May 2015 Favorites!

Hey guys,

What were your favorite moments from this weekend?
A couple off the top of my head :

"Don't be a peeler!"

The enslaved chair.

Firstly, thanks to all of Plot and the NPCs! You guys are awesome.
A few of my favorites off the top of my head:

-meeting all of the lightly seasoned adventurers. Hope to see you all again! :)

- *Thaddeus puking comically*
Sam: you know, I have an antidote.
Draco, Iggy, or someone: Me, too.
Me: I'm pretty sure I do too!
*three of us laugh as Thaddeus continues to vomit*

-Plains Jumping with Sae

-Helping those who couldn't read read the "Don't be a Peeler" sign

-Coming back from some mod to see Sam walking with someone helping him carry and unconscious Stan the Man to jail.

-Trying to convince goblins to join the roster for the Goblin Pit Fight.

-Really coming together during the Magic Eater battle. I love when we are able to do that and work as a team. Go us!

-"I have a skin deficiency and I was cursed by a walrus."- Beihr (pronounced Beer. I forgot how to spell it, sorry!)

Off the top of my head, that's all I can think of. Thanks to everyone who can't out and made this Event truly entertaining :)

~Emily G. (Terra Jane)
Thank you so much to plot and NPC'S. Even though we had an awesome pc turn out i was never short of things to do. The mods were challenging, interesting, and fun!
In no particular order...
Don't be a peeler
i got this
"Wait, what was that?" "Reverse life force." "OMG *squeals like little girl* I CAN HEAL MYSELF AGAIN!" pcs and npcs alike bust out laughing while Marsters does a happy dance.
Getting Rusty the euphoriaed kin back to health.
Getting to grab Durk's weapon, run away with it...and live.
pocket alchemy healer
"Jehan is mad at me again." "When isn't Jehan mad at you!?!" "
Taking advantage of Sam's exhaustion for profit.
The Flaming Skull
The Crystal Dragon
Learning the Good Doctors absolute love of everything peanuts.
Welcoming a new member to the Brotherhood and party dots.
seeing some old friends.
Seeing so many new faces! I hope you all had fun and that we will see you in June!
- Arsita (oog Jen)
Thanks to all involved. My favorites were:
-Thaddus and Jon puking
-Stan getting waylayed by Sam...kinda
-Goblin recruiting
-Draco's newest title "Dwarf about to be kicked in the nuts"
This was the most mercantile market day I've seen yet. Who da thunk it: a Market Day involving a market.

-The full fledged building Flaming Skull and overall set up of the new half of town. Felt like it is a real place now. And we've plans to make it even better.
-Attuning the Aegis, and coincidentally taking everyone who didn't hear the answers blabbed about by Rorik, and watching them struggle at having to come up with my full name and title
- Speaking of the attunment, being able to run around and Bane Morthis's battle magic.
- First time Baning a dragon magic spell and hearing Kyle say "Oh that's right, we gave you that."
- The Company/Brotherhood getting 4 goblins for the fighting pit. Skullcrusher and Spiff II are going to go far, I can feel it!
-Seeing people plagued and dropping all around, then seeing Ignathius, stumbling around intoxicated
-Great feeling during the magc eaters discussing the strategic placement of the two master smiths, also the magic eater battle overall
-Seeing lemons being made into lemonade with the attack of the fire elementals spawning from the main tavern (Hope everything works out with the park with that )
-The damn Pantherghast, and my involuntary "oh ****" when We hear "Voice radius shun all non-Dwarves"
-The stealth 'get all my armor on' immediately after the Dwarf Hearthguard mentions how arcane armors are for panzys
-Ignathius becoming a full member of the Company. Welcome aboard bud.
-Thaddeus sprinting after the magic eater runner with his one ever pin throwing knife yelling "THIS IS MY MOMENT"
-The new general knowledge that Dwarves have a backup or holdout beard.
-The number of PCs! Now we just need to beef up the NPC side as well
Lots to love this weekend. I got a lot of chances to RP with people I don't often get to really play with so I greatly enjoyed. I came home totally wiped out, so I am guessing plot was working even harder overtime than usual so huge thanks to all the NPCs. I didn't run a lot of modules this weekend but what I did run...was really good and the flipside was that I did get plenty of RPing in.

-True Name Bandit Module- The puzzle part was fun, so was having Josh throw me over his shoulder, the hold out was VERY well scaled and I would love to be a part of more of those.
- Great RPing with some new and old players alike. Zima/Haraka/Pan/Shikar (spelling?) guys are always a riot to play with as a group.
-Saturday night, Resolving to go hard at the Gyspy Panthergast to save time for and get back to the other half of town asap..."destruction+dragonsbreathx5"'.... *panthergast runs away and picks a new race*. Done.
-Saturday night- Being very afraid of both Teague and Rob D's big cards while chasing matheus relentlessly around the monster camp.
-Cyn/Jehan RP so frustrating that we are both a little bit right and a little bit wrong and neither of us will ever admit it. :)
- Finally ending the Magic Eater Queen plot...that only took forever to get all the info, all the resources together, and then get the town all was a cat herding experience...but we got it done and that felt darned good. Also, the mod was pretty epic.

Plenty more to like, I just cant think of it all.


--finally harvesting something that giants were guarding--
Me: Alright, we are done... so what we do is *kicking bush* F*** THAT BUSH, RUN!!!!!
--entire crew running from angry giants while we laugh too hard and can't actually run--

Aside from that the entire event was awesome, a great first event for me and my crew!

Thanks again,
My favorites:
-Daylight town battle
-Having a PC run tavern
-all the fun and helpful folks.
-being with my "old" crew for the first time.
-thinking we were going to go after one thing (say rats) and finding it to be something different (say spiders)
-having SO MUCH SPACE to use.
-Seeing a Dragon rift in for a lunch meeting.
-seeing my daughter connect with so many nice people and being excited for her first Alliance experience.

Thank you all for your time. I hope the weather plays nicer next time.
James "Grimshaw"
It is very hard to decide as I had a cool first weekend. Here are just a few.
-learning info important to the new big story
-helping with said story that the info was needed on
-getting first magic iteam from slip
-meeting some very interesting counts (one spirit, the other a friend of Sams)
-helping fight a giant bug
-Talking with the local nobles and knights so that I might work towards my goal of knighthood
-helping a tree and getting my second magic iteam
-working with some amazing and welcoming seasoned players that I can't wait to rejoin
-making a perfect hit with a packet on the big baddy Saturday night (three times)
I think there is quite a bit more that I could go on with but I will stop there. This weekend was amazingly fun and I got to leave my "old" group behind and make conections with lots of the other people. So much that I know from being told by their leader that The Company enjoyed me being around and I might end up joining their group. It was an amazing first weekend and so very unique that I don't know if it could ever be toped by anything else, but that is to be seen.

Thank you all for this weekend despite the iffy weather.
Melaina "Kathrina Taliss"
It was really nice getting to relax after a long week, and a long TC event last weekend. Thank you to all the NPCs, to an awesome plot staff, all the new players, and all the returning ones. Some of my favorites:

-Fighting the magic eaters, a very well balanced mod.
-Being able to use a magic storm well against the void, sorry to any PCs I tagged.

One thing that really really sucked was not making over to the second tavern. I really want to make it over next event and check it out.

Thanks everyone, see you in just a few weeks.
Want to thank all the plot team and NPC. You guys always make the events awesome.
-Not having to set up the Brotherhood campsite. I will miss it, but so nice not having to lug all that stuff up to Chicago.
-The Flaming Skull. We even have more ideas on how to make it better. Can't wait.
-Having an actual building for the Crystal Dragon. I got plans.
-Maesters a full fledged member of the Brotherhood now.
-RPing with all the new and old players.
-Draco's quest. After 10 mins of not knowing his title i just gave him one. "Dwarf about to get kicked in nuts" and fulfilling that title.
-Getting to roll with the big boys on the Saturday night mod. Thanks for keeping me alive Eve and Lidda.
-Saturday's night mod. Killing Rob's crunchy with a slay just because I was to tired to care anymore.
-We are Acceptable Losses. lol
-Convincing goblins to fight for entertainment.
Thanks again guys. Hope to everyone at the next event.
One of the most fun events I have ever been to, awesome job and a HUGE thanks to all the plot, staff, and NPC's.


-Don't be a peeler!
-True name Bandit mod. really enjoyed the puzzle in the first part and the hold them off part.
-Running with the big boys friday night
-messing with the killer goats, paying for it big time (massive eviscerate HURTS LOL)
and then the silly "LESS SEASONED" adventurer shenanigans that nearly got him turfed by Nahani, GREAT TIMES
-The magic eaters. I don't think i have seen the town work that well together before
-The Flaming Skull. Really liked the set up of it and glad we stayed over there, might have to do that from now on.
-Seeing a lot of people I haven't for a while, it was great playing with you all again
-A heck of a shocker for Nahani
-Saturday night mod, in my opinion, perfectly scaled and was a LOT of fun
-Sae Asaka after he rezzed, so many funny things said i cant list them all
-Finally finishing getting Quel fixed, the end of the storyline was awesome to see.
-OMG I CAN HEAL MYSELF AGAIN!!!!!!::cue laughter from the entire battlefield::

Now to hope I can make the next event, this season is shaping up to be a great one.

Sean a.k.a. Nahani
Now that I'm lagging less than I was I can finally comment. This event was an absolute blast. It was so nice to see so many people, new and old and for the first time in a while, it seemed PCs were sharing information, working together and truly kicking our teeth in on the Town Mods. Nick had a smooth Logistics, the entire Plot Team was non-stop until 10am Sunday and Dara/Bill stepped up when needed. A final thanks to the 4 new NPCs who joined us, as well as Teague, Nathan and Raeker for keeping me sane.

- The Flaming Skull Tavern. We decided to give The Company naming/decor rights to the 3rd cabin from owning it offscreen for 1.5 years. When I went over there, the whole place felt completely in genre from the signage to Arsita's Apothecary shop(seriously guys, the decor was incredible). Food and drinks, nice maps and I'm sure more to come as the year continues. I encourage any PC looking for a nice break to head over and RP.
- "What are these, they are amazing! What are these nuts called?"- Good Doctor
"Umm, Peanuts....and it can be made into a spread and put on sandwiches..."- Aramis
"I'll buy everything!"-GD

-If you tell anyone Silp........STRAIGHT to the Moon!
- "You know, my master always threatened me saying he'd send me to the Moon one day..."-Artea

- During the Zodiac Sagitar mod, in regards to Liddia saying she needs healing, "You've just sat there and done puzzles!"-Foss. NPCs lost it.
- Silp bleeding out 6 inches from where Liddia was sitting, and not even a glance until he was at 55 seconds in.
- Finally revealing old man form Kazzik
- 65 PCs laughing at Malthus for hitting Marsters with a Reverse Life Force that he was hit with earlier in the event.
- The Granite Shrine to honor The Heroes and how the new PCs were enthusiastic to receive gifts from those saved.
- The Melting Pot and Wild Rose Adventuring Company. Loved the costuming and RP of each of the new groups.
- "Dig Dig, Dig, you have to say Dig in unison or you can't dig right. It's really important"- Billium the Molekin
- Seeing Vorg D'val in game after 4 years of offscreen time. Finally having all 4 Zodiac Heroes + Bobo on screen at the same time.
- Foss taunting Malthus in his circle that he's a coward. Easy to yell at a BBG when you're surrounding him with TC/SoMI at your back :p

Sorry I couldn't interact with all 65 of you, but hopefully I will in the next 5 events!

Great event, everyone! Special thanks to Rob, Ryan, Kyle, Carly, Nate, Teague, Nathan, Stephen, and all the new NPCs for all of the amazing things they did this event! Here are some of my favorites, in no particular order:
  • All of the Anti-Peeler discussions throughout the weekend. Silp has officially made his mark on the world.
  • On that note, thanks again to Carly for drawing that awesome poster for me!
  • “To the moon, Silp.”
  • All things Ara and Durk
  • All things Haraka, Zima, and Shikaar
  • Rob bursting terrifyingly out of the brush as the Drake
  • Playing the Prince in the Hindsight vision: “Pretty much just be like angry Gandian.”
  • Being all official/responsible and bringing my plans for Cha’ka up the proper chain of permission before moving forward
  • The look on Chris’/Tadron’s face when he realized I made him a mace
  • “We’re acceptable losses!”
  • Hurray for fixing Qualthawalthabalzathar!
  • Running from the Pantherghast
See y'all soon!
I love visiting you guys. I really hope I get to do it more often.

Rob D. you totally hit the spot with our pre-game mini mod. It has given my character something to live for :)
Your lore/vision combo is really creative and I love how you involved the pcs.
Then I was nominated to lead one of the resulting mods... when I have no clue what is going on. So I take a bunch of younglings. And we run into a bush swinging chaos and enslavements. Yes, yes you do let the little ones lead the fight vs enslavement.
I love everything Artea. Not only is he vastly entertaining... I can disappear for years, come back to town, and he's still around!
Your town mods were very well balanced. It's nice that everyone can be involved and useful when we have such a diverse (and large) group.
Bane vs Rabbit.
RP with Foss and Jehan. That is a very very dark story.
RP with TadRon and custody discussions.
Watchdog and Insanity.
Actually traveling with my guild. I miss you guys.
Learning about dragons from Vorg. It was very enlightening. I generally hate DEs...but I like Vorg.
Dragon Hoards.
Tad trying to backlash my regen. And bored dragons.

So, I was looking for Pebbles...
I will keep it short but I had an amazing time this weekend! The NPCs, Staff, and PCs were amazing. I don't think I have ever felt as welcomed to a Chicago event as I did this event. You guys are the best!!!

I hope I can see some of you guys out to our event this coming weekend!!!!!

John AKA Durk
I was freaking out about the huge turnout all last week, so I hope we managed to keep you all entertained! Huge thanks to those helping with the food for rolling with the punches...
Teague, Raeker and Nate K, you're a plot camp dream team!
And thanks to all the new NPCs for having the energy to keep running around all day, and still be willing to pick up packets in the rain in the middle of the night. You guys were awesome to have in camp!

--Late night ridiculousness with Lightning and the Wild Rose crew. "Look over there!" *plant turns around* *mod grinds to a halt while everyone makes fun of me for two minutes* :p
--"Recruiting" Frederick only to have a bunch of PCs show up in the nick of time with an adventurer emergency whistle. Time to run...
--Me: "I consider the seven of you to be acceptable losses." Silp: "Hooray, we're acceptable losses!"
--Watching Jehan argue with Sam, Silp and Cyn during the Hindsight ritual. (And I managed not to lose my voice this time as the banshee.)
--Foss touched the thing!
--Silp wasn't on my half of the Saturday night town fight, so I managed to outrun the PCs for once! ;)
--The look Foss gave me when my librarian said the book I dropped on a mod last year was "only" 13 pages typed out (I might have a problem).
--"How much body did you have?" "About eight Durks."
--Seeing so many new Dryads! All the cool kids play Spore Dryads.
--Teague the Void Bunny

Hope to see you all again next month!
Had a fantastic time. Can't wait for the sequel.

-One of the panther girls surprised Thaddy and I when emerging from the tall grass and I immediately say, "Clever girl".
-Flaming Skull was a huge success this event! And we have even bigger plans for the next one! Stay Tuned.
-We are acceptable losses!!
-The Sarr Birthday party!
-Making rounds of drinks for House of Games was great fun.
-Feeling really cool as I was leading a "unseasoned" adventurer mod only to be taken down by a butt laugh.
-The magic eater fight was my favorite town mod in a long while. We all felt connected and working as a full force.
-My "bar fight" with Stan the Man
-Kicking out the old man rogue trainer from my bar with a feeblemind poison after he kept stabbing all of my costumers.
Me-"Hey old man, stop stabbing my costumers!"
NPC"Oh I see how this goes" *Slides a silver towards me*" I didn't stab anyone."
Me- "Tell you what old man, take a breather and have some water"
*I leave and come back a minute later*
Me-"Oh, you drank that water? Feeblemind poison."
NPC- *Smile drains from his face* "Oh, crap"
-All the new PCs were great! Now ya'll come back, ya hear?
Hey Benike, I don't know if Foss did it too, but it was definitely Lightning that tried to taunt Malthus out of his circle.