron borne and wretched with his fancy new red and white backpack.

-Friday Night unwarded Cabin Slobberknocker with the Wretched. Trying to get to Duffy but being driven back. Making it out to the stairs, seeing them empty and realizing I was about to die on them too, if I didn't "run like the wind true-son". Fight was crazy. Sucks that Tim got hurt.

-Exploding Hill-side of Cauldron-borne. Everything is swinging 12 Vertigo and can resist poison and magic, and can regenerate to full body? Wow. Used to be you would only ever see one or two of these things at events. Never thought I would survive a wave-battle of em.

-the replacement "code" on my shield. remember; it is comedy not mockery.

I have a ton of great memories, Thank You HQ NPC's, Plot and Staff.
Aven: I hope there isn't a MEW Panterghast.

Gilwing: I hope there isn't a Dwarf Panterghast.

Panterghast: Shun all non-Dwarfs

Gilwing looking at Aven: Damn it
I think I may be in trouble when the high orc (inevitably) panterghast comes into town... it may get a little lonely fighting against it.
one of my favorite events was last year in NJ when a panther gaunt came out, with a bunch of panthergasts and when all was gone but the gaunt, it was shun all non high-orc, and Brian and Chazz kicked the snot out of each other