May 2014 - Preregister

The May Event is coming! (May 30th - June 1st)

Pre-reging is a great way to save tons of money on the event, and it's super easy now that we have our amazing new form!

Please note that we are no longer accepting pre-reg's through our email address. Feel free to email questions to us, but any pre-reg's submitted to the email will be returned and you will be asked to use the form.

If you aren't sure you can make it, PRE-REG ANYWAYS! Pre-reging isn't a commitment signed in blood! It just helps us, your friendly neighborhood logistics team, make your check in super fast and super easy, saves you tons of money when you arrive (and by "tons" i mean $10, AKA all the money you need to feed yourself on ramen and Shasta for the weekend), and makes all of our lives a little easier. It also grants you the ability to skip our super awesome "I didn't pre-reg" form on Friday night. While that Friday night form IS super awesome, it is not nearly as much fun as doing the form in advance!

So pre-reg yourself away! And in case you missed it the first time, here's that link again!

If you have additional questions about pre-reging, please check our fantastic forum post on it!

IMPORTANT NOTE: We ask that ALL NPCs pre-reg as well, including NPC guildies. This is to ensure that your check in is as accurate and pleasant as possible, and that you get your gobbies and blankets in a timely manner. Thank you very much!

Also, please keep in mind that we are not considering pre-reg's accepted for the discount until ALL portions of your pre-reg are received. If a portion of your pre-reg (such as Magic Items) is received after the deadline, you will not receive credit for pre-reg.


Currently Pre-Registered PCs
Kyle J. - Eldor*
Gavin V. - Maealas
Shane R. - Tanis
Norman B. - Karzel
Chelsea E. - Semira*
Emily S. - Kasuni
Paul I. - Thousand Bones
Isaac H. - Shin
Nick Brewer - Thorvald
Bryan G. - Polare
Thomas S. - Marcus
Evan S. - Scruffy*
Erik O. - Larix*

Rollin F. - Avisto Fox
Jason S. - Iytsuna Rauthyl
Andy S. - Tantarus*
Echo S. - Taiya Andrada*

Spencer R. - Taog O'Treasaigh
Patricia R. - Muirne O'Treasaigh
Evan R. - Zeth
Adam S. - Avaran*
Jordan F. - Vanyal
Keegan G. - Roann Tantreal
Amy M. - Jemenfiche*
Rachel M. - Vellis Valeriana Tsalarioth
Dave T. - Garrick
Leigh-Ann M. - Kiarra*
Chas H. - Basil*
Amanda G. - Shay*

Katie W. - July
Joe H. - Bhaskara*
Tyler W. - Talothian
Chantell W. - Kidda
Matt W. - Mortikai
Denise B. - Taliya

*Transfer not yet received
**Incomplete pre-registration

Transfers Received
Isaac H. - Shin

Currently Pre-Registered Plot/NPCs
Seth B.
Shane M.
Thomas J.
Nate B.
Katie B.
Ginnett C.
Courtney S.
Isaiah B.
Tony M.
Chloe M.
Wolf C.
Sean G.

**Updated 5/22/14
Last edited:
just an FYI, Gavin registered but is not going to be at the event.