May 21st Player List


New Hampshire Staff
Alliance NH has a 3:1 PC/NPC ratio. Each NPC signed up opens 3 PC slots.

This means we need NPCs to let us know they are coming! NPCing is free. Please preregister using the CMA letting us know you are coming to NPC.

Players who have filled out the Check-In Form as NPCs will appear on the NPCs list and are fully registered as NPCs for the event.

Players who have pre-paid for the event will appear on the PCs list in order of time paid. In the event that there are not enough NPCs to support the number of paid PCs, a waiting list will begin in order of payment, and PCs will be confirmed as more NPCs sign up.

Players who have preregistered in the CMA (and filled out the linked survey) for their PC who have not yet pre-paid for the event will appear on the Checked-In PCs list, in order of time checked in. Players on the Checked-In PCs list are not yet guaranteed a PC slot for the event, nor are they yet in line for such a slot on the waiting list.

Players who have both pre-paid and preregistered in the CMA (including the linked survey) are fully registered for the event.

Pre-payment is here:


Beta Test CMA for character creation:

Player Age Restrictions: The minimum age of players for the 2022 season of Alliance NH is 14. There are some restrictions for the participation of players under the age of 18. Please see our Player Age Restrictions Policy for more details.

Everyone must have a completed legal release in order to play. This is a one time form per player and NPCs also need to have a legal release on record. Release.pdf

This event will be held at the Unity Site located at 964 2nd NH Turnpike, Unity New Hampshire, 03773.

As a reminder we are currently operating with additional precautions due to Covid-19.

1. Brandy S.
2. Dustin S.
3. Brian D.
4. Jeremy D.

1. Nick W.*
2. Albert L.*
3. Mark S.
4. Susie G.
5. Adam C.

Wait List


Checked in

Updated: 5/19/2019

If your name has an asterisk*, we have your payment but not your PC Check-In and/or pre-logistics survey response.

Event pre-payment is both refundable and transferable if a player is not able to PC due to inadequate NPC numbers.
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Alliance NH has a 3:1 PC/NPC ratio. Each NPC signed up opens 3 PC slots.

This means we need NPCs to let us know they are coming! NPCing is free. Please preregister using the CMA letting us know you are coming to NPC.

Players who have filled out the Check-In Form as NPCs will appear on the NPCs list and are fully registered as NPCs for the event.

Players who have pre-paid for the event will appear on the PCs list in order of time paid. In the event that there are not enough NPCs to support the number of paid PCs, a waiting list will begin in order of payment, and PCs will be confirmed as more NPCs sign up.

Players who have preregistered in the CMA (and filled out the linked survey) for their PC who have not yet pre-paid for the event will appear on the Checked-In PCs list, in order of time checked in. Players on the Checked-In PCs list are not yet guaranteed a PC slot for the event, nor are they yet in line for such a slot on the waiting list.

Players who have both pre-paid and preregistered in the CMA (including the linked survey) are fully registered for the event.

Pre-payment is here:


Beta Test CMA for character creation:

Player Age Restrictions: The minimum age of players for the 2022 season of Alliance NH is 14. There are some restrictions for the participation of players under the age of 18. Please see our Player Age Restrictions Policy for more details.

Everyone must have a completed legal release in order to play. This is a one time form per player and NPCs also need to have a legal release on record. Release.pdf

This event will be held at the Unity Site located at 964 2nd NH Turnpike, Unity New Hampshire, 03773.

As a reminder we are currently operating with additional precautions due to Covid-19.

1. Brandy S.
2. Dustin S.

1. Brian D.*
2. Nick W.*
3. Albert L.*

Wait List


Checked in

Updated: 5/5/2019

If your name has an asterisk*, we have your payment but not your PC Check-In.

Event pre-payment is both refundable and transferable if a player is not able to PC due to inadequate NPC numbers.
Hi! I signed up for the Denver may 20-22 event as an NPC and paid my 25 membership fee for the year, I was talking with someone over email on what to do since I am new, I don't see myself on this list? I don't know what NH stands for so this may possibly be a thread for the wrong chapter? Does every chapter have its own thread/own website?

Please direct me, I find forums confusing!
Just ore regged through the CMA, and sent the payment. I have not done pre reg through the CMA before, can someone let me know if it does not come through? or if (more likely) I have done something wrong:)
Hi! I signed up for the Denver may 20-22 event as an NPC and paid my 25 membership fee for the year, I was talking with someone over email on what to do since I am new, I don't see myself on this list? I don't know what NH stands for so this may possibly be a thread for the wrong chapter? Does every chapter have its own thread/own website?

Please direct me, I find forums confusing!

Hey there, new friend! NH stands for New Hampshire, you are indeed in a different chapter. You're looking for Denver:

If you go to "Chapters" (or scroll down on the "home" page) you can see all the different locations listed. Good luck and lemme know how else I can help! :)
Please direct me, I find forums confusing!
Good Evening Sal thank you for your interest in our game. Your guess is correct we are a different chapter. NH is the two letter state abbreviation for New Hampshire. You are also correct about every chapter having their own section of these forums as well as their own websites.

At the top and/or the bottom of each page on the forums there is a string of hyperlinks that tell you where the thread you are reading is within the structure. For this one it reads "Home > Forums > Chapters > New Hampshire > Cinderfel: Out of Game" If you wanted to look at all of the different section of these forums you would click on "Home" to get to the main list. However if you wanted to zero in on something more specific, like looking for the Denver Chapters section of the forums you could click on "Chapters" and find Denver in that list to get to their forums. I hope this is helpful and please feel free to ask any other questions you may have for clarification or further assistance.

can someone let me know if it does not come through?

Thanks Mark. I can see your information in the CMA so you did that correctly. There is a "questions" section in the CMAs preregistration section that is not as sophisticated as I would like so it contains one "question" that asks players to fill out our google forum to finish letting us know additional pertinent details and to get confirmation of agreement with our legal release. I am unable to format this "question" nor can I embed a hyperlink into it so it is a bit of a mess. This is the link that it asks to be copied to get to the form.

Heyoooo! I just used the new website to pre-pay, but I failed to add a note through PayPal, sorry! What just came in from Mike Guarino is for me, Susie, to PC May 21st! I'm planning to be Ukzwe Nikhujo!
Ah dip... could you clarify how much this event costs? The website says single-days are $30, but the CMA says this event is $40, still. (If I underpaid, should I just make an additional donation to make up the cost?) Thanks and sorry!
Good Question. Quick answer you paid correctly.

For a more detailed answer I am going to quote some parts of out event pricing policy listed here

The standard cost for a one day event is $40

Standard fee for one day, without pre-registration. This will grant the player character 1 event day worth of experience, and access to 1 logistics period. This option can be chosen for a full weekend if the player will only be participating for one day. In such a case experience for the other day may still be purchased with a Pay No Play option or with Goblin Stamps.

However, if you Pre-Register for the event (prior to the Sunday before the event) you get a $10 discount from the standard price.

Discounted fee for one day, with a $10 pre-registration discount. This will grant the player character 1 event day worth of experience, and access to 1 logistics period. This option can be chosen for a full weekend if the player will only be participating for one day. In such a case experience for the other day may still be purchased with a Pay No Play option or with Goblin Stamps. Pre-registration for an event ends on the Sunday prior to that event.
Updated to specifically mention the Pre-Logistics Google Survey in addition to Character Check In as the Check In step is done in the CMA and the form is linked from the CMA but is not itself part of the CMA check in process.